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Posts posted by forrest

  1. I sometimes find people selling lots of 10, 20 or even 50 lures, brand new, out of the package and have bought a bunch of Rapala's and Rat-L-Traps and my non-expert eye thinks they are new.


    How do these items end up being released from the manufacturer without packaging?




  2. Before I grew old and became burdened with guilt:


    When I was a kid (8 or so) I loved fishing with frogs, they were everywhere and easy to catch. The three best things about fishing with frogs:


    1) Catching them....it was almost as fun as fishing....Bullfrog catching was great fun too.


    2) Throw them into the middle of a bike or bass filled area and watch the action unfold (good entertainment when the fishing was done).


    3) Submerge them deep into a clear lake are filled with bass and watch the action.


    4) OK...one more. throw them into a pond with geese....man those geese loved frogs. Frogs had about a 2 in 10 chance of making it.


    Stupid guilt.



  3. I have had good experiences in LeBarons.


    The staff were very knowledgeable and they were friendly.

    Prices on tackle was reasonable...some prices were high, but I got some good deals too. I would shop there again.



    The website....well it is hard to navigate and could easily be updated for little money (I am in the know). Would improving it help the business? I don't know, thats a business decision.




  4. Do people bring reserve gas tanks?


    Some electric motors wont start unless they are on a full charge. Does anyone compensate for that?


    Extra batteries for the marine radio and a map to go with the compass.



  5. thanks for all the options guys!


    I dont have rafters but if I come across some heavy duty scaffolding I with consider it. I would consider the guy with the crane but that would mean I have to put a whole through the bedroom directly above the garage and that would be trouble.


    For now its the jack and block.


    niceguy: its not specifically for working on the boat. More so that I want do work on the trailer or use the trailer for hauling other stuff.



    thanks again guys, your great!



  6. The boat and trailer combo is sitting in my garage and I want to get the boat off of the trailer. Its a 16ft aluminum...problem is is that the motor is 220lbs and the boat is 330lbs. The boat is not a big problem, its the motor I worry about.


    Bringing the combo down to the water is not an option. Is inviting friends over for "free beer" the best way to reach my goal?


    Any advice?



  7. If I am unfamilar with an area I always like to find an area that shows signs of others fishing from them over a period of several years. :clapping: The better ones are usually harder to track and deeper in the forests.


    Sneaking onto golf courses was an old favorite of mine. A set of hip waders will also let you get to areas you normally cannot fish properly. How many times do you see a guy standing in a lake with hip waders?


    I think the biggest unknown factor is: "what type of fish you are looking for?"



  8. http://www.bassfan.com/news_article.asp?id=2702


    Read parts 1 and 2.


    On a personal note, I worked out hard a few years ago and felt stronger, had more stamina (mental especially) and fished better than I had ever done before. Adding 15 lbs of muscle also helped me to cope with long bumpy boat rides too. I'm not saying any of this discredits your opinion, just wanted you to know that it is actually a very big help for coping with long hours, long days and the general abuse your body and mind take over a 6-7 day period preparing for and fishing in an event.




    Agreed. Exercise/Working out can benefit anyone in their daily lives no matter what the activity. LIfe is better with exercise.


    I have just never seen a fishing show where they talk about their workouts or heard of anyone saying "this exercise will help with your hook sets, try to get 5 sets of 15 reps in"



  9. When this was first posted I was keeping quite. 6 pages later and a strong vote for "yes" it is a sport and I am going to bust, who he heck is hitting the gym so they can do better at fishing? I love going fishing, its one of my favorite things. But....


    Fishing (as we are talking about here in Ontario) is not a sport:


    -fishing is competitive, so is chess, poker, snowball fights and beating rush hour traffic. None of these are a sport.

    -fishing can be a competition, but, not all competitions are sports.

    -sports do not have the goal of killing a living thing, fishing very often results in death. Sometimes it whole purpose is to catch, kill and consume tasty fish.


