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Everything posted by TOM C
NOW THAT S FUNNY but needs a whole new thread to address
What seems to be lost here is the difference between doing something RECREATIOAL and doing something to COMPETE, if I go play basketball at the gym am I an athlete, no im just out playing basketball, use the same senario for any game at it applies, so if I am out on the lake looking for or catching fish I am FISHING, if im out doing the same thing, but competing against others I am in a sport, so if im in a sport I must be an athlete because only athletes compete in sporting events. What seems to be lost here is that some think you must be in a certain condition and use a certain amount of energy to be classed as an ATHLETE, there are lots of sports that require you to be in better physical than others but does that make them more of an athlete than the next, EXAMPLE: I bet you Bobby Orr would never have been able to compete against the best long distance runners in the world. or the other way around, so is one a better athlete than the other, Of coursr not their just better at a sport than another, So the question has only one answer and that is that TOURNAMENT FISHING IS A SPORT and those who compete in the sport are ATHLETES, you can put all the spins on this you want but when it comes right down to it and you follow the definition of sport and athletes you cant change the meaning
WEBSTERS DICTIONARY=ath-lete, A person who participates in sports. Tournament fishing is classed a sport, so those who pertake are athletes, no where does it say how much energy you must exert or how good you must be at a certain thing to be classed as an athlete, YOU MUST ONLY PARTICIPATE to be classed as an athlete. So argue against it all you want, it is a sport and anglers who fish in a tournament with a set of rules are deemed athletes, Heck guys who catch carp call themselves fishermen, now thats what I call some thing that should be debated LOL ( relax its just a joke) hmmmmm
You seem to be confusing what a Sport means, and what your interpretation of a sport is, A fishing tournament falls into all the catorgories that make it a sport, so you can argue the point that you dont think anglers are great atheletes or not, but tournament fishing is a sport as much as a baseball game or any other game your want to compare it with. So maybe the Question should be changed to, in your OPINION is fishing a sport. Because agian TOURNAMENT FISHING HAS ALL THE CRITERIA OF A SPORT. I dont think a 400 pound lineman, because he,s fat enough not get pushed very far is an athelete, but thats just my opinion, because in reallity he,s called an athelete and meets the criteria to be called one
Before we all start changing the English language, according to: THE WINSTON DICTIONARY OF CANADIAN ENGLISH:sport,1 a game,pasttime,or contest that requires a reasonable amount of physical activity along with individual skill,Skiing,tennis,and billards are all sport WEBSTERS DICTIONARY:sport,An interesting diversion, a particular game or physical activity with set rules So unless you want to change the ENGLISH LANGUAGE its a sport
are Pro Anglers athletes, well lets see Drive a boat at 70 miles per hour= part nascar driver Make 500 casts in a day= part pitcher Net 20 fish in a day= part catcher Work a trolling motor in 6ft waves= part gymnist Do this all for 8hours straight= Ironman LOOKS TO ME LIKE THEY WORK HARDER AT IT THAN MOST GUYS I WATCH ON TV MAKING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS FOR LESS WORK (just a side note in an average NFL football game there is less than 12 minutes of accual football played) so if your 350 pounds and play a game for 6minutes on defence are you an athlete?
12 and no size limit
I pray everyone of them make a safe and speedy return home. I wish we werent sending a single one of them for a nation that knows nothing but Hate and will never know anything else. This will get me in trouble but maybe its time to send the afgans back to fight for their own country and keep ours boys home to protect our country. sorry but someone had to say it.
