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Everything posted by nautifish

  1. Nothing in my pms....solo.... I love it up there i really do it is just beautiful and like a whole different world. Which is why i am hoping to head back up that way this long weekend. Thought i might drop in on bonnie and dave say hi and get in some fishing......I need to do something i have not fished in probably close to two months now.
  2. You know how its been. Sinns is out fishing now while i am here. Told ya just not into it....MAYBE ITS AN ILLNESS OR SUMMIT?
  3. WOW That really was a great Report. I thoroughly enjoyed reading that whole post and great pictures too.........Looks like you Boy's had a blast. I may be heading up to those neck of the woods myself this coming friday. I just hope the weather fairs a little better. Thanx for shareing guys that was great. Nauti.
  4. I thought u did not have time to fish anymore?
  5. Great pics Eric, Good to see you and the mrs had a good trip. Gotta love BC. It really is beautiful country.
  6. Musky your bad. lol
  7. lOL Fishinsled. Funny thing is My greenwinged Autum you see next to rock is the youngest of all my birds she will be seven this year, yet out of all eight of them she acts the oldest and wisest...lol Glad you all enjoyed the video rock really is quite the character and thanx for watching. Nauti.
  8. Thanx for that TL. Stupid bloody comps....lol.....& yes my cat certainly has some balls.......Not much scares her like i said......lol You can hear the Fox bark as she chases the 1st time.
  9. Here is the video i filmed yesterday of the red fox. http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=kUY2rwhV-U8 Nauti.
  10. Well Mr sinns was treated to a new Guitar & Amp for his birthday. Something he has been hinting for the last yr now.....lol...So a week ago sunday past had my boy's & some freinds over for a fire & barby at my place. Sinns was playing his new guitar, on the back deck. He has been playing for over 30 yrs now and was in a band for 15 yrs back in the eighties and early nineties. So i am hopeing he gets back into writeing and doing some recording again. Anyway this time of year we have the birds outside, gotta love summer & while Mr sinns was playing his new baby Our bare eyed cockatoo Rock decided he would join in with the party. Here is the video..... Nauti.
  11. Thanx so much for all the advice fellas. I was talking to some of neighbors today no one seems to have a problem with the fox being around which is good. I even found out a few have been feeding him something i shall not be getting in the habbit of. Maybe he will move on who knows. But i do feel lucky to have such a beautiful animal frequent my back yard. Thanx again. Nauti.
  12. Thanx so much for all the advice fellas. I was talking to some of neighbors today no one seems to have a problem with the fox being around which is good. I even found out a few have been feeding him something i shall not be getting in the habbit of. Maybe he will move on who knows. But i do feel lucky to have such a beautiful animal frequent my back yard. Thanx again. Nauti.
  13. Thanx so much for all the advice fellas. I was talking to some of neighbors today no one seems to have a problem with the fox being around which is good. I even found out a few have been feeding him something i shall not be getting in the habbit of. Maybe he will move on who knows. But i do feel lucky to have such a beautiful animal frequent my back yard. Thanx again. Nauti.
  14. This clip was posted a week or so back. Beleive it or not the person driving the truck actually walked away unscathed. Remarkable really, someone was for sure watching out for him that day thats for sure.
  15. Thanx HH thats good to know.
  16. Thanx guys. I am not worried about my cat like i said she was chaseing the fox off yesterday....lol.It really was something to see....I don't have a problem with the fox being around he is beautiful in my opinion and it is awesome seeing one so close & wild. my concern is someone else might have a problem with the fox. I was not sure if it was legal for me to live trap a wild animal and release it some where else. So how would i go about trying to trap this animal? This is something i have never done before.
  17. Well we have this critter frequently visiting our back garden . We have seen him hanging around for some time now but was only at Dusk we usually saw him and on the roads staying close to the edge of the fields. Well on sunday afternoon myself and sinns were in the pool i get out up on the new deck, Check it out.... ;D When i see a fox coming towards the pool. This was the middle of the afternoon kids out playing it came right up to the pool and did not seem to be frightened by us all at. It was more nervous by the sounds coming from the small kids playing behind us. My shepard finally chased him off. So last night i am out front cleaning out both the vehicles when yup there he is the red fox. walking up the drive way i am like holy crap...... So i walk through the house to go grab my camera walk out to the back deck and sure enough there he is again. He was feasting my on gooseberry bush i have . His coat looks nice and healthy but he is on the thin side. Sinns fed him some dog biscuits in a bowl he put out on the lawn. Yeah i know not a good idea but poor thing is thin and i hate to see any animal looking hungry. While the fox came over to eat my cat came out and chased off the bloody fox.....I THOUGHT FOXES ATE CATS.....LOL..... I tell ya my cat aint skeered of nothing....LOL...I got it on video too. Will post later when i get it downloaded. Anyway my question. Shoould i call the S.P.C.A to see about having the animal relocated some where else? I really do not want to see this animal destroyed so who would be the best person to contact?
  18. Owned a 2001 ford windstar. Never had a problem, van allways had its oil changes every 5000 km. I loved that Van till i was in a car accident a little over a month ago and the van was written off. It had 268,000 KM on her and still ran like a little beauty...I was gutted she was wrote off. ...Done alot of travleing and towing with her and you would not beleive the crap i have moved with that van and she was allways good to me.
  19. I was not talking about there brains i was talking about they're looks. & yes i do, perch are a very pretty fish.
  20. lol actually rich u do kinda resemble a carp.
  21. Well if you do, get here about 2.00AM You might be lucky and get a spot......lol
  22. Well actually JWL Sinns would probably eat all of them to himself hes a pig......lol
  23. lol Yes i am sure. ..You should have seen some of the silver bass being caught tonight. Some real beautys. They really are a beautiful looking fish. A younger lad was fishing he got a fish on and pulled in a real nice silver bass....It was kinda cute actually cuz i could hear him under his breath asking his buddy what kind of fish it was so that no one could hear him....lol
  24. well Drop me a pm and will arrange a date to get out & fish. Perch fishing has been real good of late.
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