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Posts posted by forrest

  1. Once yak..never look back!

    I think anything that requires a" bike pump " is going to fail in the long run...

    I recommend a kayak, bro.


    I think $1100 would be for something like the Hobie Float Cats. They are not inflatable.

    A few hundred dollars will get you an inflatable version of this type of kick boat.


    $1100...yep, sounds expensive to me too.



  2. If the guy has cash (he does have a stocked pond!) an intelligent way to have dealt with this:


    1) post the no fishing/contact sign in a way that it could not easily be messed with

    2) put up some video cameras

    3) video tape trespassing and/or theft of fish

    4) call cops and have offenders charged or sign a peace bond


    Certainly easier said than done

    Certainly easier done than getting hauled into court on weapons and battery charges.




  3. It was the lead story on CHCH news last night, apparently their waders saved them from any serious injury. As well, they had fished there 20 times before according to the victims.

    http://www.thespec.com/News/Local/article/370805 link to the story



    the article does not say they fished there before. Where does it say that they fished there 20 times before? TV I guess.


    There is a lot more to this story for sure...those guys who got shot sound like asses.



  4. The only thing I could think of is this....you have to keep your fish right? That means if the limits were really low....say 1 or 2 per outing, you'd have to stop fishing once you had your limit. If mortality numbers of catch and release is pretty high, then in the long run are you not saving more fish if a normal outing is 4 or 5 fish?


    Anyhow, might just be me hallucinating, but that thought crossed my mind....LOL.



    Thats the first thing that crossed my mind too. I guess all the fish that are caught over there are either good to eat or they figure people are killing more than their limit each day with catch and release.


    What to do with a dirty fish that you catch...throw it in the bin?



  5. Party fishing is another story.

    Just so you know. The CO was standing over my shoulder as I bonked that whitie on the head and added it to my limit.......he told me it was "close enough".........I asked him first.


    If its hooked in the side or the fin or the tail.......then sure....release it.


    Close to the mouth......you make the call.......I keep the odd one.....so what?


    Call the CO.....you won't get an answer anyways!! :wallbash:




    I can see the scene now club raised in hand:

    sinker: "Am I good?"

    co: "close enough"

    fish: sigh....

    sinker: with a big smile turns and whallops the poor little critter.




  6. ok


    I believe only in the mouth counts


    I have seen often with the multi hook spoons where the hook is clearly in the mouth, but as soon as it starts up the hole in the ice, it is ripped out of the mouth and catches somewhere else or falls out completely and you reach down the hole and grab the fish.....legal or not





  7. One that cares. Does that answer question??????????????


    I think you have to and to that sentence....."one that cares" and is a glutton for punishment.


    I would think that a lot of COs care but are not about to subject themselves to an onslaught of forum activity. Hence they keep quiet about their status.

    Do you think that COs do not know about this and other fishing forums? Do you think that because they are not here to answer our questions, they do not care?


    A silly argument, really.



  8. Man if only we had a CO just to clearify on this.


    What CO in their right mind would make themselves known? they would be barraged with arguments and questions. :ph34r:



    The law says you have to release all the fish that was not caught right in the mouth


    What is the exact wording of the law. The previous reference to the regulations what pretty clear "right inside the mouth" was not mentioned, how about "just inside the mouth"?; not to mentioned 'hooked in the throat'.



  9. Please....... :wallbash::blahblah1: Now I'm a poacher? Come on.... :asshat:


    If I wanted to poach whities, I'd do just that. I use a lure to get them in the yap..... :rolleyes:


    I've released hundreds of whities that were hooked in the face......and I've kept a few too. Big deal.


    What would you do with this one? Yup, its snagged.....right under the chin. I guess it just happened to swim right over my jig as I lifted it right......or.....maybe it was trying to get eat it, but could't find it in the cloud of mud I'd stirred up down there.....???






    I have unintentionally snagged whitefish 40ft down, nearer the belly. Who is to say if that fish was an unintentional snag or a fish that missed the lure. Have to give the fish the benifit of the doubt.


    I would have said...."aw crumm" and let it go; I have other food at home.



  10. :w00t:


    Ontario does have a strict description of a legally hooked fish.


    Page 8 of the General Fishing Regulations under General Prohibitions item #5


    It Is Illeagal to:


    "Catch a fishby impalling or snaggingit with a hookthrough any part of the bodyother than the mouth - any fishhooked in this way must be released immediately"


    good page and quote reference made.


    Also, "in the mouth" is not mentioned. The wording is "mouth" not "in the mouth".



  11. I dont know what type of boat you have, or if this would work, but could you fill the inside of the boat with water and then watch to see where the water comes out?



    How would you get enough pressure to get the leak to leak?



  12. It depends on the amount, how much?


    Check with your bank, banks are always best. Even bank certified checks can be no good (go figure). IDs and checks can be forged and often are, a crew will come to town and set up shop for a small while and go on a "spending" spree. They crooks have a lot of good tools.


    Make sure you do likewise for the person buying. Have all documentation and as much proof of ownership as you can reasonably get.



  13. Friday I'm taking three youngsters fishing and I may be in over my head. They've already bugged me to death fretting about ice conditions, so what will happen if it's not gone the very minute we're supposed to fly?


    Norton and Whopper have been with me before, but it's Deg's first time and they're already ganging up on him by making him fish with me the first couple of days or so. Poor Deg.



    Tell them 'Be thankful, there are children who live in the desert who would very much like to go fishing in a place like this' :P

  14. . . am I over-reacting . . . . or do others feel the same way.[/font]



    Your right in saying something should be done about it.

    I think the flag is supposed to come down everyday too. By the looks of the lower flag its just left up there, who could change the flag and look at that everyday.


    Either put it up and take care of it or leave it down...thats what I think.


    The Toronto Star 'fixer' column my like this one seeing as its a 30meter pole.



  15. Being a former top canadian track and field athlete I hate to see Canadian Athletes treated unfairly. This goes on way to much. My girlfriend owns a Gymnastics club so I know what it takes to be a gymnast and to be the number 1 all around gymnast in Canada and not be selected to the Olympic team is crazy and makes me very sick to my stomach. Please help this young Athlete out guys. Thanks!




    Gotta say it: That petition could get a 1,000 or 100, 000 signatures and it would make no difference. electronic petitions are heavily discounted when it comes to large organizations.



  16. Never heard of the place until you mentioned it here, just found the website now....FREE ADVERTISING. You are too generous DMASSE



    Moving on can be a good thing. i usually need a kick in the butt to get where I am going.


    Hope everything works out.



  17. Towing was a big issue for me. I have a Honda CRV with a towing capacity of only 1000 pounds. The 16 foot boats I looked at and the slightly bigger motors would have put me too close to that for my comfort. (Once you add a few batteries, gear etc.) The total cargo weight would also be an issue for me when I'm towing the boat with 4 people and camping gear. If it was a newer model, I may have taken the chance...but mine is a '98 with 290,000 kms on it.


    Eventually, once the CRV is gone, I'll get a bigger vehicle and I'll be looking for a 16 footer for sure!



    I sure feel better about towing a 16 ft tin with my 2000 Civic sedan. I thought I was the only one.



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