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About LundGuy

  • Birthday 08/03/1951

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  • Interests
    Fishing,fishing and more fishing!

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  1. I think I should ask, do you have a separate floor drain that is on the floor in your laundry room, if the answer is yes then with a flash light and the water running into the laundry tub, look down into the floor drain, there you should see water trickling or running into it from the inside wall of the pipe just above the trap.Now if all of this is so, then all your drains run into your sewage tank and not through your trap, so no water other then the TSP line goes through the trap, thus your fresh water replacement by way of TSP on the laundry faucet. WC
  2. Hi folks, just to put in my 2 cents, 100% it is a primer line for the floor drain which is code in Ontario.The connection at the bottom of the laundry faucet is where plumbers now connect the TSP(trap seal primer).This is totally legal in Ontario due the the fact the connection is not in direct contact with the water in the faucet at that point.Usually a plumber will use a TSP valve which is connected to the cold line feeding a fixture, this TSP valve has an air gap to prevent a cross connection ( back siphoning of pollutant water into the potable water).You can change your faucet and add the TSP valve under the tub on your cold side,the water flows through it when the faucet is turned ,it sends a small flow to the trap to keep it topped up with fresh water to prevent gasses from entering the home. You can do as one here has mentioned add oil or just send a pitcher of fresh water into the trap a couple times a month to prevent the water from going stagnant.If you are able to install the TSP valve it will be better than having to worry about the trap since the tube is already there. WC
  3. Trained Fish So, there was this guy fishing and he was having a great deal of success. He had a couple of tubs of nice trout sitting on the bank when the game warden came by. "Nice catch. Not only would that be way over the limit, but this isn't even trout season" The old fisherman says "Why officer, I'm not fishing. I didn't catch these. These here are pet fish. I'm just taking them out for some exercise. This here line is their leash. But they're pretty well trained. They come when I call them" The warden scoffed "You expect me to believe that!? This is going to cost you big time -- one count for each fish." The fisherman said "Sure. I can show you. If I let them loose they'll come right back to me. The Warden replies "You show me that and I won't even write you a ticket." The old guy gets up and dumps both tubs of fish in the water and they swim away. After a couple of minutes the warden demands: "OK. Let's see you call them back." The old guy says "What do you mean call them back?" The warden says "Call the fish back!" The old man looks slowly around left and right and then says "What fish?"
  4. This was on kijiji, the Minn Kota Vantage. Takes 2 batteries because it is 24 volt. Good strong transom style of trolling motor. Go to their site and check it out. http://regina.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-bo...QQAdIdZ47718966
  5. I have a large knife collection, new and old. I buy from the States all the time. I just ordered custom fillet knives and a skinning knife from these folks. They make the knives any way you want, custom to your fit. I have several other contacts if you wish. http://www.sunrisecustomknives.com/
  6. After my wife had our second son I named mine "LUCKY BOY II" , then she had our 3rd son and I changed it to "HAT TRICK"
  7. My cell is on 24 hours.I am on call for my service company, my store and renovation company. I have to be available for emergencies , store alarms and company problems. Been this way for almost 40 years.Phone always has messages, emails everyday and night, truck phone always beeping, shop radios blaring all day. Just keeps ya going. Good to hear others with the same wonderful life style.
  8. I just bought a 9.9 4 stroke Yamaha, last years model weighed approx. 112 lbs and this years model weighs 94 lbs. I just sold a 9.9 Merc 4 stoke , last years model and it weighed 84 lbs. The 4 strokes have been getting lighter each year.
  9. Water height equals head, thus weight, thus pressure. If left in over night water will find the way out, doesn't take much.
  10. Looks great up there. Where abouts is your camp Mike? My bother in law and I have two camps about 8 hours from London, which would be about the same distance as your 7 hour drive from Dundas. We are about 1 1/2 hours Northeast of the Sault.
  11. Congratulations on your new member. You have lots of work and fun ahead of you. My wife and I just started over again with our first grand daughter this year. Already got her a fishing rod.
  12. I agree and then buy them both!
  13. Good thing you are getting the tank pumped, when was the last time you did?. It should be pumped out every 3 to 5 years depending on how many washrooms and people using your system.If the tank gets filled with sludge from bottom to top, you will get sludge run off which will plug your distribution box and lead to much worse problems. Human waste enters the septic tank and liquids are separated from solids, the solids drop to the bottom and breakdown , the liquids pass to the distribution box and on to the weeping bed evenly. There is always a sludge that floats on top in the tank that makes you think it is full. As Daplumma stated getting the tank pumped out should do it and the tee at the end of the drain is usually the spot that gets plugged, but not always because of a full tank, sometimes just due to using too much paper, wrong paper, soap problems, etc.. Sometimes plugging the stack vent off and plunging the toilet drain(with toilet off) will blow the sludge through, that is of course if the tank is not the sole problem. Even after having your tank pumped you almost always have to snake out your drain, sometimes while the guy is cleaning out the tank you can flush the toilet several times and that will do the trick, if the drain is not too plugged at the end. If you have a clean out in the right place you can open it and snake it right as the drain leaves the house. Keep your tank pumped on a regular basis and your system will last for years.
  14. Very nice boat, if I was mainly into bass fishing I would want exactly that boat. Great choice, nice colours, congratulations.
  15. Hmmmmm, you mean he doesn't have more money than brains. Wheres all the comments about being a better fisherman with a cheap tinny?
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