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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. Team Mini-Lund is back together again at last...

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    Specks and lakers were on the menu for today. With the late ice-out, I was expecting a most laker-filled day with the squaretails being a little sluggish, but boy was I wrong.

    Hit a culvert hole on a feeder stream on the way in, typically a 'one and done' spot. 10 minutes and 5 trout later we were content to get out in the boat.

    This system makes some beautiful fish...
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    The early system pattern on this lake is pretty predictable...large bay in the north end which always holds the warmest water, hardware in the submerged timber and they were on big time. Everywhere you thought one might be, there was.

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    All cookie cutters today, but it didn't matter.

    Eventually we overstayed our welcome, but thankfully this lakes also brimming with lake trout. Flatlined some cyclops and cleos in 20-40 fow and hit 6 lakers in short order. Bug-eaters in this lake it seems, they don't get big but they're very plentiful and purdy to look at...

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    On the way out we couldn't resist the temptation and flung around a spinner in the stream again just to say goodbye...These fish push in from the lake for a quick meal in the spring so they're not small.  Pretty cool to have 15" brookies smash your cleo in a stream you can spit across.

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    Pretty excellent start to brookie season and things haven't even really started rolling yet. Still snow in the bush, ice on some lakes and the bugs are a ways away yet!

  2. Nice fish Joey , glad to see the open water lake trout reports starting to come in .

    I agree with chris in that the lake trout won't really start getting active for another

    2 weeks or so . Water has to warm up a bit and get the lakes systems moving .

    Perfect timing for my own laker trip in a couple weeks !

    As for the last pic. i'm really not sure but it is a nice one though :good:


    Yep, same thing every year, fish are mostly scattered during the first two weeks after iceout but still very catchable.
  3. Well, winter decided to hang on late around here yet again, so I had no choice but to force lady spring's hand...


    Last Tuesday I threw the waders and the long rod in the truck and beat down a snowy, muddy access road to a lake I knew had an inlet with a fair amount of current and wouldn't be murder to walk into. While I probably could've walked onto the pot lakes, this spot had a nice 100 ft band of open water, so I made due and froze my nardlings off and put the mesh under this nice laker...they are real beautiful from this area...




    Today I made the trek down to the Haliburton Highlands (because enough's enough ya know) and found wet water! A couple gorgeous golden lakers graced us with their presence too, including this 27" pig! Not bad for a first time on a big water body.




    Water was 40-46 mostly, and they didn't seem to be in full on spring mode yet, which made them tough to pattern.


    Question for those in the know, does that laker appear to be one of the golden lake trout strain? The two we caught appeared to have a pretty distinct colouration to them?

  4. Still nearly a month away from opener here, and with this late spring (yet again) things will be off to a slow start so I think I'll stick with squaretails until mid-June, then shift gears :Gonefishing:


    I like the gold colorado blade harness, would make a great clear water/cold front presentation, if you send me some I will give you some great promotional shots :whistling:

  5. In the spring, trolling is often far more effective than jigging, since they tend not to be balled up in tight schools like they are in summer, but rather spread out on feeding flats soaking up the sun. The only time I will jig in the spring is immediately after iceout (as in 2-3 days), a few days before the shallows really heat up and the trout are set up in winter haunts. A day or two of warm sunny weather will change everything and get the flatlining bite really hot though.

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