If theres one there will be more, next time watch for the color, and no matter how many you have seen they are always neat to see again
Sorry tried to explain it with how a fox is alot lighter on its feet, with more of a gate, where a coyote walks more like a dog. Best way to know what it was is by what color it was? A fox with a coat like that would have been very red, a coyote would have been much grayer to a light brown
Being from out west I have seen thousands of both and if its a coyote than its gay (not that theres anything wrong with that) have never seen one so lite on its feet. Looks to me like a very heathy Red Fox with an extremly good winter coat. As far as it looking like it was going to howl, it was just checking for scent, coyotes walk like they are saulking, keeping their heads fairly low, where a fox has more of a prance
YA KNOW YOUR A REDNECK WHEN LOL Your jacket has pockets for oil
thanks will try it with the haddock
Thanks Tenne, Working at doing all the things, we should have done before, my problem is my age, the heart was still tough enough that the colateral veins you had, hadnt formed yet for me, funny thing is I have not taken a pill for the last 20 years(and I mean not even an asprin) now I take so many I could probally go with out eating and not get hungry. Lots of work ahead but should come out fine, I will talk to the doc about the gels you mention. Funny how people think fishing is expensive, should see what it costs to keep the heart pumpin every month
Looks like salt water fish is the choice for most, so I will try a few different kinds of that. Mike how can sushie, RAW FISH, not taste like fish,LOL
ROY try and find an allternative to meat other that soya everthing and fish is a better choice than that, and if you think you eat right do yourself a favor and check out what the heart and stroke folks think about what you eat. Heres a few facts for all you folks that think your 10ft Tall and bullet proof By the year 2010, 1 of every 5 adults in Canada will have high blood presure and need medication for this, reason is have a look at the amount of sodium there is in everything you eat, North Americans have by far the largest sodium intake of any countries in the world, so I need to eat more fish. Take my word for it, I never cared about what I ate or how much I smoked because it couldnt happen to me, but its amazing how when your on a table surrounded by people you have never seen in your life and you cant even tell your wife you love her cus you cant speak, and someone says I hope this works, you will learn to eat fish. PS if anyone wants a sure fire way to stop smoking I found it, but I dont recommend it,lol Last you will here me preach about it, but I still dont like the taste of fish
I am supposed to add more fish to my diet, so considering I never ate fish before that shouldnt be to hard to do. I have been trying some and the problem I am having is a lot of fish, TASTE LIKE FISH, Three kinds Ihave eaten that werent too bad are, Orange Ruffy, Basa, and Catfish, if you have eaten much fish you will probally know that all three of these are very mild, are there any more that would taste like the ones I mentioned, and please dont tell me walleye. Oh ya I have eaten Blue gills and Sunfish, but they were deep friedand tasted pretty good, but deep frying is not an option. Thanks
Just to add what I heard on the radio this past week, on the Lowell Green show out of Ottawa and he said that 47% of crimes commited with Guns are by that of the registered owner Unless you can round up every handgun in the world and destroy them all, you will NEVER stop the problem
I wasnt pointing the finger, you just made a good comment to start a debate on the topic,from the lack of responce it seems this may be to much of a touchy subject. Which is fine as well
Seems a small debate was started as to people drinking and driving, and one of the members asked the question ( why are the penalties for drinking and driving so harsh) While im now going to open a very large Kettle of fish. In Toronto there is now going to be a call to ban Hand guns, because in the last little while, 2 people have been killed while minding their own bussiness.I for one cant believe how banning hand guns will make any difference to the crime rate, as I think the only ones left with handguns will be the crooks, yes some will say well no one needs a handgun in the first place. My debate is this, 2 people are gunned down and the whole country is up in arms about it,but hundreds are injured and killed by drunk drivers every year, and some still say WELL THE GUY JUST MADE A MISTAKE, I believe that once you get behind the wheel of a car and are drunk that car now becomes a weapon, and the law should treat it that way.If you look at just the numbers, of how many people are killed every year, is hand guns what should be banned, or should it be _aco_______ (DONT EVEN WANT TO SAY IT< BECAUSE OF THE RATH). If you lose it for a second in life and make the decision to shoot someone its murder, if you make the decision to drink and drive and kill someone they say you just made a mistake Remember its cold outside and the is just an editorial, so have an opinion and debate it, but dont get personal and bash or beliittle anyone over this
I think why people use Handles is best sumed up by Brad Paisly in hes song ONLINE
Lew I am fairly new to the area so im not sure from one parking lot to another, the one I went to, is through the archway and just to the south of the building that the show is in, (not sure my directions help) but I woulg call it the main parking lot of the complex that the show is at I think it was Lake shore
Parking is not free, its $11 and if you dont go through the little booths they have you have to get a ticket from the machines and you need a credit card for that,its a bit of a pain in the but as the lines to get your parking stub where 30 people deep when we got there
I have to disagree with this, as I belong to a club and a Federation that is growing bigger and stronger, and we have a good influx of younger members joining all the time, The club I belong to is is the CBAF bass proshop chapter, it is a bass fishing club and runs tournys, but more than that it is people sharing info and helping each other to become better anglers, the format is such that we have both Boaters and non-Boaters, so you dont have to own a boat to be able to join in on the fun, this has allowed many of our young members to benefit and learn things such as safe boating as well as what kind of a boat will suit them best when they are able to buy one of their own. Each and every one of the chapters of the CBAF will make each and everyone feel welcome and we have chapters all over southern and western Ont. Sorry I dont mean for this to be an ad but, its just a response to show that not all clubs are dieing off. And we have members of all ages and genders If interested check out the web site at CBAF (Canadian Bass Anglers Federation) And many OFNers are already members
I would like to recommend AL,s Huts on scogog if any one wants to catch some walleye 905-986-9699