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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. my math teacher has become ill so my class for tomarrow has been cancelled. to bad lol. that mean a whole day off :whistling: wonder wut i should do.


    i will be going to the rapids for some pinks and maybe even some kings if anyone in the area is interested to go it would be great. :thumbsup_anim:


    PM me or just post here.

  2. well yesterday i had a nice susprise, my first class for today got cancelled so that ment no school untill 2:30pm :thumbsup_anim:


    so i decided that i might aswell go fishin lol


    caught the bus to the hydro dam area and walked to the rapids from there. i get to the general area and look out to see 6-7 guys fishing. not to bad lots of room for me to fish. i wade across the first part to the breakwall and i look up 3 out of the 6 guys have fish on! i got really excited knowing that there were lots of pinks. my first spot i go to im throwing a pink and orange rabbit strip egg sucking leach. on my third cast (only have to cast out 20-30 feet to get to the fish) i see a big school of 70-80 fish swim right past my fly then one turns around and bang fish on! only 10 minutes into the morning. i thought i tired out this fish which turned out to be a very large male pink about 5-6 lbs but when i went to grab it he took off and hit some heavy current the current was so strong he almost took me into my backing :lol: and then managed to snap me off.


    i tryed there for a little while longer before i decided to move down stream a bit. saw lots being caught on roe but i only had my fly rod and no egg patterns were working. i started talking to an older gentleman and he took a look through my fly box he was very susprised how well i tied my flys lol. anyways he picked out a purple and pink egg sucking leach and told me to tie it on. second cast my indicator stops and starts moving up stream. so after a nice fight i got my first pink landed on a fly. she was a hen about 3 lbs.

    a few casts later i hook into another one but he was quite a bit bigger and pulled really well. i eventuly landed him he was a nice size male about 4 lbs. i thanked the gentleman and he was on his way after i gave him a few of my many egg sucking leaches lol. in the next half hour i missed so many hits i couldnt explain it lol finally i hooked up agian and landed another female about 3.5 or 4 lbs.


    i wish i had a camera so i could show u guys these fish. they all had beautiful markings and all put up a great fight on my 6 weight.

  3. You be carefull out there

    Those are big rapids and there are deep holes that sneak up on you. Don't be trying to cross it, you have to know the way


    ya i krow what u mean i have been there only once so far and i could see how easy it would be to get in trouble out there. ive been going with a guy that has fished them alot and i just follow him around lol

  4. well as i have stated in some past threads ive have moved up to the soo for school. ive been getting down to the river every once in a while and the pinks are in thick!!


    some days you can see schools of 200-300 fish swim by and see hundreds more jumping :thumbsup_anim:


    up here alot of people use a jig :thumbsup_anim: called a buzz bomb and they work pretty good except every once in a while people have snaged the fish with them. ive been tryin them with good success without snaging any :Gonefishing:


    i was down last night for 2 hours at the hydro dam on the canadian side and i ended up catching 2 pinks and 1 good size walleye (had no idea they were in the st.marys) and broke off 1 more fish i think it was a king.


    anyways heres the only pic that i can get lol used my web cam in my room lol



    the pink was almost 4 lbs and the walleye about 2.5

  5. well it sure was a great day out there. learned alot on fishing for big bay of quinte walleye :) like our spoons were too small, how to properly jig for them monsters and how to entice them into hitting your lure. we were marking fish constantly for the most part of the day and it sure was cool to watch those big solid red bars on my flasher come up off the bottom to look (which gets you really excited by the way lol) or somtimes hit my spoon. we lost alot of fish due to how soft they were hitting, they were hitting more like a perch which was somtimes hard to feel. the one fish i had on for a while felt big and when she came up to the hole she had a huge yap on her HH's buddy didnt tell me then so it wouldnt get my spirit down but by the way she was pullin he estimated her at a 10+ lol :) definatly lookin to get back out with these guys agian next year had a great time and would recomend HH to anyone lookin for some big fish!!!

  6. my bro and i were own at the barrie marina today in search of some perch, well we found them lol, as i was looking at my aqua view and coaxing some perch into biting i saw some bigger fish off in the distance crusing only a inch or 2 off of the bottom, as they got closer i could clerly see that they were white suckers all around 20-24 inches long, we must have seen over 30! i had one come up to my jigging spoon quickly take a look then move on, i have caught them in the spring in rivers before and most of the time they hit worms, would they work in the winter??? i was also thinking of using small brown tubes to imitate young crayfish? my question is has anyone ever targted or caught suckers through the ice?

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