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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. For the last few weeks or so the pink salmon have made there way up the St. Marys River rapids... they are in thicker then i would of thought considering there run last year. there average size is up too which is a nice bonus haha :thumbsup_anim: . And within the last week the kings have moved up and are in thick aswell! the other day i was out i landed 37 pinks and 4 kings lol :Gonefishing: . tonight was slower but my buddy got a nice steelie around 5 lbs. Anyways here are a few pics i would have more but my camera decided it was goin for a swim <_< .









  2. Well as most of you know, I spent my summer a little further north then im used to. I had a co-op placement this summer on Lake of the Woods. I was working and guideing out of Wiley Point lodge which is part of the Toem Resorts chain. I dont think there would have been a better way to spend my summer, it was incredable! The fishing was amazing and the views were fantastic. Every day I got up I could not belive I was getting payed to stay up there. Although I didnt get out guideing as much as I had wished, I had my fair share of days on the water. And I loved every minute of it! So i decided to share some pictures with the rest of you. I had a great season for everything but Muskie. Although I got guests into quite a few fish I my self could only manage 3 :huh: . It was very strange because I had so many follows it was starting to get annoying, I think i really have to practise my figure eight over the winter haha.


    Anyways here are some pictures I promised.



    a beauty 20" smallie



    another nice one



    a few decent walleye off the dock



    a 37" northern off the dock



    my first forty plus northern! 41.5"



    another nice smallie Tinbanger got while he came up to vist



    a decent northern Tinbanger got



    a nice walleye my bro got no measurement but 27-28"



    a 31.5 inch walleye i guided this summer infact i got this guy 2 of them back to back, twin fish lol



    me cooking shorelunch





    our shorelunch mix



    the final product :P



    the main lodge



    the boathouse and some of the cabins



    the docks, this was during the Rapala Pro staff visit hense all th 620vs's haha



    LOTW sunset...



    Me and my bro is one of the camp boats. A 17`triumph with 40 horse E-tecs




    my 42.5 inch muskie my biggest of the year, but i had guests boat plenty of muskies in the high 40`s. dont worry thats my blood and i have the scars to prove it haha


    So i had a great time and am definatly thinking of doing it agian!


    any questions feel free to ask!

  3. Well after spending all my income tax money at Bass Pro the other day lol i fly out tomarrow morning. i will be in Winnipeg around 1000am central time, then to Totem Resorts around 1:00-2:00 :thumbsup_anim: . ill make sure to stop by every once in a while haha and maybe even post a report or two :P with plenty of pictures for that one fine gentleman :whistling::D.


    have a great summer everyone!!



  4. No there isnt but like i said before it is a job that is in that field... everyone starts somewhere. And give us a break its a summer job... the program requires a co-op over the first summer. I say have a great time working in Manitoba, catch some great fish and get some great pictures!!... Because i know i will.. :)

  5. i currently have finished my 1st year at sault college in the fish and wildlife conservation technician... I am so glad i took this course! sure there are a few things i dont like about it, 2 math classes, 2 english classes and Natural reasorces career managment. but every other class is amazing. here is a rundown of the classes for the first year.


    1st semester


    Trees and shrubs identification

    introduction to fish and wildlife

    outdoor navagation



    science and nature

    first year fall field camp


    2nd semester


    outdoor equipment cert.





    trees and hebacious plants (dendrology)

    Natural reasource career managment

    software for fish and wildlife

    spring field exercises



    it is a great program, the jobs are readily available... i got a job working at totem resorts as a guide/ dockhand for the summer... i leave on friday!!

    also it looks as if i got a job as a D CO (deputy conservation officer) for next summer out in kelowna B.C. as it was stated before... in this industry its not always what you know its who you know...

  6. depends on the lake and the water temp.. once the water temp hits around 60 degrees fahrenheit its time to spawn!! where we were fishing on simcoe the water temp was anywhere from 60 to 64 degrees. little lake warms up even faster due to its size...

  7. That is a sharp-shinned hawk in my opinion ( ive seen 100's of these). the give away is the longer tail. i could confirm it if you had a tape measure next to it ;):P. the sharpies are a little bit bigger then the coopers. the sharp shinned hawks can grow to a height of 14 inches +/-. and the coopers grow 10-12 inches.

  8. The bass population isn't hurting anywhere I know of.




    As of yet... ;)


    I could say the same thing about lake ontario steelhead, that lake has huge numbers of fish. what if i went out of my way to catch a fish that was out of season or in a sanctuary (past the CN bridge) and post it? the fish was caught then relesed nothing wrong there... right??

  9. I agree 110%... this time of year it dosent take any skill to catch a giant bass!! the Bass are only hitting your baits to protect there nests and young. if u pull a fish off its bed other fish like panfish, gobies ect. come in and devour everything in the nest. you are putting to much stress on the bass if you take the time to photograph it this time of year. I was on simcoe for pike today and the bass were everywhere, u just have to be responsible and change up your location if you start catching too many bass. we always move out of an area if we catch two or more out of season fish, we not only do this to protect the bass... we also have our ethics when it comes to fishing.


    on a good note i was happy to see that all of the bass hooked, hardly any were brought into the boat. almost all fish were released at the side of the boat with the help of some needle nose plyers.

  10. good lookin fish!


    i also agree that out of season fish do not count... bass this time of year are very agressive do to the fact that they are protecting a nest. anything that comes neer the nest gets hit... dosent matter size, colour or shape. they are pretty much suicidal this time of year!!


    we also try not to take the Bass out of the water and get them on there way as soon as posible (usally under 20 seconds from hookset to release). reason for that is the minute a bass leaves the nest the panfish/gobies/ anything else can and will take advantge and gorge themselves on the eggs and fry... but there is no way to stop the bass from hitting this time of year and the best you can do is to get them on there way as soon as posible, even without pics...

  11. Don't you just let the rope you use just lie in loops at your feet? I mean does the reel really need to turn at all, can't you just wrap it around like on a Yo-Yo?

    As you can see, my expertise is in bearings and what affects them worldwide and regardless of protection; contamination. And not in the type of fishing that necessitates standing in water and laying your equipment in same. :blink:



    I think your confusing the centerpin float reel with a fly reel. the centerpin has bearings that allow the "spool" to turn freely so the user can achive a drag free drift. also on a float rod and reel you do the same as you would a spinning reel, you fight the fish with the reel. unlike fly fishing where you have the choice to fight the fish on the reel or by hand...

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