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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. Don't forget - Police get lied to all the time. For all they know - they were all drunk and that's what lead to the accident. Police are responsible for upholding the law not determining guilt or wishing in on extenuating circumstances.

    I am hoping they are going to let the facts be shared pre-trial and that the prosecutor will then make the correct decision - to dismiss the charges.

    I think you're right about the police not really making the call here. If he did blow over, they can't really just let him walk even if they wanted to. If the story is true as told I'm sure the Crown will take it into consideration.


    That is clearly a matter of personal opinion.

    As stated, it is an opinion. You are correct there. But it is a fact that a government funded commission recommended legalization in 1972. It is a fact that no PM since then has moved to legalize. And finally, I would argue it is a fact that Trudeau's predecessor "doubled down" on prohibition. He passed legislation that increased some penalties, and arrests peaked nationally under his watch (27,997 arrests in 2011).

  3. No, these problems are not Justins fault, but he is the guy that we apparently voted for to fix them. but his biggest priority, legalizing marijuana??????

    1) Not once have I read anywhere that it is his "top priority". If you can find a source for that claim I'd like to see it.


    2) This is a serious issue that had been dodged by PM after PM since the Le Dain Commission recommended legalization in 1972.




    -Canada has the highest rate of use among youth in the entire world. Clearly prohibition isn't working. Canada is also recognized as a leader around the world in reducing youth tobacco use. This would suggest that we already know how to curb youth pot use.


    -It is a matter of freedom. I do not accept the government telling me I cannot use a benign plant for my own personal reasons (be they medical or recreational). I would no more allow them to tell me I cannot eat tomatoes than to tell me I cannot have my herbs. You clearly don't use marijuana, but I'd like know why you think you have the moral authority to tell me I can't.


    -Canada arrested and prosecuted 25,542 people for marijuana possession last year (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/canadians-facing-pot-charges-in-limbo-while-liberals-work-on-legalization/article27935465/?service=mobile). That's a lot of money for courts and judges and lawyers. Is it well spent? I think not. Perhaps they could have spent some of that money on the 82 year old that was the genesis for the start of this thread.


    I am glad to see a PM actually attempting to address the issue with knowledge rather than ideology (are you listening Stephen Harper?).

  4. For all the ruckus this post has caused, one thing is clear. PEOPLE on here CARE!!!! There is a very healthy difference of what we propose as solutions, which is great IMHO. The trouble we have as Canadians is getting from the caring part to the acting part in numbers large enough to effect change!!!


    When something like this sickening situation comes out in the media it makes people's blood boil who care, but blaming anyone or anything for her plight is pointless, if we don't ACT to change it once and for all.


    Only because the money controlling folks WANT us to be divided rather than to wise up and see we have MORE than enough resources, to look after vets, seniors, the mentally ill, the disabled and any other group who can't or won't for WHATEVER reason provide for themselves in this country. Sadly though the psychopaths who run the money/power system in this country won't allow it because it will mean just a little less for them....


    It is as if the money changers know they can rely on the fact that little tiny divides between who we think deserves financial dignity, means they can deny it to all, while feathering their nests a little deeper.


    There is a poster going around the internet....


    A banker, a worker and an immigrant are sitting in a Timmies. There is a plate with 20 cookies on it. The banker being a banker with an MBA grabs 19 cookies and pockets them. Then wags her finger at the worker, you better watch it!!!! The immigrant here is going to steal your cookie if you don't stop them.


    Sadly, as a nation though we keep taking the bait and never stand up and yell at the banker. YOU are the real problem we could have all had 6.333 cookies... (leaving you one for interest you whine) To add insult to injury the banker then STILL charges us .10 cookie to hold it for us, while we use the rest room, because we ARE afraid the immigrant will get it. LOL


    Now all we really need to do is to decide does the banker keep getting 19 cookies while we beat each others brains out for the remaining cookie. Or, is it time the banker just gets 10 or maybe 6 so the rest of us can have some whole cookies too....


    Great post!


    The way I read it on one of the reviews that I found, somebody's phone (that uses TrackR) will need to be near it. Better than nothing. But I doubt that it will help you find your car topper that someone stashed on a back lake...

    "They also try to find your stuff when its farther away near you: Both of these products use the concept of crowdsourcing and GPS.

    Crowd GPS is based on the idea that if you cant find something, say, your keys, maybe someone else can as long as they also happen to be using the TrackR or Tile app (iOS and Android), with Bluetooth turned on and crowd GPS enabled. Your lost keys will give off a unique identifier that can be detected by other peoples apps, sending you GPS data about where they are."


