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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. DSCF3332.jpg


    rod is a st. croix imperial 9' 9 weight




    hers my lamson konic reel




    some of my "style" decevier patterns, the way i tie them the seem to get better action and a bigger profile there around 7-8"




    some bunny leaches and some saltwater flys i use for pike they work great by the way




    some dhalberg divers and mice




    some poppers and bunny strip flys


    i tie all my own flys so if anone needs the patterns let me know

  2. The fish and wildlife Program at Sault College requires u to do a summer co-op somewhere that relates to the natural resources. I applied to plenty of fishing lodges and heard back from a few but last week I got a call from the ONE that I wanted to work at! So it looks like I will be working up at Totem Resorts on LAKE OF THE WOODS lol in Souix Narrows for the summer!! I’ll be working at one of the outposts called Wiley Point; I can’t wait to get up there for the summer! I’ll be working as a dock hand for the most part but they said I should get plenty of guiding hours under my belt too.


    Just thought id share :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

  3. Blue fox are great... better than paying 6-8 $ for a meegs or badboy


    how about supporting the little guy?

    you know that the badd boyz and meegs were the originals and they worked so good that a big company had to rip them off.

    Badd boyz all the way :thumbsup_anim:

  4. Learned to cast a fly line fishing for suckers .. When I bought my first fly rod I spent all winter reading how to books and practiceing my casting in the drive way , but it was only when I got to a river and started catching fish that I finally got the real hang of things and these suckers in the creek behind my aunts house were the first available fish for me to pratice on .great fun


    suckers on the fly are a blast. just dont let the purists see you haha. i catch them in the spring in the barrie area with a 1/8-1/4 ounce jig heads and worms. i find that the small garden worms work the best but crawlers work too.


    on the fly i use a 6 weight with floating fly line, a 6 foot leader with a size 6 stonefly imitation. this fly is heavly weighted with lead wire and bead head to help it get to bottom, then i tie on a 10" piece of 6 lbs floro to a size 14 mayfly nymph. it kinda gives them a choice. i find it is great practice for trout because your casts have to be accurate as the suckers wont move far to hit your flys. cast ahead of them and let the fly hit bottom. lift it a little bit so you can get the fly within a few inches of the mouths. once it gets there jerk the flys a little to make a little disterbance in the bottom. they will come over and suck it up. give it a good hook set cause there mouths are susprisingliy tough. and they can fight pretty hard they can make decent runs and somtimes they will jump!! the ones i get average around 20" but we have caught bigger ones!!

  5. if you don't care about catching a bunch of small pike, go to little lake in barrie, west off the duckworth exit. rentals are not too costly if you split w/ a friend and you'll catch tons all day long. they will be in the 1-2 pound range with a few reaching 5ish.


    yes there is alot of small pike in little lake. but if u go early spring and kno where to fish you can cattch them over 10 lbs!! ive only caught 2 over 10 in that lake but if u fish shallow ( up to 6" of water) you will get them. o and both of the ones over 10 were on the fly in under 12" of water.

  6. looks like a immature coopers to me. with the rounded tail and all. but one thing i noticed was the colour paterns on the tail feathers kinda look more like a sharp-shinned hawk. if it truly was the size of a crow there would be a better chance of it being a coopers, because a sharp-shinned hawk typical size is 10-14 inches. while a coopers hawk is 14-20 inches. great pictures!!

  7. well it sure was an experience! i couldnt belive how aggresive the lakers were! thanks agian gavin!

    o and you were right about those being some of the best tasteing lakers! they were amazing!

    and me and some friends made it out to leigh bay today but we got skunked, its hard to belive how shallow that bay is haha im gona give it another go though!

  8. im curently in the fish and wildlife conservation tech. program at sault college. so far im loving the program, learning lots and having fun at the same time. the program is a lot harder then i thought it would be. learning latin names for every dang thing in the world hah. but once u get the hang of it its not so bad.


    plus the areas that we do our reserch in are amazing! and not far from the school. ive had experiences so far working with many differnt animals like elk, that have been recintly introduced into the area. working a deer check station along side the MNR. i have even worked with some endangerd species like the wood turtle, tracking and monitering their movments. i would definatly recomend that you apply here as you wont regret it.


    and the fishin is amazing up here! anything you want to fish for is avalible in large quantities!! haha


    feel free to PM me with questions



  9. this is in the hook ups section but i figured it would get more views here


    looking to get out on the ice this week. considering im a student and dont have a car i would be needed to be picked up. i will split on gas and coffees on me! i am avalible tuesdays and most weekends! i will go out for any fish aswell!


    PM or reply here



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