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Posts posted by forrest


    1. double solid lines are a notification/suggestion that it is not safe to pass...


    2. yellow speed limit signs are suggested for safety - white means it's an "official" sign...i e if you're not caught on radar and i can visually see that you're travelling at a high rate of speed you can be given a "disobey official sign" ticket which yields the same penalties as disobey stop sign....


    3. yes you can pass on a highway when it is safe to do so....but use your discretion on this one...any accident or mistake can lead to "drive left of centre"



    I cross the double yellow frequently:

    If you pass across a double yellow you are responsible for any accident that you are involved in.


    How did the parent post know these things? Has the poster collected a slew of tickets supporting his 20 points?

  2. Fishing in the dark? Who catches fish then?? LOL.


    We have a light on the side of one of our benches in the tinny that is wired to the battery and is switch operated. It doesn't seem that bright....but when it's truly dark out, it's plenty bright enough to see what you are doing out there.



    Sitting in the middle of a big lake unable to see anything 3 feet past the boat. Strange noises surrounding you.


    Hasn't anyone here watched a horror movie before?

  3. Canadian Tire has some Plano Bags for $15 on sale, it comes with 4 trays. It'll hold everything a box would do.

    Walmart has a grey Plano two tier tray for less than 10$ that fit in those Plano bags when you want to go extra portable.


    For extra flexibility the boxes will fit in a knapsack.



  4. I exchanged several thousand US dollars a short while ago:


    -shop the price around. The most competitive prices are usually in Toronto.

    -Those X-change kiosks do not have great rates, but, you can negotiate.

    -Money Mart type places had the absolute worse rates.


    -I got mine at a local bank after some haggling.



  5. OK. A friend of a friends sisters guy cousin just confirmed this:


    Story behind Kalib Starnes running away:


    Al-Quida placed a nuclear device in his jock and body sensors all over him. If one of those sensors got hit, BLAMO!!!


    Kalib is a hero!!!!

  6. What was up with that guy running away? Now that I remember that guy had a history of flinching, giving up or just plain being a wussy (as far as UFC goes).


    How that guy keeps making it on the main events is beyond me.


    Did I miss something? Was the guy hurt or rigged with some sort of nuclear device that would blow if he got hit?



  7. The slots in the French drive me crazy....my favorite fish to eat is pike believe it or not, and I have to go for a 40 minute boat ride to the Pickeral if I want an eater...my own thought is that by leaving all the large predators behind we could really throw things out of whack, it's all about balance


    My thoughts on what bramptonjerry said were that the limits have to be dynamic or different for predator fish. Lets say 1 fish over X size and 4 under X size. Both Large and small fish have to be taken in proportion to each other or there may end up being a situation where there are a lot of big predator fish and not enough smaller fish to feed on.


    The only qualified statement my education/experience allows me to say is: the small fish taste better.



  8. This time I agree with you, except everyone should do themselves a favour and buy a distiller, or a reverse osmosis system , or a Berkey gravity filter and use it on their tap water before they put in their Kleen Kanteen.




    (the first documented use of fluoride on humans was back during WWII by the Nazis just in case anyone wants to look it up)


    I use a Brita, I would rather use a reverse osmosis or other system but the ones I have seen are all plastic inside....so i use my Brita plastic (its actually Ok as plastic goes) in my fridge. Know any stainless steel systems?


    What have the Nazi's got to do with anything?: Nazi's worked with it so it must be bad? Floride has its up and downs, its known.



  9. Gotta hand it to Nestle...they have one of the better tasting bottled waters, and at bargain prices. Some of that other stuff, ie: Dasani, have fancy names, cost more, and as they admitted themselves, is nothing more than triple distilled tap water. And it does't taste as good as Nestle.


    Maybe its the plastic that makes it taste different. Hmmm dirty leeching, non-biodegradable plastic.


    To the general audience:

    Do yourself and everyone a good turn: Put water from home in a Kleen Kanteen (with a stainless steel cap) and forget about the bottle water.

    Just do it.



  10. The company's pumping has exerted enough pressure to cause surface water in a creek near its site to be drawn underground, but Nestlé has maintained that the effect is of no consequence because it hasn't affected flow rates of the stream.


    If a company (or anyone) justifies or defends their actions by referencing an obvious falsehood they are doing evil (yep, that is what I said: evil). Too bad lying is not illegal.


    If I know a product is Nestle's I do not buy it. Think about how they are sucking KW (and other areas)dry next time you take a sip of a Nestle product:


    + Nestle Pure Life

    + Aberfoyle springs water

    + Nestlé PURE LIFE, Nestlé Aquarel, Perrier, Evian, Montclair, Vittel, Contrex,S. Pellegrino, Acqua Panna, Levissima, Vera, Viladrau, Arrowhead, Poland Spring,

    Santa Maria, La Vie, Deer Park, Al Manhal, Ozarka, Hepar, Aberfoyle.


    +Here is an official boycott page



  11. Wonder were those springs have gone?




    A snippet from the article about water bottling company being allowed to take water from the area:


    "I'm disappointed that they did not reduce their volume, nor did they address the whole issue of giving a public resource away to a private enterprise for free," said Mark Goldberg, co-founder of Wellington Water Watchers, a local activist group.


    The province levies a one-time $3,000 processing fee on complicated water permits that need a scientific evaluation. Beginning next year, it will charge an additional fee of $3.71 for every million litres permit holders withdraw, or $13.36 a day if Nestlé takes its full allotment.

    You read that right $3.71 per million litres.


    3.6 million litres of water a day, every day.


    You think it's only big oil that's screwing you and the environment, think again.


    Sounds like a whole other thread. Yep, the Nestle thing is making a lot of people angry. My opinion is that the government is letting Nestle kill parts of an eco-system from the area:


    As usual the involved corporation is lying by crying obviously faulty/blind logic::


    The company's pumping has exerted enough pressure to cause surface water in a creek near its site to be drawn underground, but Nestlé has maintained that the effect is of no consequence because it hasn't affected flow rates of the stream.


    If I know a product is theirs I do not buy it. Think about how they are sucking KW (and other areas)dry next time you take a sip of Nestle:


    + Nestle Pure Life

    + Aberfoyle springs water

    + Nestlé PURE LIFE, Nestlé Aquarel, Perrier, Evian, Montclair, Vittel, Contrex,S. Pellegrino, Acqua Panna, Levissima, Vera, Viladrau, Arrowhead, Poland Spring,

    Santa Maria, La Vie, Deer Park, Al Manhal, Ozarka, Hepar, Aberfoyle.


    +Here is an official boycott page



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