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Posts posted by Dutch01

  1. Maybe I would rather just enjoy my life then look for racism all the time...............stop being offended by everyone and everything and move on and you too can enjoy life because it don't last forever. But my guess you won't because you love to find racism and can't wait to point it out.

    Wow. Did you even read my post?


    People call my friends "chinks", but I'm the one looking for racism?


    I think you're just looking for Liberals.

  2. Oh well if one person got affected by a post on a thread on the Internet ,we should lock down the site and revisit our rights and obligations

    So because it's the internet, there are no limits?. That's not correct, legally speaking.


    Free speech doesn't apply here, OFC rules do. An OFC member complained to me about feeling unwelcome due to anti-immigrant sentiment.


    I will be happy to forward his message to the mods in PM if they wish(i'm sure they can read them anyways).

  3. I have an older laptop, it's a Lenova about 7 years old and I am very happy with it. It is running Vista and still seems to be working fine but I am told that Vista is no longer supported.


    I'm not sure if I can upgrade it to windows 10 (not even sure if I want to), I can find lots of free upgrades from Windows 7 and 8 but haven't found anything about upgrading from Vista.


    Could I? Should I? Am I going to have to re-install some of my programs like Microsoft Office?


    I'd like to stay with what I have because it's what I am use to but am worried that one day soon it just won't work or be able to handle some of the newer programs and features.



    Cliff, in my opinion you are always better to go with a fresh install.


    If you have important programs that only work in Vista then you may have to stick with it, but I personally would be going to Win 7. It's much leaner, and I bet it will run even better on an old laptop than Vista.

  4. Many Liberals see racism everywhere and with everything because they love to play the race card to their advantage. Only thing, many of us now consider it old and worn out and are tired of it and see them as the racists now. And that is why racism never goes away.....

    If I'm a liberal, it's with a small "l".


    I gain no personal advantage when I defend my friends against bigotry. I'd like to understand that comment better.


    I fish Balsam a lot, and regularly run into a large group of Asian anglers at my spot. Over time we have become friendly and now we talk, lend tackle, share minnows etc.


    Sometimes I walk down shore a little to try a spot, and some guy will say "i see you got tired of all the chinks".


    It disgusts me.


    It's un-Canadian.


    And it happens a lot.



    Racism is alive and well in Canada. Maybe you just don't see it as often as I do.


    I think that's a bit of a stretch.


    The fast tracked, huge influx of Syrian refugees is a unique circumstance, not the usual immigration process. If someone has concerns about it, it doesn't mean they are racist or anti-immigration.

    Chris, I wasn't calling anyone specific out there, I was speaking in a more general sense regarding the exercise of freedom of speech.


    I haven't seen anyone overly cross the line on this site, but I've seen guys dance around it in other threads. And as I, mentioned, it did affect at least one member who is an immigrant enough that they emailed me about it.


    Just because you have the right to say something doesn't mean it's right to say it.

  6. Would someone tell me where it is written that a person can go through life without being offended - this PC stuff is dangerous - when you can't say what is on your mind things have gotten pretty bad - it is called free speech - a fundamental right of people living in a free society - remember all it takes is the government to make certain speech hate crime and it has basically taken this right away - and next thing you are living in a police state - if I am against gay marriage, immigration, gun control .etc I have every right to say so and if some person doesn't like what I say - well that's just too bad - people that jump all over you because you said something that offends them better be careful because they are only fueling a dangerous trend that may turn around some day and bite them where it hurts

    Everyone has a right to speak their opinion. They do not have a right to do so without criticism. I can and will call out racism when I see it, as I also have the right to free speech.


    However, this is a private board, which means you DO NOT have the right to free speech. Our speech here is at the permission of the mods based on board rules designed to foster a sense of community. I don't think this board should tolerate anti-immigrant speech, but ultimately it's not my board. It would be nice to hear the mods ring in on this. Could be a chance for them to let new Canadians (and old Canadians who were once new) that they are welcome here at OFC.


    It's also not good another member bites the dust. That guy started here in 07.

    Thanks Chris. This is the real point of my comment. I don't want to single anyone out or beat anyone up (metaphorically speaking), and I'll be the first guy to apologize when I'm wrong (as I was and did earlier today). I just don't want to see people leaving because they were made to feel excluded or unwelcome.


    I like that we have wide latitude on NF posts, but I do think there should be no tolerance for exclusionary language that may offend or alienate members.

  8. My comment "You need to be a refuge they will come to you and take care of everything for you!" was in referance to the fact that our government was meeting refugees on arrival and supplying them with SIN numbers, Health Cards, Drivers Licenses........ on the spot!


    Anyone that thinks I am racist hasn't taken the time to know me at all. I have close friends of many nationalities, religions, and sexual orientations (among other things) and I treat each and every one of them with the love and respect they deserve.


    Am I anti government? Well, I'm anti anything that bullies people and I do believe that we are being bullied more by the current government than ever before and I'm not afraid to say it publically.


    To TO angler, you are 35, I am 70, I've lived and worked two of your life times already, is it possible I might know something you don't? I hope you'll stick around it wouldn't be any fun if everyone on here always agreed with me.

    Cliff, I don't know you personally, but I know you have been here a long time and earned a lot of good will around here. In light of your clarification, I retract my statements as they relate to your comment, and I apologize for any offense I have caused you.


    I believe the larger point still stands; board members of all stripes should feel welcome here among fellow fishermen regardless of where they came from or how they got here.

  9. Race was never mentioned. Further, you don't have to be a white Canadian to get hooped by the system. The wind is blowing really hard in here.

    I've explained why I felt the comment was racist, it doesn't matter that race wasn't mentioned specifically.


