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Everything posted by Dutch01

  1. Also, why add coke or heroin to "get people hooked on weed"? Coke and heroin are top of the list already, while weed isn't even on it: https://dreamcenterforrecovery.com/10-hardest-drugs-quit/ Notice what else is on the list? Why is nobody that is anti-pot not also arguing for the prohibition of alcohol and tobacco? Duplicity at its best.
  2. No all heroin is tar heroin. You could probably dissolve the heroin in a solvent (i'm not sure whether heroin is alcohol soluble, but if so you could use ISO), the spray the weed and let the alcohol evap. Any chemists in here? The point is, no one is going to go to that trouble to "try to hook someone on weed ". That's reefer madness level propaganda right there.
  3. I'm sure in the scenario you present it makes sense. Give someone a line, not a big investment on a new customer. If I were a coke dealer I'd have weed on hand so if someone asks they don't go to a competitor. This all leads into my point though. Prohibition encourages people to deal with criminals who sell other drugs too.
  4. A very reasonable and pragmatic viewpoint, except the laced part. I have always heard people talk about "laced weed" and in the decades I've spent around drug culture, I've never seen it. I can never understand why someone would take something that sells for $50-100/gram (coke, depending on the decade we're talking about) and add it to something that sells for $10/ gram. Plus I'm not even sure how you would do it. You can't just sprinkle coke over weed. It would end up at the bottom of the bag anyways. I believe it's an urban myth, personally.
  5. I have to admit, this made me laugh
  6. I wish we could "upvote" comments on this site!
  7. Art, in a capitalist democracy, at least in theory, we are all supposed to have an equal opportunity to succeed. Whether you choose to use or squander that opportunity id's an individual choice. When people use money to buy politicians, and then have politicians pass laws to help them make money at the expense of other people, that is corruption, plain and simple. For example, when multi-billion dollar multi-nat drug companies donate to political war chests - do you think they're not getting something in return?. We need to take the money out of politics. You're right about not everybody being able or even wanting to be rich.. And you're right about shelters being available to everybody of course. Good points both.
  8. First of all, you replied to me, and BillM replied to you. That makes me part of the conversation. You don't get to jump in on a thread and then say to me "i wasnt talking to you" Second, you still haven't answered the question. You said: "It's all a matter of choices in life", the inference I take from that is you believe people choose to be poor. I say it's not that simple. " by giving them everything they need and want instead of saying NO work for itl", the implications here is if someone is poor, it's their own fault. After all, they could have just worked for it. "Just like lazy and entitled breeds lazy and entitled ? ? ?". This statement was made I the middle of a discussion about income inequality. It's far from unreasonable for me to infer that you are calling poor people lazy and entitled. So yes, I did ask that question and no, you don't answer it. I don't know if you live in Canada or the U.S., but in either case you were lucky enough to find yourself in a place where even the poorest have more than most of the rest of the world. It wasn't ONLY hard work that brought you any success, it was also random happenstance. Because if you lived in Syria, Sudan, Sri Lanka, or Yemen (just to name a few examples), you'd be lucky to be alive, and your best chance of upward mobility would be to become a good bomb maker (they're on demand right now). I find the lack of compassion for other human beings I read in your posts unsettling. I hope I'm just wrong about you.
  9. Ever heard of if/then? (as in IF you are saying that, THEN that is a broad brush) I asked a question, and you answered with a question, since we're nitpicking.....
  10. You didn't, nor did I say that you did. I simply asked if that was your point.....
  11. Are you saying anyone who isn't 1% is lazy and entitled? That's a pretty broad brush there....
  12. Art, there's nothing wrong with your way of thinking. I value a good work ethic as much as anyone else. What I have in my life, I have because I worked for it. The real 1% are mostly unknowns, who have family money and pull strings out of the public eye. They buy politicians and have them enact laws to make them more money off of you, and prevent you from every becoming a threat to them. They hire the best mathematicians out of uni to write algorithms, build high frequency trading hubs on internet backbone to gain fractions of a second, then sit back and collect fraction of a penny pet transaction on millions of transactions. While your stocks tank, they make billions. It's a scam, and we're the marks. They use loopholes in International regulations to pay little to no tax. Before you try to call me out on that, Warren Buffet is on record saying he pays less tax than his secretary. If you aren't in this club already, you are more likely to step foot on the moon than ever join it. We are supposed to have a level playing field so everyone has an equal chance. This is a myth in this day and age. EDIT: all right, I admit I went on a bit of a rant there
  13. Off base again. Neither Liberal, nor part of a union. Harper was the guy threatening doom and gloom. He was trying to make people shut up and take it out of fear. It was Trudeau that was trying to sell hope.
  14. Nope. We work harder for less, and pay more for less. If you don't think income inequality is real, and a threat to our way of life, you're in for a rude awakening one day. Most governments in the world and also the UN publicly acknowledge income inequality as a serious issue. We are kept with just enough food in our belly that we won't rise up and have our own "arab spring". Most of the world has little to no chance of ever getting out of poverty no matter how hard they work. There is nothing more dangerous than men with nothing left to lose. You don't have to agree with me, I'm not even trying to change your mind. It's not worth my energy on which I get no "return on investment". I'm also not blaming anyone for my situation. I'm lucky enough to be born here and despite some hardship in life I have more than most in the world. I'm just telling it like I see it.
  15. I don't agree. If you worked hard for an education and got a great job, you deserve kudos, but you will never be part of the 1%. Don't kid yourself, the 1% got that way by being part of an insider's club, and/or stepping on people to climb higher. The real 1% would sell your rights, your body, even your life for a dollar if they can get away with it. When hundreds of thousands of Canadian kids are below the poverty line and hungry every day, there is nothing right or just about some rich fat cat sitting on enough money to feed them all. Income inequality is no longer about whether you work hard enough. It's about a system in its advanced stages that's primary systemic function is to extract wealth from more and more people, for the benefit of fewer and fewer people.
  16. Good luck getting permits to tear down a historic building...
  17. Also, I don't where you live but a $1M house in my neighborhood is more than likely a knockdown (I rent an apartment in the area, before I get accused of being a 1%'r). We can't entertain visiting heads of state in a shack!
  18. The place is full of asbestos and he has young kids. How about we cut him some slack?
  19. She could be a Greek or Macedonian widow, they wear black for years after their husbands die.
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