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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. well we got up nice and early this morning and got down to the lake as fast as we could lol, we fished some spots that have a nice rock, sand/weed trasition and boy were the smallies there! not 5 minutes in i got a hit on a tube set the hook and a 2 lbers comes out of the water but shakes the hook free o well. my brother get one on and the first fish in the boat, about 1 1/2 lbs but no pics as we forgot the camera. the action was very fast and the smallies were full with crayfish and were puking them up while coming to the boat. lots of followers behind the hooked fish as well somtimes as many as 3-4 big smallies trailing behind, we couldnt get any of the followers tho. we got 10 fish in 2 1/2 hours on the lake before we had to go, i got the biggest of the day on a 4 inch smoke tube, it was short but very fat and weighed around 3 lbs +. so not much quality today but lots of quantity wich kept us busy. hot lures today were tubes and senkos, i had a few heavy hits on spinner baits but no hook ups o well, they felt like some big bass tho. we have really only been fishing this part of simcoe this year for the bass, and we have allredy found some great spots. love having some hotspots close to home :thumbsup_anim: .

  2. 1.

    Park Warden / Ranger



    Conservation Officer









    Outdoor Guide



    Forestry Technician






    Chimney Sweep



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    Police Officer









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    Tow Truck Driver



    Fruit and Vegetable Grower












    Animal Caretaker



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    Nursery / Greenhouse Grower






    waste manegment



    Immigration Officer



    Sports Official


    looks like my top jobs all seem to be outdoor related lol i wonder why :dunno: lol

  3. well me and tinbanger both had the day off today so we decided to go try to pick up a simcoe football smallie or two lol. so my brother tinbanger aand i got out on the water by about 10:30 a definate late start. well the weater wasnt looking up iter so i wasnt hopeing for much today o well it would be good just to get out on the water. so after we launch the boat i am wating for tinbanger to get back from parking. he comes over to me and says who do we know that drives a red truck that has sponser stickers all over it ahaha. so how did u make out there today misfish? we kept an eye out for ya but we didnt see you. anyways we get to our first spot which is in 15-17 FOW wich a rockey bottom. so i through on a tube and start dragin. a few minutes in and FISH ON!! i was useing my new shimano crucial that i got for my b-day and really wanted to test it out. when i set the hook i knew it was a good one, it just kept bulldoging to bottom wand wouldnt come up. when iut did it wouldnt jump but the boils it made were huge. so after some amazing runs i got the fish close to the boat and my bro got the net under her. the fish was bigger then i thought. definatly a sold 4.5 maybe 5 lbser!



    and the fish took off strong but this was to be our only bass of the day as the weater got worse.

    my bro got a nice hit but it turned out to be a very nice perch



    the weater got worse and worse so eventuly we got off the lake . o well one nice fish is better then none.

  4. Pikeie great family report but it looks like the bro and pops out fished ya .You have a good excuse you were too busy with the camera :whistling:


    The Carp looks about 10lbs.


    :clapping: MTP


    oh they definatly out fished me, ive had a hard time kepping fish on the hook latly lol. i dont kno what it is but they always seem to pop off a few seconds into the fight. they are brand new gamakatsu hooks as well :dunno:

  5. well off agian to one of our favrioute largie spots on simcoe. we havent givin the smallies much of a try this year we've had to much fun in the slop!! lol. so anyways we get to our spot and see that alot of the slop is now missing as it has drifted away. but there was still some pads and the thick weed beds. we start fishing the weed edge and not much happining there. we move in shallower and there are quite a few fish jumping around us.


    tinbanger is casting a weightless strike king zero in to some open water and notices his line move off slowly. he sets the hook and all hell breaks loose! the fish is going crazy and is pulling crazy ammounts of line. we ahve never seen a bass fight like this then i through out the thought that maybe it isnt a bass. a i sure was right. after he pulls the fish out of some weeds, a bit more of splasing and i pull out the net. which i soon relise is to small for this fish. it turns out that tinbanger has managed to hook a carp in the mouth with a SENKO type bait. so much for hair rigs and bait runner reels lol. after a few more trys with the net i finally manage to squeeze this fish into the net.



    this fish measured 27-28" we havent ever caught a carp so i wouldnt know the weight but from holding it i would say around 15 lbs+ :dunno: and the fish took off strong :thumbsup_anim:


    soon after the first fish we were targeting came to the boat. my brother with a nice 2 lbser



    thyen tinbanger with the next fish, another 2 1/2- 3lbser



    then i got a nice hit had the fish on and it felt big but popped off the hook

    my brother get another fish and another fish is in the boat.


    and then we get a few 1 lbers

    and my bro gets another decent fish



    then look at the HUGE one i catch lol




    i got a nice boil behind my senko and i waited and set the hook thought it was a good fish but only another 2 lbser



    and after that it was time to leave. we had a good day out on the water and caught somthing like 15 bass all togeather.

