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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. Hmmm...I dont have an answer for you...but the golf thing makes sense...haha.


    One thing I've always wondered...for Lake Ontario, if you are in a boat, you can have 2 lines in the water. If I'm fishing from shore on Lake Ontario I can only have one line. If I drop a canoe just off shore (right in front of where I was standing) and fish from there, can I put 2 lines in?? LOL.


    regarding the 2 line law, i belive you are aloud 2 lines in the water past a certen point but im not sure. i know on the BOQ u can use 2 lines once you are out past the ferry docks.

  2. so aftger waiting for what seemed forever bass season is finally here! :thumbsup_anim: . Tinbanger, my Bro and my self went out to cooks today to see if we could get a few bass. last year we had a great opener in the bay but this year it sure was differnt. we really had to work for the fish that we caught infact by the end of the day i was the only one who got anybass <_< . so we get to our first spot, we are fishing some thick reeds in 4-5 feet of water and i get a hit on my 3rd cast, set the hook missed. pitched it back out and hit agian i set the hook and this time i hooked up, wasnt fighting too much so figured it was just a small bass, i get it to the boat and it is an 11 inch rockie lol. i thought it was just a fluke but the whole day went like that. big rockie after big rockie lol some reached more the 12 inches lol. so we moved over to another spot and finally my fish bass of 2007.


    first bass all 13 inches of it lol

    next tinbanger feels some weight, is it a fish?


    lol nope haha


    so we tryed a few more spots and agian all we got we some rockies, the day isnt looking good.


    so we went back to some deeper reeds and grass mats to see if we could pick up and fish, i throm in a wacky riged senko up to the weed line and i finally get a better hit and fish on great! after a great fight i got my first respectable smallie of the year.



    a nice smallie 18" long and over 3 lbs.


    a few casts later with a flippin jig and yum chunk i had a solid hit but when i set the hook the smallie comes flying out of the water and shakes the hook free. DANG!


    we were watching some of the other guys on the water and there is this one guy pounding the floating islands, he wasnt getting anything so he took off, we went in and first pitch for me tick tick, fish on! a nice largie jumps and trys to spit my jig and trailer but he was hooked good and got him in the boat.


    this fish was just shy of 19".


    so i wish today had a bit better action but it was all good, it felt great to be fishin for bass agian. <_<:Gonefishing:

  3. well after some helpful tips and pointers on fishing lake couchiching. tinbanger my bro and i decided to give lake couch our best shot. got up nice and early and off to the lake we go. get to the launch around 7:00 and out fishing as quick as we could.


    so we start off fishing a nice weed flat in 10-14 feet of water and i got a hit on a inline spiner, not the fish we were after but it was a nice 11-12" perch lol, keep fishing that spot and not one pike seen. we move over and start fishing a shoreline and only seen 2 bullheads, water was getting a bit to warm for the pike i think.


    so we take a bit of a ride over to a spot were i was told would produce, first few cast out and i got a very large pike following my spinner bait it sat under the boat just looking at the bait but wouldnt hit then took off that was one pain in the @ss. the fish was definatly close to 40" long. 1 cast later my bro gets a follow but agian it wouldnt hit. fish the rest of that spot with no sucess and after a troll by that spot we went decided to go to a spot on simcoe we always have some luck at, this was more just to avoid a skunk then anything else lol.


    we got to our pike spot and there were 5 boats there :wallbash: lol. so we start fishing and guess what..... NO FISH lol. so while everyone is fishing shallow water we move out deeper into some colder water and we are still getting no fish. we all agrie to head over to the other side of the bay, electric moter turned on high i grab a sndwhich and by bro throughs out his spoon and right away bam fish on. he first thought he hooked a bass because it woasnt fighting like a pike but then it jumped out of the water and it was a nice pike. after a nice fight and almost loseing it under the boat i got the net under it and then we saw it was a very nice size fish.




    the fis was very beat up and had some open wounds on it.





    the fish measured out to 37" his and our biggest by far. his still doesnt feel comfertable holding bigger pike :P


    here are some release shots








    so for our only fish of the day it sure was a nice one. :clapping:

  4. well tinbanger and i will out on simcoe tomarrow fishing for pike up by orilla. we figured since we have never fished pike on lkae couch we should try it out. we will probably start out on simcoe and depending on the fishing head over to couch. we would appricate any tips and spots you would be willing to give us. i wont mind if you pm me if u dont want your spots out in the open. thanks :Gonefishing:

  5. well i am off for a 4 day canoe trip into the interior of algonquin with my school. ive done quite a bit of reading on brookie tips for lakes. i was just wondering if there would be any tips anyone could give me before i leave early tomarrow morning. im not asking for any secret lakes because we will be on a set route but any general tips would be great :Gonefishing: . thanks alot :thumbsup_anim:

