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Posts posted by pikeie

  1. well i gone and done it now...... ive bought my fist steelhead rod!


    it is a raven 11'6" steelheader, i bought it off of Mr. JR today. thanks agian john :thumbsup_anim:



    let me tell you this rod is so nice, it is very sensitive and has got a nice soft action.

    so when i first got it i thought i would take it down to a local little creek just for a few drifts and to see if i could get any suckers. had a few hits all from creekchubs i ws guessing then i caught this lol



    small chub


    lol my first fish on this rod!


    also had a sucker on about 2 lbs but lost it at shore.


    cant wait to learn how to catch some stealies :thumbsup_anim:

  2. lol i was just going to post somthing similar. there is a creek by my house that has the suckes running up it in huge numbers but whatever i do i cant hook one, all i get are the creek chubs (great dead bait for witer pike) ive tried bottom fishing, ive tried float fishing. ive used worms, and corn. any idea what im doing wrong??

  3. yea lexx speaking of that i was out with a couple of first ice fishing newbies lol. at the end of the day on of them was using my little panfish popper rod he was wondering why it was taking so long to get to bottom. i told him to shut his bail maybe theres a fish on just swimming with it. right when he closed his bail the rod doubled over and almost broke lol. so with ths rod it obvisly wasnt ment for fish like this and it couldnt real it in. so i grabed the line (2 lbs test) and hand lined it, it was like pulling up a log with a few small headshakes. we got it to the hole and it just felt like it was wedged at the bottom of the ice, so while we were trying to get it head up, i took my arm out of my floater suit and was ready to try and grab "it". while i was doing this the fish decided to make one last pull and snaped the line. it was a preety big disapontment but the kid now wants to go back and try to get the fish lol.

  4. well today i was out on simcoe in kempenfelt bay to day. i was fishing for perch and the fish were scatterd around pretty good, i was fishing 40 FOW. so with the fish scatterd i droped down a williams jiggin spoon to try and attract some perch in to my other rig. well allmost instantly i got a few perch, then i got i better hit pulled it up and it was a herring, then droped it back down, my spoon was out of my flashers cone when it got hit hard. set the hook and the fish pulled some fair ammount of line and bent my mediam heavey rod way more then any herring, i got it on the ice and the fish was around 2 feet long and the mouth was just had a BIT more of an angle to it. so i was wondering first off if herring can get that long and from the poor discription i just gave you lol what do u think it was?? the fish was realeased because i wasnt 100% sure it was a whitie.


    and on another note, while i was out we saw so people catching many herring in the 15-18 inch range and keeping them!! so i gave the mnr tips line a call and i gave a discription of the men. they asked for my cell # incase any CO's were in the area. almost 5 minutes later i got a call form a CO :thumbsup_anim: . so he came on down, but by the time they got there the men had taken off. they serched the parking lot (i couldnt get a plate #) but couldnt find anyone. so they went around the ice and got a few people with no liecence and such. it was sure good to see that that mnr line acctully works and that they had a CO in the area :thumbsup_anim:

  5. WOW! what a great day to be on the ice. the fishing was not fast and furious but we still maneged some fairly nice size perch. i won 3rd place with a 9 inch perch lol haha.


    so we got up at 5:30 and tinbanger went out to grab the coffee for the day. so when he got back got the van loaded up very fast lol couldn't wait to get on the ice lol, i was hearing latly that the perch have been biting very good there latly so i was excited because ive had enough of the 6 inch perch that simcoe has been invaded by this year lol.


    we got to the site and imediatly talked to lexxington. got to the ramp and got all set up talked to Moe and mr. JR, and out on the lake we went. got to one spot found 45 feet of water, got the hut set up and got the rods down, almost instantly i got bit and pulled up a dink perch lol, went on with that for almost an hour, then the action slowed down. Beans came out and joined up with us for the rest of the day.



    everyone was cathcing a few perch (except tinbanger :whistling: lol), we started to get a few perch in the 8-9 inch range and decided to keep them hoping i would place in the tourny. we never moved the whole day lol stayed in the same general area till 1:00.



    still some soft spots out there




    lots of sleds out there today too, they would just pin it 5 feet away from you :angry: almost wosre then those seadooers in the summer!!


    had a few neat looking trucks come past us today too




    some random shots around us.


    my mom decided to join us at around 10:00






    so we got to the weigh in at around 1:00 and boy were there lots of people there this year :clapping:



    the gormet cheifs working there majic lol



    the prize table :clapping:



    motv8ter calling out the winners.


    i was susprized that i was able to place with a 9 inch perch, was off first place by 1/2 inch :wallbash: lol


    but i got out of there with a nice new tackle bag and plano type boxes.


    heres what our catch looked like at the end of the day.




    and my 3rd place fish lol



    nice big gut on it.


    so this was a very fun day, had a great time out there for a very good cause and i know that tylers family will benifit lots form this. thanks agian Mo for puting such a good event on agian this year :thumbsup_anim:

  6. lol tinbanger said he saw an ofner fly past us lol, guess it was u lol. also met up with motorhead, and bigal :D


    fenwick hmg 7'6 flippin stick- $129

    quantum ac500cx-$119

    chatterbait x2- $16

    lots of plastics from bass magnet lures- $30

    smithwick rouge x2- $8

    northhanfishing spinnerbaits- $10

    =$312 +/-

  7. well got out today for a few hours after school to do some perchin. i drilled my first hole and it was in 40' of water, i was marking fish right away so i droped down a forge minnow jiggin spoon and caught about 10 bettween 6-8 inches lol :lol: . so i droped down a high low rig with 2 minnows and instantly got bit. pulled up a nice 11 incher :thumbsup_anim: not a bad perch.




    pic of my rod lol




    then after a few minutes i got a 11 1/2 inch perch, lots of nice sized smelt caught as well.


    so here is my catch for todays short time out.




    and the two bigger ones




    was a good couple hours out on the ice. :thumbsup_anim:

  8. "Releasing fish caught from deep water (more than 10 metres or 30 feet) can present special problems. Cold water species such as lake trout can rapidly equalize changes in water pressure. They can usually be released successfully regardless of the depth they came from, summer or winter. Warmwater species don't have this pressure-equalizing ability. Fish such as pike and walleye therefore should be brought to the surface slowly (to allow them to adjust to the change in pressure) and then be released immediately, if possible. Fish caught from deep water can be released by allowing them to slip out of your wetted hands head first into the water, while you are in a standing position. This not only heads the fish in the right direction, but also sends a blast of oxygen through its gills."

    Hope I don't get sued for all these quotes :blush:



    this is true i have herd and seen guys ice fishing for lakers and u can see the air bubbles after they 'burp' the gas from the air blader.

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