  6. well after my sucsess last time at this creek i decided to hit it agian after the rain we got. i got down to the creek and i didnt see any fish taking bugs off the surface, but i tryed anways, last time i was there the brookies were taking crickets and damsel flies off the surface, but today when i got there thre was a small mayfly hatch going on perfect! the mayflys seemed to be the Mahogany Duns, so i first not seeing anyfish surfaceing i tossed out a weightless worm and didnt get any hit for 3 diffrent drifts. so this time i decided to bring along the fly rod, good thing i did! i havent flyfished in about 1 1/2 years, and i havent tied anyflys for quite a while. but i put on a extended body mayfly dun and cast it out to the slack water, first cast was crap i got to get used to it agian, right away a brookie takes it but misses, and another misses agian on the next cast and then another. so a am starting to get the hang of casting agian and am fairly accurate, so i cast to the current break and right when it hits the water a nice brokkie takes it, i wait a second the set the hook, and fish on! then the brookie jumps about 2 feet out of the water and pulls me into a log jam but i worked him out of it and got my first one on shore, a nice 14 incher! after releasing all of my brookies for the last 5 trips out i decided i could use a nice feed of brookies. soory for the bad quality of picture. i had to take a picture with my phone and then my phone wouldnot send the picture. so i took a picture of the fish off of my phone screen lol.



    next cast i get another hit, fly goes down i set the hook and a nice 12"er comes out of the water and gave me a really nice fight. boy do these fish fight for there size, the sure know how to use the current to help them out.



    ten i got a nice 10''er she gave me nice fight as well and she goes in the with the keepers aswell so ive got 3 fish in the pile. that shold be enough for a nice feed.


    i catch a few other in the 12 inch range and let them go. as i was walking the stream i met up with another angler who told me of a spot where the brookies hold real good in a bend in the river, so as i got there i didnt see any fish but soon enough as the fish calmed down they started coming out. i saw 4 fish theat were over 14" eazy one looked closer to 16 inches. and a whole olt in the 10-12 inch range but when i hooked one of the 14"ers all the fish took off, and i also ended up loseing that fish as well :wallbash: . so today i didnt catch as many as i did 2 days ago but the size was a lot better, avrage size was 12''!!!. i went 6/12, not the greatest odds but all fish hit on a size 10 extended body mayfly, and a size 10 parachute style mayfly. not one fish was caught on worms today :thumbsup_anim: .


    here is the infamous kill shot lol


    the 10'' is on top

    the 14'' is in the middle

    and the 12" is on the bottom


    i think ive found my own little honey hole :thumbsup_anim: o and it looks like today was my last day of free fishing, as i turn 18 tomarrow lol o well time to buy a licence :lol:

  7. well me and my brother decided to go out for the day to see if we could catch some local resedent brookies. i decided to fish a stream that i havent fished in about 2 years. we used to have a bit of luck with some small brook trout, with no more fish caught in a day then 3. so i wasent expecting much considering that a housing devlopement was put in 1 year ago on the bank of the river.


    on my third cast i get a nice solid hit, set the hook and a nice brookie jumps out of the water. after a few more jumps, i get him to the bank, a quick measurment and back in the water he goes. he measurd 12.5 inches long with a nice girth and some beautiful colours. i forgot to bring the camra so no pics of today. next cast and i get another tick and i catch a little 7 inch brookie. no more fish to be seen so i decided to scout out a few more sopts, i try a nice small but very deep pool and i get a 9 inch trout, wow ive been here for 20 minutes and i am allredy doing better then i have ever done on this stretch of the river. and the action doesnt quit until about 1.5 hours later. so after the fish quit hitting my bait i decied to throw out a #0 spinner and as im brining it back just under the surface a very nice speck hit it but it didnt get hooked, this fish was around 14 inches long. after we didnt get any other fish we fishd a slow riffle and the trout were jumping everywverywhere, i couldnt get them to hit tho, they were feeding on the damsel flies, when ever the flies went near the water. i knew i shoudla brought my fly rod lol, i will next time for sure. so for only being out for 2 hours i went 7/10 with an avrage size of 8 inches or so not a bad day at all :thumbsup_anim: .

  8. ok well we have been having many problems latly with our computer and our memory card reader for our camera. so we fished simcoe on july 1st, then july 7th we fished sparrow, then on july 11th we fished pigeon lake. we have been getting many numbers of fish latly on every trip we go out but we just havent been getting the size we have been looking for <_< but o well its still fun haha.


    july 1st


    so on canada day we decided what better way to celebrate our countrys birthday then to go fishing lol. so we were at our cottage on the north end of simcoe and we first decided to go look for some smallies, we only had a few hours to fish today but we wanted to try a shoal that we found earlyer this spring. so we fished it for a bit but the wind started to pick up and the waves were getting bigger. the conditions were not the best. we had a few hits on drop shots and a hit on a senko but we couldnt hook up with them. o well now the wind was fairly strong so went went to a shelterd bay and decided to try for some largemouth. good thing we did!! so we had three hours left to fish and right when we got into the bay fish were jumping everywhere! first we thought they were carp but i was soon convinced they were bass as i saw a nice 3 lbser or so jump right out of the water to hit a frog or somthing else crawling on the weed mats!! so within a 100 yard stretch bass were constanly coming out of the water as well with some HUGE carp eaisly in the 30+ pound range! (one was sitting right under our boat for a few minutes) so while im draging some frogs along the slop mats tinbanger tosses out a senko right into the thick of it, he gets a little tick sets the hook and out comes a very nice largie, after a very nice fight which wraped him in the weeds a few times he gets it in the boat.




