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Posts posted by forrest

  1. just checked the zone maps and google earth, if you meant Lake Ontario Shoreline, Lynde Shores then that would be zone 20, but if u were referring to Cranberry M a r s h, Lynde Shores Conservation Area then that would be zone 17. of course it wouldn't hurt if some1 verifies this also ;)


    hope this helps


    its funny how it changes the word "m a r s h" to "whats its name" took me 3 edits b4 i figured it out lol


    Thanks Bravo. .....3 more weeks till its open then, darn....


    NOW I know what happened to the threads title.....I thought I was overly tired! :sleeping_02:



  2. I like the review:


    5 out of 5 5 out of 5

    Home run!, November 26, 2007

    By Bowsky from Norton, OH (read all my reviews) (read all my reviews)


    "This thing is awesome! I hit a walleye 60 feet with this bad boy against a left handed pitcher! Trout are pretty hard to hit, but still Highly recommended!"



  3. Different things will suit different people:



    Pros: Best signal quality, period. Free (aside from basic hardware)

    Cons: may not have all the channels you want. No PPV. Weather can interfere, where you live matters.



    Pros: PPV, a lot of channels.

    Cons: Signal quality is compromized for business reasons by Bell. $$$. Last I checked it does not get all the OTA stuff. Satellite interference due to weather.




    Pros: PPV a lot of channels

    Cons: Service is spotty, good in some areas, bad in others. Signal quality is compromized. $$$



    Pros: "free", there are actually some free unencrypted channels, US stations

    Cons: not exactly legal. Signal quality. units have to be flashed every couple of weeks so its inconvenient and sometimes you can miss your show.




  4. I know they dont use bunny ears now... I used that as a frame of reference so others could follow along lol.... but they essentially do the same job as Bunny ears from 30 years ago lol



    Bunny ears (for analogue) are about as similar to Yagis (w/ digital receiver) as bunny ears are similar to satellite dishes.


    They all receive an electronic signal for amplification (according to my DSP and signals course). :canadian:




    edit: man...2 or 3 posts posted while I wrote this....fast thread.

  5. So spend 300.00.... on and antenna so I can watch Corner Gas and Red Green.. Or Take that same 300.00 and purchase a HD system from Bell... knowing they are launching 2 more satellite's to deal with the compression issues...


    I am not trying to be sarcastic here... Bunny ears did not cut it ten years ago... I dont see how 300.00 bunny ears are going to cut it now to be honest..


    Sure they get you some programming..


    But 300.00 on a set of bunny ears.....




    $150 a piece...and that is overspending. Then again a tower could cost some.


    They don't use bunny ears anymore.....they use yagis......and the real nice thing about digital is that you either get it or you don't. There is no noise!


    Sure, the signal can go wonky for a moment in bad weather....just like Bell



  6. Sorry added to my post while you were responding it seems..





    NP!...I was probably adding to mine as you were adding to yours :whistling:


    Bell may be launching new birds does not mean they will increase their signal quality; as the trend goes they are most likely only adding channels.


    So.....a direct question would be....will Dale Jr appear on OTA for misfish?




  7. forrest how many station are currently broadcasting in HD over the air? Given his location in Barrie...


    I am by no means a HD newbie.... BEV is still better then ANYTHING any cable company will offer. period.


    Sure BEV has to compress the signal due to bandwidth per transponder issues..... Just wait... Did you know BEV is launching new birds? they are being built by Boeing.


    Just thought you would like to know.



    In Toronto...about 20 HDTV channels including ABC, NBC, CBC, PBS, CBC (hockey).......Is 20 a pretty good number?


    In Barrie....well it depends on the antenna. It might be about the same. A sure way would be to check the OTA forums (http://www.remotecentral.com/hdtv/index.html)




    So, if Bell is compressing their signal: there is no better signal than OTA.



  8. Brian, Plasma is what you are wanting to look for especially for fast moving sports such as racing, hockey etc... but REMEMBER in order to achieve the TV's best performance you will also need a HD Source... such as a HD Bell Expressvu Sat Reciever..


    If you need a hand @ models and brands... please give me an idea on what size you would like to have... Also drop me a pm...




