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Algoma Guy

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About Algoma Guy

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    S.S.M. And Oba
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  1. Wow! Very solid! Great read! Thanks for that.
  2. I think you are talking about the tail race. You can still fish there. You can catch Atlantics there and walleye at night. Pm me if you'd like.
  3. I think Brook Trout can not even co-exist with Yellow Perch. Around my area they planted Splake in lakes that had yellow perch present and were former Brook Trout lakes. I would expect Bass to be even more predatory than perch. It would be cool though to be casting for Bass and hook a 3lb Brookie!
  4. You can only hunt for calf during the 3rd and 4th week of the season. They also reduced tags by 15%. In the wmu I hunt it went from 7 people for a gaurented bull in 2014 ito no group tags available for bull 2015. As well next year they are going delay the rifle hunt for one week. I am surprised there hasn't been more media coverage. I for one was very disappointed.
  5. What is everyone's thoughts on the new regs for 2015 moose this year? I am still in shock.
  6. Perhaps a big sign at major spawning sites explaining exactly what is going on and how important it is for these fish to be protected. Believe it or not many people are uneducated about fish spawning and habitat protection. If they still break the law then its all on them and whatever punishment they receive is deserved!
  7. Why did that seem set up to me? Cool vid though!
  8. You have picked an awsome spot for a vacation! Like worm dangler said a lot of the rivers will hold fish although July isn't the ideal time. There are some popular spots along the highway that provide parking but you can park on the shoulder if you would like to explore too. Send me a Pm if you would like and I can point you in the right direction.
  9. I've got just what you need! PM sent.
  10. Can't believe it took 3 pages for someone to mention this. Good ole five n' diner can't be beat. This lure is a Canadian classic.
  11. Just like what everyone else said......talk to Mike B. If money is no object Knee Lake northstarresort.ca or Kesagami Lake kesagami.com. Both places offer a realistic chance at a 50" Northern. I believe walleye are everywhere in both lakes. I used to guide with a native fellow at Kasba Lake who had also guided at Knee Lake......he told me the Pike in Knee Lake could eat the pike in Kasba Lake.
  12. What an awesome fish! Definately a species I have to catch in my lifetime. Any relation to the Louttit's from Oba,on?
  13. The final demise of the ACR began when CN purchased the company and railroad. CN is in the business of freight........9 billion dollars worth. CN has no interest in running a passenger service and it has showed with the steady decrease in ridership. The $2.2 million subsidy the government provided the railroad had been in place for years. That number is peanuts for the both the Feds and CN. This new plan is asking for LESS tax dollars and in 5 years the train will be self sufficient. This should make everyone happy even the taxpayer.
  14. Ok guys its that time again to put some pressure on Minister Raitt. The feds subsidy for the Algoma Central Railway will end soon and efforts to save the ACR for the long term have began. A third party has agreed to take over the passenger and tour train and CN is on board. They have a plan to make the train self sustainable in 5 years with new and exciting tourism opportunities. I will provide some links below. Please take a look and if you have the time maybe send a letter or two to our Minsters. Council urges feds to support ACR plan http://www.saultstar.com/2015/01/26/council-urges-feds-to-support-acr-plan Fight for the ACR Continues - Presentation to Sault Council & Letter for all to Send http://www.wawa-news.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=21844:fight-for-the-acr-continues-presentation-to-sault-council-a-letter-for-all-to-send&catid=118:district-news&Itemid=78
  15. Very cool! Total different perspective. Wonder how long it will take to make drones illegal for fishing and hunting?
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