    I think you're right, and without GPS it's of limited value.

  6. We are a little too nice and accommodating in Canada but I would rather have that than the alternative.

    We have our problems and sometimes politicians prioritize incorrectly in my mind.

    Overall, how many people on this planet have the time and money to be able to drive pickups, pull trailers, fish from expensive boats and sit around on cell phones and computers arguing on fishing sites with other passionate but good Canadians.

    I worry too about these things. Lately, I have been taking a step back to appreciate how good I have it.

    I applaud OFC members for making a stand or arguing for what they think is right regarding Canada, government decision and spending - as long as they are not aggressive it arrogant about it. I like hearing all of your opinions - even the super Conservative ones as I am basically liberal by nature - but i like Dutch's responses the best. He's a great debater. I am sure he would have gotten the strap often in school had he been born earlier.

    Awww shucks! Thanks man....


    We didn't have the strap but I did spend most of sixth grade with my desk in the hallway...... I'm pretty sure Mr. Passmore wished he could have strapped me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  7. Yeah, doesn't make any sense to me at all. Whats the point of closing the lake if you can fish them in the rivers where they spawn? Typical MNR Bull. Such a joke.



    As far as I know, you can't fish the rivers when they are spawning anyways. The season isn't open yet, and there are sanctuaries.


    I do agree there room for trouble if you keep a fish from the river and are later checked by a CO.


    If it were me, I would take a picture when I catch it (with the river in the background and EXIF GPS data enabled), just to be safe.

  8. Jehovas coming to my door, quite frequently actually, on Nov 11 this past year they showed up with a pamphlet and said "we know its a day for those who believe they should, to honour the fallen, but today we as jehovas witnesses believe we should be asking how does god view war?" And handed me a pamphlet titled just that.


    I understand that the girl in class was doing nothing to me, but the ignorance of the country you live in for a faith is ridiculous in my eyes, for any religion for that matter.

    While I do think that people should always try to be respectful, we all fall down sometimes if we're human. Like me for example in post 41 I believe someone said it was (I can't see post numbers on mobile).


    The point I'm making is even if someone is disrespectful, that is their right. I don't recommend it, it's always better to build a bridge than burn one down, but ultimately free people do not need to respect other opinions, only tolerate them.


    If we start deciding who to tolerate and who not to, we're on the road to a society that isn't free.

  9. Back in grade school about the time the dinosaurs roamed the earth if you didn't sing God Save The Queen you got the strap. I know first hand. I told the teacher our President was Eisenhower and we fought hard to get rid of Kings and Queens. My mother is American and she always was saying "our" President Eisenhower then latter Kennedy. Talk about confusing a 5 year old. It's funny now, not then.

    Luckily for me, there was no strap by the time I came along - I would have gotten it for sure, probably many times over!

  10. To be clear, you can't fish walleye in the rivers while they are spawning anyways.


    I do agree that there is room for confusion if someone keeps a fish from the river and is found with it later on the lake.


    One idea: take a picture of you with it, with EXIF data enabled, when you catch it. Later, you can provide that as evidence if you get into trouble with a CO.


    It's a pain to have to go to that trouble but it could save your butt.....

  11. While I was in gr 9. For the first week of school with every morning during the anthem while we all stood at attention there was one girl who sat on her ass in the middle of the class, I got fed up with it and talked to the teacher, she agreed with my stance and for the rest of the year she would stay in the hallway and assumedly sit on the ground out there. I was pleased with the resolution. Do what you want just don't force it on me or disrespect the country we all live in.

    Sorry, I missed the part where you tolerated another persons freedoms while they tried to restrict yours.... Could you please re-explain the part where something was forced on you?


    Tolerance is a Canadian value.


    Respect for others freedoms, and freedom of choice is a Canadian value.

  12. The way I read the specs, it uses Bluetooth for sheet range functions (to track list keys ibn the house for example), but does have GPS tracking as well for stolen items. From the Best Buy site:


    "TrackR's Crowd GPS Network updates you of your item's latest location on a map"


    I believe it was a JW. Going back over 20 years now lol


    Its the policy of the school system, since the daycare centres are located within schools, they aren't allowed any religious figures in the decorations, so no Santa, no nativity scenes, certainly no Virgin Marys. Easter Bunny is still safe for now. But she can't talk to her kids in the daycare about why we have these holidays, its just so screwed up. Even Halloween, they can't call it that anymore, its black and orange day now.

