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Everything posted by Fishnwire

  1. Knowing Canada provides more crude to the US than any other country (not to mention other markets) it makes sense that it would be one of our largest exports...no?
  2. Absolutely you should go there. It's not the cheapest way to spend a day. It is a tourist attraction after all, so they sort of "see you coming", if you know what I mean. If they still have the "Snowflake Room"...don't eat there unless you like big bills for mediocre food. If you've never been underground in a real mine and always wanted to experience it...don't bother going to Big Nickel Mine. They took a few liberties with the name, it being neither "big" nor an actual "mine". (Granted, the "Big Nickel" itself is pretty big.) You and your kids might get a little kick out of it, but to people who have worked in the actual mines it is mocked up to represent, it is a bit of a joke. Also, unlike Science North, there's only about two hours (max) of stuff to see there. I'd be very interested to hear what kind of time you and your family have in Sudbury, and at Science North, should you go. Let us know. I assume you have contacts from work who know the city and can help you with whatever you need, but feel free to shoot me a PM if you require the assistance of a "local yokel". Have fun...watch out for bikers!
  3. You've been to Sudbury Bob? I didn't know that. I wonder if we ran into each other. Gotta learn more...PM sent
  4. Do you find that hard to believe Bob? Maybe you'd be surprised to learn what country ranks as the number one exporter of crude oil to the United States.
  5. Would you face a fine for throwing a chunk of wood that isn't/never was on fire in the lake? I don't think so...so why would a little carbon make any difference?
  6. I don't know a lot about it. Some people are worried about the environmental impact of the construction of the pipeline and the possibility of a spill. Others question why that crude can't be processed here, creating permanent refinery jobs instead of temporary pipeline jobs. Another question is whether or not Canadian producers will be obligated to keep that pipeline filled when they can get a better price elsewhere. Maybe all those fears are totally unfounded...like I say, I don't know much about it and find it hard to trust what any of the stake holders (on either side) are saying.
  7. I occasionally bring my wife out in the boat and she sits there and reads. What blows my mind is that there have been times when I'm fishing top-water plugs for SMB and am on a pretty decent bite, and even with the clearly audible sound of strikes every couple of casts, she still doesn't lift her head from her book. Can you imagine being in a boat where fish are smashing topwaters, and not only not feel like picking up a rod...not even want to watch? She's a great girl, but clearly messed up in the head.
  8. You'd have to bring the chunk of wood with you, because you'd have a hard time finding a suitable piece in the bush, but you wouldn't need a metal grate to rest your pan on. Plus when your done you could probably chuck it in the lake and leave no embers or hotspots to re-ignite. Check it out... http://www.coolcrack.com/2012/01/finnish-stove.html
  9. I'm jealous. I admit it. I wish that was my beast. Cats are OK but if I had a decent yard I've get one just like that.
  10. I've got a tilt-and-load tentatively scheduled for the 23rd...that's a week from today. I was worried that I might be over the height restriction once on the truck but just now confirmed it won't be a problem. It's basically ready to go. The rest of the work can be done on the ice. No pics...but I put up two eight foot long 16 inch wide shelves and secured the reflective tin behind where the stove will go. I started wiring it too. I'm going to do the stationary bench/bunk in the next couple of days and I'll cut the hole for the stove the day before it hits the highway. The stove and stove pipe will be transported in the back of the truck and installed once on the ice. Then I'll do the flip-up bench/bunk and a couple more "accoutrements" like a flip-down kitchen counter and some more shelves. I might do an upper bunk later, but I want to use the shack and get a feel for whether or not it would be in the way. Also, the sooner I get it on the ice, the sooner I can be fish while working. I'm close...very close.
  11. "Actually, I think the limiter is in the fan itself; not the light kit. The light kit contains one halogen bulb that was supplied with the light. I think it is 100w." - If the limiter is in series with the light, current drawn by the light will effect the limiter. Are you also running the fan when the light kicks out? If the light is only 100 watts or less (which is almost certainly the case...you're not growing dope in there, are you?) and it alone caused a 190 watt limiter to trip, the limiter is faulty. If you were tripping the breaker in your panel, you'd have a short...either phase to phase or phase to ground...that doesn't seem to be your problem. It's a bit of a hassle I know, but the guy who suggested taking it down and exchanging it for a new one have a good idea. The other thing you might try is to disconnect the remote from the circuit and try it. If it works then you know that's your problem. I'm an industrial guy...the fans I hook up are a little bigger than yours, but I'm happy to try and help. PM me if you're stuck and I'll give you my number. If you want to pay for a phone call to Sudbury I'll answer any questions I can.
  12. And I'm envious of people who don't have to wait for an unreliably on-time cage ride to bring them to surface at the end of the day. I've missed appointments or been late for stuff because of it more than once. I could never go back to 8 hour days, Monday to Friday. Two days off is not enough...not nearly enough. Even a three day weekend is too short. My four day weekends are pretty good, but my five days off are when I can really have some fun. When I go on vacation I take it a week at a time and schedule it so that it lies between two five day off periods and get 11 to 14 consecutive days off, three times a year. That part is real nice. I have a hard time remembering why I even bothered to go to camp (or anywhere) on Saturday, just to have to turn around and come out on Sunday.