  6. well tinbanger and i were able to get out of the house nice and early today, we got up at 4:30am and were on our way shortly after. we got to the launch and the water was nice and calm, but it was just a tad cold lol, good thing for the floater suits lol. so we get to one of our "secret" spots and start to fish some shallow structure. fish that area for 20 min without a hit so we moved out deeper and fished some weedlines and weed flats. not long after tinbanger gets the first fish of the day not big but took the spoon very deep blod was everywhere so we had to keep it, the fish was around 24-26 inches.




    so i start to thorw around a red and white williams wabler and it gets smashed i set the hook and the fish starts coming in easy thought it was just a hammer handle but once it got within 10 feet from the boat it took off and wouldnt stop lol.


    so i got the fish turned around and started to gain some line on him and after some acrobatics the fish found its way into the net. i realised that the fish wasnt that long only 30.5 inches in length but it had a huge gut on it and definatly weighed over 10 lbs.



    another view



    and finaly the release shot



    so right now we have got 2 fish and havent been fishing long. i through in a firetiger inline spinner and gets hit right when it hits the water i get the fish to the boat and it is another hamerhandle arought 26 inches i grab the leader to bring it in the boat and the fish swings its head and pops off good i didnt have to touch that slimey bugger lol.


    so we start another drift around a weedbed and tinbanger gets another this ones a bit better around 28 inches.



    so now we have 4 fish in the boat, o wait tinbanger gets another hit!



    nice around 30"



    allright theres number 5.


    so while drifting across a weedflat i through out a 6 inch white senko and start working it like a jerkbait i get it near the boat and i look down a very nice pike over 35" is following my bait. but when i said "follow" to tinbanger the fish took off dang :wallbash: .


    so after that tinbanger hooks up agian and get the biggest fish of the day in the boat it measured 32 inches




    so now it looks like tinbanger is starting to kick my but he has caught 3 more fish then i have lol so i get back in the game with this little snot rocket :thumbsup_anim: lol nice markings tho.



    but it was time to go so looks like tinbanger beat me today but dont worry ill get him back haha

  7. well after i came home from school today, i had a nice suprise. tinbanger wanted to take my bro and I out for some perch action. we went to a place where we had some success from last year but our hopes wernt too high considering how simcoe was invaded by the dink perch this winter. well we got there and we first started catching those little perch all over agian <_<:wallbash: , so it wasnt looking too good, but it didnt matter we would have had a fun time with the small ones. but boy were we wrong :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing: . so we found out a pattern and stuck with it and it produced very well.


    i got the first big fish of the day at just over 13 inches :P


    it was caught on a finS minnow and it was just full of eggs, it was released for that reason.


    then we caught many perch in the 10-12 inch range that we tossed in the livewell


    then tinbanger got the next big fish at 13 inches :thumbsup_anim:


    it was caught on a live minnow and was released too


    lots of perch were now caught in the 10-12 inch range and one by my brother that was just massive :w00t: the fish was probly 14 inches long with a HUGE girth the fish must have been close to 2 lbs. no picture tho, this fish was also released because it was a major spawning female.


    here is my brother with another nice perch that measured 13 inches



    over all we couldnt belive how many big fish there were. we definatly caught over 100 fish today with lots of trophies mixed in with the nice eaters. we came home with 29 perch that were bettween 10-12 inches with a few smaller and one 13 inch male.


    all of the fish over 12 inches were released except for that one male. But

    with this many jumbos we just couldnt help but think where were the jumbos during the winter :dunno: .

  8. well the fish are still in our creek and they are packed in the pools. i know that quite a few guys on here hate the suckers, but this time of year i dont mave much else to catch within a few minutes of my house lol. so for the past few days i have been having great luck with those bottom feeders.


    well on thursday i didnt have much time to fish because of work after school nevertheless i headed down and caught quite a few fish, bettween my brother and i caught about 20(in the mouth) and only a couple outside the mouth.




    a double header bettween my brother and i




    on friday i only had an hour before work agian but go out and caught about 10 all in the mouth 2 snaged


    i caught a few small ones then i got this "hawg" measured 28 inches




    last night i got out for a bit after work and caught alot i lost count about an hour into fishing.




    as i was fighting one i figured i would snap a pic of my rod just to show you that these fish do have power behind them.




    all in all i dont mind these fish all that much, and they help pass the time.

  9. well i decided that i would take my bro, down to a secret creek today and see if the suckers were in yet. when we got there, there wasnt any fish to be seen but i tossed out a worm anyways and caught a few chubs lol ahaha, the next drift i was about to bring the worm in to start another drift and my line started peeling off the reel had a good fight for about 2 minutes then the net was under her, i say her because she was sprayin eggs in the net, got pic but,now my phone camera wont send it to my pc. anyways heres one of the release anyways.


    this fish measured 24 inches


    my brother lost one then he got his first


    this one was 22 inches


    took lots more pics but like i said my phone wont upload them


    i went 4/6 and my bro went 1/5 lots of fun, and those bigger suckers sure can pull some line on those light action rods. for anyone that says those fish dont fight, they sure did in the current :thumbsup_anim:


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