    next i get a little bass probably in the 1 pound range then i get a better one



    also caught on a senko lol


    my brother hasnt caught any yet but 10 minutes after i catch one he gets his first probably 1 1/2 lbs range. he didnt want a pic, then he gets another and then another! all the same size but it was quick action!!


    then i got a hit on the surface and it was a huge boil!! i set the hook and got one jump out of her then it shook the hook free, the fish didnt come compleatly out of the water but from what i saw and felt it was definatly 4+ and maybe 5 lbs man i was ticked!! o well. my brother gets another hit and it comes to the boat all coverd in weeds, tinbanger sees the plastic hanging out and gos for the lip, i see him pull his thumb out of the mouht just as fast as he put it in! he says man this bass got teeth lol i look at his thumb and its bleeding pretty good lol, he pulls the weeds away and its a bowfin lol ahaha no wonder he got cut, soon after that the fish bit my brother off.


    on the next few casts after that tinbanger pulls in another bass.




    after that we pull in a few more bass in the 1 1/2 pound range. and my brother hooks into another bowfin about double the size it was huge but it got off at the side of the boat. it was a great 4 hours on the water which we ened catching 10 bass and losing 2 nice ones.



    july 7th


    so we decided to hit one of our favrioute lakes in serch or some largies agian. we get to the lake and notice lots of boats on the water? we later find out they are prefishing for the tourny the next weekend. o well we will have to deal with the pressure its receving. we go to our first spot, a nice weed bed that slopes to deeper water fairly fast, no fish here so we go into the tick grass, tinbanger throughs out a gambler flapin shad and is swiming it back when he gets a nice hit. a few nice jumps and the fish is in the boat.



    this fish was around 3 1/2 pounds not to bad for the first fish.


    we start fishing agian and i get a hit, but i miss it (this happend alot this day haha) o well i get a small 1 pound bass and that was it, we start runing and gunning some docks to see what we can pick up. we get some small fish agian then my brother gets a nice fish of someones dock.




    we start fishing some more docks and can still only pick up some small fish agian, i cast to a dock and start talking to tinbanger for a few minutes, i left my line a little slack, but when i was done i plled my rod to just quiver my worm and i feel no weight, pull the line in and i got bit off stupid pike.

    we get 2 more small bas and then i get a decent one.




    after that i get another hit but i lose the fish real fast o well time to go.



    july 11th


    so me and tinbanger decide to get out for a quick fish in the morning before work. so we get out on the water and we get a nice view.




    so we fish for the first few hours and nothing much caught but u guessed it, about 10 one pound bas ugh! well i was very susprised at the amount of dead carp all over the place and all of the brown "dead" looking weeds? i dont kno whats up with all this. well we head up to the north east end ofthe lake to fish some docks and boat houses. and agian more dead carp, this time they really stink! we get to a boat house and tinbanger pitches under it, he get a hit but he broke his line on the hook set, we thought he had a nice fish, so we turn around and he tell me to thro a worm under it. i do and right when it hits the water a fish jump and takes it, i set the hook and its just a small fish so i thought no way this coulda broke him off, but when he gets in the boat i see my dads senko hanging out of his mouth, with 4 feet of floro trailing behind haha, he must of had a knick in his line thats why it broke lol.



    you can see both worms in this picture lol.


    so we get about 10 more about this size then i get a bit better one



    this measured 15"

    and what is the worst part this was about the biggest fish this day :dunno: we couldnt find any bigger bass but it was a good day on the water with 22 bas caught haha with avrage lenght of 12 or 13 inches.


    sorry for the long read but i have been meaning to write this report for a while.

  9. you are sure right about this carp thing lew. tinbanger and i were out on pigeon on wednesday for a while harrassing the local bass population (man were there ever lots of small fish) only got 4, 2-2.5 lbsers out of the 20+ bass we caught. but there were dead carp in almost every spot we fished in some places the smell was unbarable ugh!! i will try to get a report up tomarrow night.

  10. ya that was us that posted the report. the fishing was tough for us. we got only 3 bigger bass, one was around 3.5 lbs and the others were bettween 2.5 an 3 lbs. we got lots of small bass in the 10 to 12" range tho lol. i also got bit off by a pike fishing a dock.

  11. small, and i mean the smallest u can get countdown rapalas in perch colour or silver minnow i love these in my local streams and so do the brookies lol. the brookie in my avatar was 13 1/2 inches long and took a rapala. and definatly get some worms to drift weightless through the pools and riffles.

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