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Posts posted by Joeytier

  1. You are right when you say the machine will keep marching on, no matter if we complain, no matter if it is ethical.

    I take issue with your statement above though. Monsanto is spending many millions of dollars lobbying our government against labeling, so that I can't make an informed choice as you describe. I don't have millions of dollars to fight them, but I pay taxes to a government that is supposed to protect me from this type of action, and so far they have failed the citizens (consumers) in this case. That is corrupt.

    The fact of the matter is that just because something is labelled, does not mean it is an informed decision, since the vast majority of the populations scientific literacy is less than zero, and associate gmos with some boogeyman stigma that isn't founded on anything scientific. While we're at it, why don't we put 'contains Cyanide'stickers on apples and 'contains formaldehyde' stickers on pears. There's also a staggering number of people who think organic food is pesticide free and don't realize that the organic food industry is worth billions and has plenty to gain by misleading a gullible public into labelling the boogeyman gmos. There are plenty of reasons to not label them, and corporate lobbying is not the whole story.


    There is some serious tin foil hat material around this subject. Multi-billion dollar oil companies couldn't even come close to influencing scientific consensus on climate change yet a bio-tech company worth a tiny fraction of that has somehow managed to buy scientific favour the world over. Give me a break.

  2. Nice going again. I bought that same stringer last year, those little plastic clips break very easily and big fish can get off, so I can bought the metal version, the one with shrink tubing over the chain so it's not super noisy.

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