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  1. Ok a lot of what's been said makes a lot of sense. Now what is stoping one of those 55 pounders from been caught just minutes after a meal lets say a couple of 5 pound whitfish or whatever swims in its waters. There have been fish under 55 inches and over 50 lbs caught and released. Secondly let's say the norm for maximum girth is normally 1/2 the lenght but what about those rare fish like the Williamson fish which had a much bigger girth. What if that fish lived another 5 years and reached 56-57 inches in lenght? Even a normal fish reaching the 60x30 mark would exceed the 65 lb mark. We know the maximum growth rate for muskie is 54 in most places with maximum giths of 27 and just over 50 lbs, nothing is proven that there isn't a few freaks out there that will grow at least an extra 10% in lenght and girth or 59.5 x 29.7 or 65 lbs. Also different areas offer different built fish, the Thousand Island fish like the Buffalo harbour fish seam to be georging in November and their girth is mostly in a small area and not through their lenght like the other big river fish or the GBay fish. The McNair fish was released and may still be swimming out there, maybe it will be 60 x 3? the next time it hits a net and just maybe it will make it to a scale this time around. Do I believe there are 70 pound fish out there, maybe maybe not but there sure are fish over 65 pounds out there, which is the true world record.
  2. You just need a friend in the business of selling new boats, maybe you can walk away with $9k cash out of it.
  3. Did you forget who called the last one and that was after he passed a law againts it??? It would be worth 300 million if we could clean house and get a majority. Our system is broken minority governments just don't get anything done.
  4. I believe the problem lies with a change in coast guard standards or a misinterpretation of those standards. In other words the boats were built to float full of water but need to float full of water with all the motor and equipment installed. And there are some models exempt of this recall, I know the Super Hawk aka Mirage aka Serenity are not affected. I was also told not only Cresliner has to deal with this problem.
  5. Very nice fish, if I was her I would quit fishing. Unreal how much jealousy there is in fishing which is supossed to be a relaxing passtime. MA
  6. The optimax are the best out there and not that noisy. We can talk when crusing at over 40 MPH or at over 4000 RPM's.
  7. I think that's exactly was I was saying in my original post. A life jacket may be a PFD but most PFD's are not life jackets, big difference. So you can't mistake a PFD for a life jacket. I'm willing to bet less then 1 % here have actual life jackets. MA
  8. Here in Canada a PFD is not a life jacket. http://www.redcross.ca/article.asp?id=015198&tid=024
  9. I see a lot of references to life jackets when talking about PDF"s. I want to make sure you all know there is a big difference between a life jacket and a PDF. Like the life jacket will keep your head out of the water if you were to pass out and hit the drink. On the other hand life jackets are unconfortable and I can't see anyone wearing one all day long. All commercial vessels from cruise ships to guide boats are mandated to use life jackets and not PDF's.
  10. Someone I know took out a guy from work 2 summers ago. The CO showed up and the guy didn't have a license so he took the rod he was using and even though he was explained that the idiot didn't own any equipment he asked the boat owner wich tackle box he could take. These were musky tackle boxes so he lost his shirt that day. Oh ya the visitor got the fine but it was no where near the loss the boat owner suffered.
  11. You can also get a 24 V charger and charge them both at the same time.
  12. I don't know where you guys get your information but it is NOT legal to take pictures of OOS fish. The regulations clearly state " Fish accidentally caught during the closed season must be immediately released back to the water" and holding the fish out of water for a picture does not fit into immediately. Sometimes I wish I was a CO and nail all the ignorant poachers. The MNR set seasons because fish should not be handled at that time of year period. Sounds like you guys would publicly state that grabbing a squeeze doesn't hurt anybody it's not a rape. And they call us all sportsman.
  13. I guess you don't see these morons out there with improper trailler towing crap to the dump but leaving half of it on the 401? I see so many traillers on the road that should not be there every single day. It's not only boats as most are safe as they are purchased as packages. You may find the odd 14 footer on a home made trailler but thats not the norm.
  14. You'll find everything you need here. http://www.ontariofishcharters.ca/
  15. I would go the custom home route, hire a good GC and let him know that you're brother in law has been in construction for 25 years and will be keeping an eye on things for you. Show up as often as you can and unanounced to make sure things are going according to plans. As well make sure you have a contract listing everything as it will come handy if he forgets. It may cost you a bit more that way but will be well worth it, very few track builders do a good job they just do enough to pass inspections.
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