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Everything posted by Monique

  1. Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes. Had a great sushi dinner, and my 81 year old mom baked me a b-day cake. I am truly loved and my life is great. As for my b-day gift .... T.J. said it will arrive shortly.....will keep you posted - love and kisses from a new 20 year old chick LOL
  2. The girls in this family "ROCK"
  3. So sorry about your loss Joey, my thoughts are with you and family
  4. Thanks Everyone And Happy B-Day Kemper!!! I got a dozen beautiful red roses and a trip to Cuba. We are leaving on the 7th. I wish it was my B-Day everyday.
  5. No... umm... what??? Umm..... no... ummm... awe crap.... lol... BUSTED!!!!!!
  6. YES!!! Yes I have!!
  7. Looks like Avery inherited mom's gift of fishing Glad my boys are home.
  8. He sure slept well last night - Mr. Snorasaurus
  9. Thank you for all the kind words on T.J.'s Jiggy Jiggy report. I thought I'd add my two cents in. T.J. has been posting reports on the camp for a while now, and no one appreciates his hard work more than me and the kids. So THANK YOU HONEY!!! I have to say that this last trip was one of the best family vacations up there. Yes it rained a lot, but that's what rain gear is for, and yes the bugs were bad (I have more bug bites than there are stars in the sky), bug shirt and bug juice came in handy…I guess LOL. But you can't buy the fun and memories that we had on our last trip. Not only did we laugh and spent quality time together but we actually caught fish! While T.J. and Avery ventured with the 4-wheeler, Jaden and I stayed at camp alone for the first time. We had a blast…we did arts and crafts, watched a movie, listened and danced to music, fished off the dock and somehow she managed to talk me into a very cold swim in the river. A few new things that T.J. added for us this trip that makes our lives much easier, the Instant hot water heater from Canadian tire - what a marvelous toy, makes washing dishes a lot easier, and hot showers at night are a welcome. Here are a few things that T.J. does for us that make our trips awesome…. 1 - He does the majority of the work outside so we don't get eaten by bugs 2 - He sets the minnow traps so we have bait 3 - He lights a pic in the outhouse in the morning so we girls are more comfy 4 - He placed a curtain in the tent for privacy when we are changing 5 - He's outside at night filling the buckets with hot water so the kids and I can have a hot shower before bed, he's always the last to have a shower 6 - He's always the guide when we are in the boat with the kids, he let's the kids and I fish while he runs the boat, the only time he'll fish in the boat is when Jaden or Avery are tired of fishing 7 - He always cleans the fish, I refuse to learn how LOL 8 - He always cooks the fish cause he makes the best batter in the world 9 - He's our tech guy, with the tv, projector and anything else that has a remote. All in all he does a great job to make sure everyone is happy and content. Here are some of my favorite pictures from our trip…… T.J. is his robe after a hard day work Jaden enjoying the evening breeze Avery enjoying Marshmallows by the camp fire My Prize Fish Hot Water for Dishes The flowers that Jaden picked for me - I believe they are wild roses And of course…..the view In conclusion….I hope that everyone that reads this post ends up bringing the family or a loved one out fishing or camping because pictures are only the reflex ion of great memories.
  10. Nice Job bud!
  11. The Marten River Area is just North od north bay... Marten Lake holds laker's and Wickstead Lake is decent for pickerel!
  12. I will certainly miss him.. he was very sharp!
  13. What a blast...great turn out, pretty sure everyone had a great time. Glad you made it home safe Joe, those dang furry Canadian bears in OFC Shirts, next time bring some bear spray
  14. I caught that fish fair and square..
  15. Ok, can't help myself...what I do for a living??? ....everything that makes T.J. look good. He can't catch fish anyhow!!! LOL
  16. AWESOME!!!!! Very well done!
  17. Thanks Everyone, Glad I took the courses, learned alot. Now I know more than TJ - LOL Can't wait to use my new cards. Monique
  18. OMG.... T.J. calls me from the truck (cause he's far far away - chicken S##T) and tells me to check out the board. So sorry to expose you all to our life story. Now everyone knows how we really met. That's OK, his B-Day will come soon!!! Thanks again for the B-Day Wishes. Gotta go shine the old frying pan so it's ready when hubby gets home
  19. Oh T.J. you are so "IN TROUBLE"!!!
  20. Thanks Everyone, I've been celebrating my Birthday WEEK T.J. and the kids are treating me like a queen. Only had to do half the things on the list that you guys mentioned. Joey, I love the picture you send me - does the Vodka come with it?? Ron ran out!! Hope to see you all this summer. The WebMisstress
  21. Too Funny Joey!!! I can't stop....hahahaha!!!
  22. Well it's that time of year again, Happy Birthday T.J. One more down many more to go. You're the "GOODEST"!!
  23. I came up with this ideal to LURE T.J. into helping with the tree this year. Yes we do have 2 cats, they are both over 15lbs. and don't fit under the tree. However we made sure not to put lures on the bottom branches. It turned out pretty cool, and when the time comes to put the lures away, T.J.'s tackle box will be in order for Spring Fishing. I thought putting the Santa hat on the muskie was a bonus since the muskie lures were to heavy for the tree. Kids had fun decorating the tree, remembering which lure caught what fish this past summer. Maybe next year I'll come up with a hunting theme
  24. WOW...nice table, but isn't that just asking for more company?And we all know...more company, more cooking
  25. Hey all.... Got our ESOX Mag. in the mail today. Great articles and pictures. More and more OFC'ers are getting famous. T.J. surprised me by adding my picture with Marc in a MuskieQuest.com ad. The picture is awsome but the memories are much gooder Pete, keep up the good work!!
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