  13. Major milestone...mini update. After three consecutive days I could have had off but dedicated to "the Company", I finally had one to myself. I slept in a bit because I haven't been able to do so for a while and was at the build site by 10:30 or so. First we started the heater and then we spent a few minutes clearing the area in front of the shack (where the sawhorse is) of snow. Then we went to work. By then end of the day we finished all the interior paneling. I think it looks awesome and clears the way to begin benches, shelves and wiring. I hear there are trucks on the ice where this thing is destined so I figure I'll do one bench and one shelf and then get it on the ice. I can finish the rest of the inside stuff there (using a generator for the power tools) and as an added bonus...can fish while doing so. It won't be long, gents.
  14. "It will not come back until I reset it by turning the power to the light on and off via the pull chain." When you do this, does the light stay on, or shut off again after a 1/2 second?
  15. "Sorry! We could not find www.fshingmikeystyle.ca It may be unavailable or may not exist. Try using the suggestions or related links below, or search again using our web search. "
  16. Would you even bother fishing there? I guess just for a lark...or maybe if it was your only opportunity. Seems almost like entering a lottery to catch a fish. I'd love to know if anything was caught, (something must have been...you'd think) how big and how many...stuff like that. I wonder if anyone bothers to fish there the rest of the year. It would be kind of cool if fishing was prohibited there every day but one, and this was that day. They might do OK if that was the case.
  17. Anyone who smashes a bottle of anything against my shack is banned for life. I'm sure a bottle or two will be emptied, but it will be from the top a little at a time and not out the bottom all at once. I like Wiser's and Pepsi in the evening and just about anything (no darks or reds) from a can while the sun is up. Just a little information anyone planning on stopping by might want to keep in mind.
  18. You're 100% right. Homer most definitely is king.
  19. Not half as much as me...Thanx.
  20. Gee. I can't relate to that at all. Obsessed over an ice shack? Your wife must have thought you were a weirdo. Probably your colleagues got sick of hearing about it too. I'm glad this is just a casual interest for me that isn't something I think about when I should be concentrating on other things. I guess I'm in no way single-minded when I encounter something that interests me. Wow. Perhaps the biggest lie ever told here...and this place is full of fishermen!
  21. E-mail sent.
  22. I'm going to have to disagree with you a little bit there. But I guess it would depend on one's definition of "cozy". I already have access to a shack in the very location I plan on putting this one that is not quite as nice as the one in the pics you posted, but not far off. Like the people in that pic, I spend most of my time in that one with my coat on, and wouldn't dream of being able to take my boots off and put a pair of slippers on. I'm "cozy" compared to what I am when I'm sitting on my pail in front of the shack, but it's not like I get the feeling of having shut out the elements, or that I'm in an "interior" space. I could spend the night there...but my Dad, Father-in-law, wife, or anyone else who wasn't drunk probably wouldn't. Maybe the actual difference of opinion is how "cozy" one needs to be. Perhaps what you mean to say is that I would be "cozy enough" in a light shack. Maybe your point is that wanting to wear slippers and trick myself into thinking I am in my living-room is entirely unnecessary when ice fishing...and you'd be entirely right. But that's what I want. I've wanted it for a long time and decided I'd give it a try. I know how much friggin' around smaller shacks require, and I'm willing to frig around ten times as much for (what I see as) one hundred times the "coziness". When I'm moving it, I'll probably wish I'd settled for something that is cozy enough, but when I'm sitting it it, I'll be overjoyed that I didn't. The thing is that like I said, this is the shack I've always wanted. Unless I try I'll continue to want it. If it's a huge failure and major PITA then I'll at least know (when I'm building the next one) that what I want is not only unnecessary but unrealistic. Perhaps "Ice-9 version 2.0" will require spikes to hold it in place on days with barely any wind. Or maybe it will have indoor parking for up to four snowmobiles and an observation deck off the third floor. All I know is that before I try either of those design options I'm going to try this one. I'm sincerely thankful for all the feedback from everyone, even the stuff I seemed unreceptive to. It's given me a lot to think about (seemingly non-stop) and believe me, has weighed heavily on my mind at times. I know a few people are eager to see how things turn out...not least of all myself. I'll be man enough to admit if I should have heeded more adice. Everyone who offered warnings will either get a "You were right", or "What weekend is good for you?"...so there will be no mystery on OFC as to the outcome.
  23. That's insane. Getting just one fish like that would be a good day for most guys. A couple like that in a day might be my best day all season. That's a heckava resource you've got up there...but it seems like you know what you're doing too. Thanks for the report.
  24. I might be building a fold down tarp/hut "thingy" for next season if Sinker is right. If he is I'll change the title of the thread to, "Ice Hut Build...DON"T DO THIS!!!" Maybe you'll take the advice that I didn't. Or on the other hand, things might go fine for me and you'll be inspired to build a hut like the 20'x14' (not a typo) that my foreman's nephew is building on the shore of his parent's house. A 280 square foot shack build by a teenage guy...I wonder if there will be any partying that takes place there.
  25. Sinker, I'm sorry if I came off like I didn't appreciate any of the suggestions or advise offered here, by you or anyone else...I did and do appreciate it. Don't confuse not taking the advise with not appreciating it...they are two different things. I'm not sure how you "learned [your] lessons the hard way" from me, because I don't remember being hard on you. At least I never intended to be. Once again, if I came off that way, I'm sorry. While I can't guarantee I'll make any changes to accommodate the suggestions you offer, I can guarantee I'll appreciate them, and give them consideration. Even if I ignore them and suffer the consequences, at least others will benefit...as will I on the next build. Just so we're on the same page...I already understand your feelings about the shack's weight being excessive. You'll just have to trust me that I can get it where it needs to go. To anything other than "it's too heavy", I'm all ears.
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