    I would just like to comment on this statement. Bell sucks. I remember when they were calling their signal HDTV and it stood for HIGHER definition TV....what scammers. HDTV from Rogers or Bell costs an arm and a leg! If it fits you I think OTA is the way to go....spend $300 on 2 antennas and get FREE uncompromised HDTV. What do I mean my uncompromized.....some TV delivery services are compressing their signals so they can deliver more channels...that translates to low quality HDTV (its not HDTV anymore).


    There was a thread just last week on OFC about purchasing an HDTV..check it out.



  9. Great pic.....its really weird!


    I used to hear stories of Pike being handled by the eyes... Mainly from old timers...



    Yep, thats how people used to hold them. My 30 year old (as lost) fishing book says that holding the pike by the eyes is the correct way to handle them.


    However, recent wisdom says that that is the wrong way to go about it. http://www.northernpikefishing.ca/pike-tips.htm


    How To Hold A Pike


    If you hold a northern pike or walleye up by it's eye sockets like they use to do in the old days, you squeeze their optic nerves into their brain and they die a slow death.



  10. Well an injury has me on some down time so I decided to install a swing away tongue. Appears like a very easy task at first glance...but man can looks be decieving...Pretty much got stopped in my tracks on trying to tighten up the bolts. Not a tool in my chest can clamp the inside bolts.


    Has anyone done this, is there a specific tool to help...even better Im in MIssissauga and if someone has done this before and wants to come help put it on Im happy to pay ya


    Post a pic! I think I know what you are trying to do but without a pic I am totally guessing.




    PS: I am looking to put one of them on myself. Right now I am taking the hitch off the the trailer so it fist in the garage right.

  11. I noticed that no one has commented on how good a shot that was with the spear gun so I will say it. That was a good shot! :clapping:

    Of course a bow and arrow would have been even more impressive (do those work underwater?)


    Well things could be worse, I last heard that its still legal to shoot pike with a gun in Virginia:



    "To bag her personal best, a 9-pound northern pike, Tina Capsey used an SKS, the semiautomatic Soviet military rifle and precursor to the AK-47.

    ``If you want big fish,'' said Capsey, 45, the owner of Fish Tales, a restaurant in Swanton, ``you need a big gun.''



  12. Thanks for the news WM... I meant to post a heads up the other day. Noted that when the new BPS catalogue arrived last week it has the Down Easter Salty S10 rod holders listed now at $34.95 US ... yet they are still only $23.99 CDN in the Vaughn store. If you want a set... you'd better grab them now as I bet new stock will have them up $10 a piece.


    thanks for hte tip!


    I want to get 3 of these but never get up that way and the website has them at the new price.


    Anyone from Oshawa that is making a trip up to Bass Pro willing to pick me up 3 at the old price for me?



  13. Bottom line to my point was that a far greater number on people in Ontario didnt turn off their lights. And its a good thing that corporate Ontario wasn't involved because it would have been even more lopsided.


    Um....corporate Ontario was involved, didn't your hear or see about lights being turned off in office buildings?





    PS:I edited stuff out of this post because "Ramble On" seems to have said it best. Nice Job RO

  14. hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha



    Global warming and pollution is actually due to aliens trying to aclimatize the earth so its suits their species.

    The aliens gave humans technology that they knew we would use to create our own demise and make the environment more to their liking.


    Didn't you guys see that episode of "the outer limits"?



    PS. the illuminati are simply minor pawns of the aliens.

  15. So a LARGE GROUP is what 8.75% thats the amount of energy that was saved so translate that into accual figures of how many people turned off their lights my guess is less than 1/8 0f 1% and most of them were there for a free concert :unsure:

    Forrest you must have missed the threads on global warming if you think this one is even getting any interest at all. lol


    TC: the problem with your statement is that the calculations of how many people turned their lights off (1/8 of a percent) is that they are based on Bull instead of actual fact or even an educated guess (you are most certainly way off). It makes it sound like your full of Bull and not worth listening to.


    Yes, I did not read the threads on global warming, do people here generally care about the environment....I don't know, maybe they do not.


    I know that it can be both a naturally occurring thing and a man made thing. I think I am all hung up on this NOT being a climate change thing only. Global warming due to pollution or CO2 emmisions does not worry me so much as a toxic environment created by man.


    I do think the tings go hand in hand as far as people are concerned. If people care about one it is not too far to think that they care about the other.




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