    I just asked my 12 year old Son, who goes to a public school in York Region, about this. He said they have Halloween, and call it that. They wish each other Merry Christmas and have a class Christmas Party. Images of Santa are not banned.


    His class is 50% or more non-white.


    I don't know where you live, so it could well be different where you are.

  14. I have been running a salus endurance class float suite for about 6 years now, and am very happy with it.


    One thing I would caution you on about salus. They don't seem to be designed for heavy set folks. and it's hard (impossible) to fit a pair of Baffin titans on and actually fully zip the ankle zippers.


    My two cents.


    I am a strong salus supporter. But you kind of need to be fit to wear one.

    This is so true. A buddy and I arrived at Elwood Epps in Orillia before 8 this morning. I had my heart set on the Salus, but alas it was not to be. It fit perfect everywhere except around the middle. It did fit my buddy perfectly so he grabbed it.


    Next up was the Mustang MS-195 Atlantic Class. The suit fit perfectly, and I was sold. Great suit, perfect fit, and only $389.


    Suits bought by 830, we decided to head for gilford to test them out. Sadly we only saw dink perch, and caught a handful of them only.


    The only issue I had was being too warm!. I will definitely wear fewer base layers next time.


    Anyways, thanks for the help all.

  15. You've had some very good posts on this forum and I have enjoyed reading them, but your post 41 above(for e.g.) wasn't 1 of them. I called for a lockdown---yes, it's easy to skip by and ignore but some of these threads get so nasty that members get up and leave OFC. We don't need to lose members over this sort of 'exchange of views'.

    I don't see post numbers on mobile but I'm pretty sure I know the post you mean and I can't really argue with you there. Not my finest hour perhaps.


    There are likely always going to be comments that fire me up, it's who I am. I'll trust in the mods and the community that you'll always let me know if I go too far!


    Thanks for keeping me honest.

  16. Probably because the "rules" to this forum, at least use to, state that no political or religious threads would be tolerated.


    I care less, we're all fisherpeople and that seems to be the only requirement these days.

    If this is still in the rules then fair enough. If not then it would be nice if people who don't enjoy the thread passed it by.

  17. So they didn't hate us before we bombed them?


    If these places are so nice and friendly how come people are leaving?


    How do they treat there own people?

    Did ISIS exist before the civil war in Syria? Did they exist before the US decided to fund unknown Syrian rebels who opposed their ideological enemy of the hour (Assad)?


    No they did not.


    Take a look at a picture of Syria. The entire country is a heap of rubble. if you had any idea of the destruction we have caused, you wouldn't ask why they leave.


    Take a look at how we (the West) treat people in Syria. Innocent civilians who are not ISIS but have the misfortune of living in the state we have cause in their country.


    That you ask any of those questions tells me you are out of touch on the subject.




    A lot of guys on here saying bombing is the solution. If this were true, terrorism would be over, we've spent trillions on war and bombs.



    People leave their country to have a better life here, but then try to make this country like the one they just left, and our government is just accepting it

    Can I get a example of this, FloatnFly? Specifically, can you point us towards any one article or reference that will show an example of new Syrian refugees, having just arrived in Canada, trying to make Canada like Syria, or trying to take away your rights because they are offended? I would be interested to see that.

  19. How fast we forget 911 here. It happened and will happen again. Boston marathon another. People killed and hurt. For what? They didnt care did they?


    I stand by what I believe. The end.

    If bombing and war stop terrorism, how the hell did Boston happen? After all, trillions of dollars were spent by (misappropriated from) the American people in order to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. And yet we still have terrorism.


    What's going on guys? i thought you said war and bombing is the solution?


    So let them hide in populated areas and create thier next move? My point in this whole thing is we need to stay. No other country is backing out. We back out and we lose trust.


    If ya all want to smoke your weed with Justin and live out of a VW wagon with peace signs and flowers all over it, be my guest. I,ll back those that wish to fight to keep the buggers at bay.

    When we bomb wholesale and kill innocents (who are NOT ISIS), we create orphans who hate us and are drawn to ISIS. It's a great way to ensure perpetual war (and arms sales). Now who might want that I wonder?


    The "rose colored glasses" and know nothing hippy comments are an insulting attempt to minimize a contrary opinion, so I will return in kind. Take off the stupid colored glasses and stop being the brainwashed pawns of warmongers.

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