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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Hmmmm Darwin huh? Big eugenics proponent, whole family inbred with the Wedgewoods trying to perfect his "species", even married his aunt when his wife died. A lot of his "research" was propaganda setup to further the eugenics movement (which is still in full swing today, only now it's called the Trans-Humanist movement). Charles Galton Darwin, "Darwin's grandson" contiunes to push eugenics or trans-humanism agenda today.


    But don't believe me, look it up.


    the basics:




    I also heard they have a habit of beating their pets.....but no one cares about that stuff....they just care about the widely accepted undisputed (successfully) long standing champion theory of evolution.



    PS: its going to get its first update in a little while, but that is a secret I will not reveal at this time :whistling:

  2. Just Lund logo, with long underline... The fancy graphic stripes were a second decal kit that ran about the same price. Seems the Lund logo is patented and the graphics are copyrighted. So they charge big bucks.


    I take it that you are saying that someone else holds the copyright to the logo...strange. If its a Lund logo......they are gouging.


    Buy L U N D in a nice but plain font and put near transom on each side. go to trade show or call up other companies for free logo....mercury, yamaha, OFC, Starcraft :P and

    Pay a pin-striper for a custom graphic.



  3. OFC has a promo deal with All American Outdoors: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20375 and off I went clicking away to buy a bait caster.


    To cut a long story short.....I think I ordered the freshwater edition and its the salt water models that were on sale, I hope the guy I talked to on the phone caught onto that I wanted the OFC deal. So the freshwater and saltwater reels retail for the same price....whats the difference?

    why would they sell a fresh water version that has inferior rust resistance?






    any good info is good info.



  4. On a peaceful quite lake I like fishing by myself or with the wife, if there is idle chatter its all good.


    But when targeting fish it is always faster to work with someone else who is working things a bit different. The learning curve is much better and fishing more fun. It is also easier to tell a believable tale of the one that got away.




  5. Lund decals will cost about $200. That's what they are for my Mr. Pike.


    If the ones you have aren't too fancy, it might be cheaper to get them from a sign shop, but even some of those guys gouge pretty bad on vinyl cutting.





    I almost choked on my dinner. If its a big decal package with pinstripes I can see that....but what about those smaller 8 by 14 "Lund" stickers?



  6. OK...so I saw the link: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20375 and off I went clicking away to buy a bait caster.


    To cut a long story short.....I think I ordered the freshwater edition and its the salt water models that were on sale....same price....whats the difference?

    why would they sell a fresh water version that has inferior rust resistance?







  7. US pricing and Canadian pricing seem arent based solely on the exchange rate though.


    If you buy something off of the website that is the price you pay (after conversion and taxes).


    Its a weird setup. The website is a completely separate entity, they have their own products, pricing and product id system.

    I would think that if I gave a website # that the store had someway to know what product it is.


    Its not easy getting up to BP so a lot of people look online first.



  8. thx.i will try that.

    also i put brand new battery.does is need charger or when you run outboard it charges by itself.let me know.thx



    Check with the store you bought the battery from. Almost always they are on the shelf charged and ready to go.

    You will still need a charger over the winter months...a trickle charger will keep the battery fresh.



  9. Not a drain near by Rick?....usually the tube is just dripping into a basement floor drain.


    Close all the basement vents on ducts for the summer-look for a 'balancing' louver to direct more air to upstairs branches for summer season.


    Most duct work is poorly installed, if you take a roll of duct tape and seal joints at elbows etc there will be far more cold air flowing upstairs. This is only possible on duct work in unfinished basements but if acessable it'll help a lot.


    Additional items:


    1) close the upstairs cold air returns and open the warm air returns(near ceiling)

    2) get the ceiling fans going in the right directions (in fwd, blowing towards the floor).

    3) put pastic bags or some other obstruction on the basement vents that do not close completely (those round ones). Yes, yes, puts a greater load on the blower motor...the holes in the system will reduce the strain, seal and get cold.




  10. Went to Bass Pro this aft on my way to a wedding so I was pressed for time. It was a wonderful wedding full of good people in a great outdoor setting, ceremony was in the woods.


    Back to Bass Pro:


    1) taking an internet catalogue number and asking a clerk to reference it is useless! "we do not go by those numbers"... :blink: you have to be kidding me.

    2) the Salty 10 is still $24 on the shelf....I just bought 2 online from BP for $35.....@#$@#%!!!! :wallbash: (I think I will make a phone call)

    3) something my buddy wanted was more than twice the online price ($20 instead of $10)

    4) the store does not have a lot of stuff that online has.

    5) the guy at the parts counter was excellent and friendly.


    6) Napoleon BBQs....they were on sale....a kick butt sale....about 40% off!!!! Forget about Home Depot! I bought one of their medium-low range ones last year and was in a hurry so I did not get exact details Example: $1299.....now $699. $699 now $319. It may have something to do with the Barrie manufacturing closing. All I know is that if I was in the process of buying a BBQ I would have spent an extra few minutes and bought one. And if you are wondering....yes, napoleon is a good as webber....better some say.


    7) Tungsten jigs heads? How can they not sell tungsten jig heads?



    PS: bought another salty and spent about $100

  11. I am going there this afternoon:


    The last 2 trips I made were wide apart and I noticed a couple of the same things:


    1) the fish looked pale and not as big, they were certainly changed out.


    2) the boat department had fewer boats and the sales guy was resorting to unfavorable sales practices (by my standards). So boat sales must not have been going so well.



  12. When I was looking for a filleting/live fish handling glove I looked at the Normark one that is like chainmail and the Lindy one that feels more synthetic. The Normark felt nicer on my hands but I bought the Lindy for 2 reasons:


    1) The Lindy one will not let the point of the knife go through it the Normark definitely will let it (its chainmail). Same goes for fish spikes.


    2) The Normark lets water flow right through it, the Lindy seems waterproof to me so there is no stinky fish smell.




  13. Wrong, wrong, wrong...Any respectable battery shop will tell you not to regularly go below 50% discharge, 80% at the very most. The further you discharge, the worse it gets. Batteries only have so many cycles in life from full to empty, the more you fully discharge them, the less cycles you have to use. Deep cycles will also sulfate(crystals) which prevent complete recharging and holding of a charge. Never charge your battery at more than C10(10 % of battery capacity) doing so overheats the plates. Get a 3 stage automatic float charger.



    I have one of the CTC intelligent battery charges by schumacher: http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true


    12/8/2A charges that does deep cycle.....should I not be using it?



  14. Before throwing any chemicals on something I always try baking soda w/ scrub brush or cloth and then a wipe down with a 1/5th vinegar/water mixture.


    It it works great on the worst bath tubs and a bunch more (thats right zero Mr. Clean etc in my house).


    The baking soda removes the grime.


    The Vinegar is an anti-fungal agent.


    Neither work as a soap though so to do degreasing after baking soda use a mild soap.



    Better than chemicals and may suit your applicaiton.




  15. The past few trips, it seems to be dying really fast when using the trolling motor. Earlier last season, it would run all day and still have half a charge. I charged it a few days ago and used a battery tester, which read 12.75V after charging. Two days later after just sitting in the garage, I re-tested and it read 11.85V. Is she dying or is there some sort of maintenance to help revive it? I am going fishing for 9 days starting Saturday and don't want to do so with a wonky battery.


    I think CTC still tests batteries for customers. They have a machine for it and will also check the fluid levels and mixture.



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