    -Most of all: The "sport" designation in "sport fishing" is attributed to the fish, not the fisherman. Sorry guys.



  10. The fishing is not so great there anymore. I have asked around and watched some guys fishing there. Used to be filled with perch and bass (I am sure a few Pike were there).

    It might be fine in the summer if your not traveling to far and want to kill time, but thats about all.



  11. Nothing in the add shows that it it certainly a scam. Very strange? Yes. Be suspicious? Yes.


    Send an email and get details, the ad does not say where the boat is or how the auction would take place.


    Maybe the seller lives in Oklahoma and he heard that Canadians are on a spending spree due to the good dollar.

    Maybe he is desperate to sell and things are selling so fast where he is.

    Maybe the boat is close than you think.



  12. Not an expert here:


    Motors can be started out of the water. Some motors have a water hose hookup, just let the water run at low pressure.


    Others take water too but require mufflers them to keep the water in the engine.


    The problem I can see with these approachs is that freezing water is bad so who is going to subject their motor to water that may freeze in it.


    there are also tubs that motors can be but in and run...just like the repair shop.



  13. I checked the minn kota site, No retro-fits? That is not cool. This is strictly a speed controller device: Any electric motor guys out there that can confirm this?


    With the price of trolling motors being what they are....has anyone tried to retro-fit their motor with a homemade or third part controller?








    If anyone is not sure what we are on about here:


    -normally (the old way) a speed controller always takes 100% battery power from the battery and either routes it to the motor and/or a resistor (that turns it into heat). More power going to the resistor means less power/speed for the motor


    -with digital control the resistor is replaced with a transistor (it blocks electricity instead of turning it into heat). A small computer chip (50cents worth of computer) rapidly turns the transistor on/off so it switches (pulses) between 100% and 0%. No power is wasted as heat, the motor uses only what it needs and the battery lasts A LOT longer.


    cost of the parts: I am guess $25 for high quality components.

  14. I have been reading up on trolling motors and came across something a bit odd.


    Minn Kota promotes a "digital maximizer", technology that allows the motor to consume varying amounts of power so that power consumed is closer to the power output. I as thinking huh? its not like this is high tech or new technology, how come all of the motors are not built like that?



    So my questions:

    I have never owned a trolling motor, are they usually run at full speed? (that would mean that there would be no power savings)


    Is is there a company that sells retro-fit kits for existing old-style motors?





    Is this technology available elsewhere but just not advertised?



  15. A couple of people have stated that compared to the price of a $230 rod paying $75 is not bad.


    So being ripped off moderately is OK? The guy bought a rod with a "life-time replacement warranty" not a "life-time we will charge you $70 for your next replacement rod warranty"


    Lets say your new car broke and the dealer charged you $2000 to fix the 100% under warranty item. What would you say then then?



  16. We wanted to upgrade from dial-up (free through work) and looked around for some deals and then we called Bell and and told them we didn't want to pay 49.99/month for hi speed since there are others offering it in our area for around $35/month and as longtime customers what would they do for us.


    Guess what they said.





    Thanks for your business all those years and hi speed will cost $26/m for the first 6 months and then $35/m after that.

    Until when we asked?

    For as long as you want it said the bell rep.

    Great send us the modem to.....


    Moral of the story, companies will reward loyal customers.


    Just my $.02




    Sounds like you got the regular price for their "up to" 500kbps dsl line.


    The $50 is a 5 000Kbps dsl line.



    I pay the $50 but they have started throttling my P2P connection to 500kbps so I may be asking for my $15 back soon.


    PS Bell support STINKS.



  17. Here is a link to some of the other aliases of this seller:




    anything look familiar?


    One other thing this guy does is post a picture of the item and all its details on an external site. Then he can swap out the description at a later date by simply replacing the photo that he has complete control over.


    He asked me to send payment via Western Union.




    PS...I edit my posts too much...I know.

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