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About Darrell

  • Birthday 01/12/1973

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  • Location
    Burlington, Ontario

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. CHINA no idea where ya heard that but better check your sources, the new SOLO power head is made in Germany. Issue with recoil has been known for awhile now the initial coating on the spring would stick when very cold and be slow to rewind. Some have broken but thats due to people not taking up the slack on the starter coil.
  2. Let them get uppity but the "Truth hurts"
  3. Tambo im a 20 minute drive from them and drop more than a fair share of cash there. I shouldnt have to contact Mike directly to fix the issue, whats he gonna do honour the sale price or do I get a extra 15% off the sale price for wasting my time and gas driving out there. It was a easy sale, the ones behind the counter cant figure out that "Hmmmmmmmmmm maybe I should call Mike to see if we can still honour the price due to the situation". Ive work in the customer service industry for the last 15 years all based on commision, if I did buisness like that I couldnt afford a cup of coffee. As I said before they didnt need my $600.00 today so why should I give it to them tommorow. I recently baught a strikemaster auger early December on Dec 30 the Auger fell and the handle broke, I called strikemaster in Minnisota on Dec 31 they asked how it happened I explained and was told another handle would be shipped out Jan 4 when regular shipping starts up cause of the holidays. I asked how much and was told dont worry about it. Jan 7 UPS shows up at my door with a expidited box with the handle in it THATS CUTOMER SERVICE!!!
  4. I check fishing worlds website this morning and they have the flasher im looking for in stock for $549.99 on sale, but on the box it says $579.99. So I ask skippy behind the counter if its still on for $549.99 and was told "No Mike doesnt want us to sell them at that anymore" so I reply "But on your website there $549.99....So will you honor that price?" and was told "NO we just havent had time to change the website" so I walked out that is BRUTAL customer service, and if your not going to sell it at that price dont advertise it. That was a easy $600.00 sale guess they dont need it or anymore of my buisness.!!!!!
  5. Passport photo work fine for mine...
  6. Heres the answer to your fisrt part, it is illegal to shoot from a moving boat. The law does not state that a boat has to be anchored and motor out of the water, its up to the MNR officer discretion. I have never got the same answer from 2 differant mnr officers yet. There is no law that states waterfowl must be off the water to shoot them its just ethics. There is also no law that states you cannot leave decoys unatended.
  7. Does everyone run there trailer tires at maximum pressure?, even if there carrying half the load of what there rated for???
  8. Jarvis Insulation. Family owned and operated since 1981, Jarvis Insulation serves Central and South Central Ontario as well as Cottage Country. Services include: Blown Fiberglass Insulation Insulation Removal Fiberglass Batts Foundation Blanket Wrap 1/2 lb Density Foam Insulation 2lb Density Foam Insulation Tel: 905 336 3052 Toll Free: 1 877 336 3052 Ask for Darrell www.jarvisinsulation.com
  9. I dont think Im ruining this thread for everyone else, just making a valid point "if you dont know what it is dont keep it!!!"
  10. This just ticks me off, Why would you keep a fish if your not sure what it is ?????? My point is "IF" that is a atlantic salmon you just broke the law!!!! The current regs for Atlantic salmon season is Jan 1 - Sept 30.
  11. "5) I have been a registered guide for the past 7 years and I have turned down many guided day due to water conditions."
  12. Im with ya on this one as well
  13. Theres a bunch of factors when it comes to sponsers names for products and brodcast TV. First off, every year you need to applyfor a CRTC license which in cludes sending in a copy of the show for review "IF" it meets there criteria you are granted you license for the year and you can not change your format to far from the copy you sent in. Under the current regs you can get away with saying "X rap" but you cannot say "Rapala" . Second depending what year the show was produced they would have been granted a C license for that year which met the criteria at that time, thats how you still see some shows that mention full product names and get away with it. They were going by what they were allowed for that year "it changes all the time". Also even if your approved by the CRTC the channel your show brodcasts on also has there own set of "RULES & REGULATIONS" ontop of the CRTC.
  14. This should clear up any issue of edibility of the fish from Binbrook, by the way it similar to Simcoe.
  15. Cliff check your P.M
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