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Ryan Landry

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Everything posted by Ryan Landry

  1. I hope so to! but i guess it is what is is. If it doesn't work out next week, i'll be back a couple weeks later. Thanks for the update
  2. Thanks for the info! are these trout stocked or wild? I gps'd the lakes and cant tell if they're fed by a river system or not. any suggestions on lures/bait.
  3. This year I will be spending Christmas in the great white north! My fiancé is from sudbury, specifically Val Caron and we will be spending the holidays with her mother and brother. Everyone likes fishing so I threw out the idea of getting out on the ice over the holidays assuming there is some safe ice. Everyone is in assuming i have warm hut! I would like to get out for splake as I haven't fished them before. But really anything would do, walleye, pike, lakers, whiteys, ect. Basically I'm looking for a small lake within an hours drive of Val Caron with in walking distance from wherever we can park. If you could pm me any info/suggestions that would be great. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. The bass fishing is awsome, lots of heavy cover. There are about 50 cottages on the lake, and a few jet skis. It's probably a little closer to home than you were looking for but give it a look! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41594 Thanks, Ryan
  5. here are the pics you wanted http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41594
  6. check this out http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41594
  7. BTW I love this camera!
  8. Here are a few pics taken with an olympus stylus 1030 sw. They were taken in Nova Scotia, keep in mind the water is generally a little cloudy depending on the day.
  9. I've got the day off on thursday and i'm planning on hitting the ice so that gives me about 24 hours to find an ice transducer in the GTA for my unit. New or used doesn't matter as long as it works. Any help is much appreciated Thanks, Ryan p.s. will this unit work with out it if i can't get one??
  10. hello hello, call me 416 668 8510

  11. my sony ericsson has a 5.0 megapixel camera, good zoom and an awsome flash. It takes awsome pics!
  12. Depending on the size of the spring that is feeding the pond, fish may be escaping into the underground water system. Before he spends alot of $$ on stocking it I would get a diver to check it out and cover the hole (if needed), with some type of mesh. Ryan
  13. Check out his other song "I'm going to miss her" it's a classic.
  14. Joey for the win!
  15. We were catching eye's at 1:30 in the afternoon on saturday in the kawarathas. My buddy even caught his pb at almost 8 lbs and 30". All were caught off shore. Ryan
  16. it's Worms. we caught a bunch of perch in Buckhorn on the long weekend with the same problem.
  17. hello everyone, The lures are in, I will package them over the weekend and ship them out early next week. For the people who missed out on this one, we will do more things like this in the future. Stay tuned! Thanks, Ryan
  18. We always had good luck with black topwater lures at night, although i've never tried sub surface lures in black.
  19. You are the last email I am missing. Please send your shipping info to me in the email. Thanks. Here is the list of participants 1. Toronto Angler 2. Gerritt 3. Gbay Giant 4. Crazy hook 5. Kicking Frog 6. Ben Beattie 7. Largemouth 8. Billm 9. Ranger 520vx 10. capt bruce 11. Yellow Boat 12. Barnies Band
  20. Hello all, For those who were not aware, there was a discussion a while ago about lure colors and if they made a difference. Someone mentioned that black would probably work just aswell as any other color, so we decided to try a little experiment. We offerd 8 different Hammerhead Lures that we had custom painted all black to each of the first 12 volunteers for a small report of their findings in return. The lures are in transit as we speak, they will arrive in about 1 week. Thanks to all the participants. Here is a pic of three of them. oh, our painter mentioned he really likes painting these patterns!
  21. That was a good read! What part of Cape Bretton is your family from?
  22. A least you know the fish was fresh!
  23. That was a little mean, I know for a fact Dave is on a diet... Cut him some slack! This thread is about the fish, lets keep it on topic!
  24. Almost all the cod we catch in Nova Scotia have worms. We just pick them out before we cook them. Ryan
  25. We headed out to the island on sat to try our luck in the rain. Got a few each but could only get a couple pics due to the rain. all fish were caught on counterstrikes and proteges on a med to fast retrieve. Here are a few pics,
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