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Everything posted by tomO

  1. If you have hard water scale has probably formed on the bottom of the tank and around your lower element. I flush mine out every couple months and usually pull the lower element out and shop vac the scale out about once a year or so.
  2. Surgery it is no where else to turn.
  3. Rich my full diagnosis is inner stenosis,outer stenosis,5 bulging discs,degenerating disc disease and artheritis other than that I'm golden.
  4. It really started bothering me last year at this time. My osteopath that I've been going to for years just can't relieve the pain any more, so mri, rehab, epidural shots directly into the vertibrae which helped for a short while, I had 3 done and those hurt pretty bad. Then on to the pain pills 3 different strenghths, finally I woke up one morning and could hardly get from the bed to the easy chair. I was treating the pain but the body just couldn't handle it anymore so surgery is all that is left. The doc seems to think it wll be just fine a 30 minute operation and a month off work no restrictions. We'll see.
  5. I'm in Ohio and it will be done in Columbus. thx.
  6. Well after battling back problems for 30 years it's finally got me down . I had to stop working on the 14th of this month and am currently waiting for surgery on jan. 9th. They will preform a laminectomy on my lower back. I was just curious if anyone on the board has had one and how they fared. Thx.
  7. Ok thanks for the reply's they are helpfull.
  8. The boat is 42 years old and has no plaquard I've been told by a marine mech. that I could go larger the transom is welded aluminum on the corners with wood behind it. Right now my motor trolls down to 1 mph. I know the 4 strokes are heavier mine is a little over 100 lbs I believe. Are they as fast on top end as the 2 cycles.
  9. I have a 94 25 hp. mercury on my old jon boat and have been thinking of upgrading. I've been real happy with this one but thinking of getting one with electric start and maybe a 4 stroke . I like the shifter on the handle just turn for reverse or foward. I can run about 22 mph.with 2 guys in the boat now , but was wondering are the 4 strokes as fast as the 2 cycles? might go up to a 30hp. thx
  10. I was pretty sure it was 220 or 240 what ever the case may be , what thru me was the 12/2 wire .
  11. Yep thats what I did with the cord and I got 20 amp plugs for the wires. thx again
  12. Thank you Wayne' What I plan on doing is putting plugs on the wire between the breaker box and the pressure switch and when the power goes out I can unplug them and plug the cord from the generator in there bypassing the box. I think that should be ok.
  13. I'm going to make a cord up to run from my generator to my well pump. I'm pretty sure the well pump is 240 but the wire coming out of the box to the pressure switch is 12/2 and coming out of the pressure switch going to the control box is 12/2. then coming out of the control box to the pump is 3 heavy wires. It's wired into the breaker box to a double breaker thats why I assume its 240. I just don't want too burn my pump up. thx .
  14. Any body have a diawa regal XiA spinning reel Gander mountain has them on sale for 39.99 just wondering if they are any good.
  15. Well I torn it apart and sprayed down good with electrical contact cleaner. then sprayed it with wd 40 let it sit for a couple of hours then started working it. It got to turning fairly easy so I put it back together hooked it up and it took off like new. So i'll see what happens when I try it out on the boat. thx.
  16. I have an older trolling motor that was given too me. the propeller shaft is frozen so I took it apart and water had gotten into it and rusted. Can you lube the electric motor up too free it up or is it toast? thx.
  17. Ok thx guys kinda looking for some thing later this year or next, never been up that way but looks interesting. I assume early spring and fall are the best times.
  18. I'll be fishing the river , I'm thinking there would be islands close to the shore on the big water and mouth of the river, but I'm not sure. thx
  19. Any one know or been to these camps? I'm looking at them, not familiar with the area though.
  20. Ok thx fellas, was just tossing the idea around. Looks like I'll put it on the back patio as I don't have any level ground thats not in use.
  21. Wife and daughter want a small pool on the deck 10 footer on the deck any one know how I can figure out if the deck will hold it . !2 foot long span and 2x8 floor joists set at 16 inche centers. pools 10 feet across and 30 inches deep. 1100 gallon capacity 9 to 10 thousand lbs with people i think, just curious what the formula might be. I could shore it up.
  22. I run high test in my 94 25 hp mercury and stabill in every tank.
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