    Hey Dutch01 the original comment was about refugees, NOTHING at all was said or even vaguely implied about race.

    The original comment was:


    "You need to be a refugee they will come to you and take care of everything for you"


    The implication is that no one has taken care of him because he is not a refugee. It is not a stretch to read racism into this comment. The original commenter is free to add clarifying remarks if they see fit.



    I also was not singling out that one comment, but rather a plethora of comments on the board recently, some veiled as in this case, some overt.


    I recently had a heated discussion with a member named moxie, some of you may remember it. I'm not singling out moxie here, simply using him to reference the thread. Some other members made derogatory comments about immigrants and/or refugees. I received a message from a member who is a visible minority thanking me for speaking up. He was frustrated with what he perceived to be racism, but was afraid to speak out because English is not his first language. I don't think it's good for the community to have members feeling unwelcome- but hey it's not my website. Carry on then.


    I'm sorry if I'm tired of the anti refugee Bull that gets spouted. Yes I do think it needs a rest and I will stand up for against it as is my right. This country was built on helping others and immigration.

    I'm not defending TO anglers outburst, but he does have a point.


    Constant insinuation from board regulars that refugees are abusers of the system who are handed everything while white people get nothing.


    This is A-OK with the mods apparently, despite the fact that it is racist and millions of Canadians aren't white. Apparently we aren't worried about offending them and them leaving the site.


    "I'm tired of the racism"


    Hey don't let the door hit you on the way out.


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Really?!?!



    Is this how the mods and regulars on this board want our community to be perceived on the subject of diversity?

  12. It's funny, the ones who wanted to jail you for doing something so dreadfully WRONG by treating yourself for illness!!!


    ..are the experts at it now and say why its good for you ?? :lol:


    It's really sad what MONEY does to people!!


    I think Dana was a little high....

    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the unions. "We know how to sell liquor, and it's all the same thing, right?"

    I heard unions say they want to sell alongside alcohol. The only profit they stand to make as a union will be union dues from any increase in working hours or new hires. Unions do not profit from sales.


    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the corporations. "We will sell it to you for $15 a gram, as long as the police shut down all the illegal dispensaries first."

    The corporations are are obviously in it for a profit just as every other business owner. I don't recall any LP claiming they wouldn't sell unless dispensaries are shut down. That statement made NO sense.


    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the politicians. "We will keep the taxes high, so we can pay for all the harm that you cannabis users are causing society."

    Which politician uttered those words? JT actually said the exact opposite in that video from 2013 and there has been very little talk on taxation since.


    I wonder if the fact that he owns several dispensaries is influencing his preferred retail choice?! lol. Dana is no different than the unions or government, He is working to keep his share of the insanely lucrative market.


    Dana is different in one fundamental way. He chose to fight a perceived injustice despite potential risk to himself (possibility of incarceration, economic cost for lawyers, etc.). To me that's putting his money where his mouth is.
  13. Counterpoint to Wynne wanting LCBO sales:




    Don't Let Those Who Opposed Legal Cannabis Profit From It Now


    By Dana Larsen (Director, Sensible BC Campaign For Marijuana Reform, Vancouver's Medicinal Cannabis Dispensary)


    Before premiers, liquor unions and corporations start falling all over each other in an effort to cash in on legal cannabis sales, let's remember the real reasons we should be ending cannabis prohibition in Canada.


    Yes, we should be legalizing cannabis in Canada, but not because of the tax revenue it will generate, and not because legalization a better way to keep cannabis from kids, and not even because polls show that most Canadians now support changing the law.


    We should be ending cannabis prohibition in Canada because the war on cannabis and cannabis users has always been unjustified, immoral and harmful to individuals and society.

    Let us remember that cannabis prohibition was founded solely on racism and ignorance. There was never any valid scientific, health, or social reason to ban cannabis and punish cannabis users in the first place. As a society, we need to acknowledge these truths before we can start talking about tax rates and points of sale.


    The first step must be to immediately end all arrests for possession and personal cultivation, nationwide. That must be at the top of the agenda for any cannabis reform in Canada.


    These days, Canada's cannabis community is feeling like the Little Red Hen from the classic fairy tale.


    We remember what happened when we asked, "Who will help us fight against cannabis prohibition?"


    "Not us," said the unions. "There are a lot of jobs for us in arresting and jailing cannabis users."


    "Not us," said the corporations. "Legal cannabis would hurt our investments in pharmaceuticals."


    "Not us," said the politicians. "Instead, we're going to pass stricter laws than ever, because that gets us more votes!"


    So we did it by ourselves.


    Canada's cannabis community opened bong shops and seed shops, we created cannabis magazines and websites, we held cannabis rallies and opened medical dispensaries, all in peaceful civil disobedience and in defiance of these unfair laws.


    When some of us were raided by police and ended up in front of a judge, we asked "Who will help us fund these important court cases, to defend our rights and change these unjust laws?"


    "Not us," said the unions. "All these new prisons mean jobs, jobs, jobs!"


    "Not us," said the corporations. "We can't patent cannabis medicines, so we don't care."


    "Not us," said the politicians. "In fact, we will fight you in court every step of the way!"


    So the cannabis community raised the funds ourselves. We used the money from our openly illegal bong shops, seed banks and dispensaries to pay lawyers and cover court costs, chipping away at prohibition one case at a time.


    It was through the courts that we forced the government to first create a medical cannabis program, and every single improvement and expansion of the program has come as a result of lengthy and expensive court battles funded by grassroots activists.


    Now that we have mostly beaten the laws in court and on the street, with cannabis gardens and dispensaries spreading into every city and town across the country, we ask, "Who will help us sell cannabis and profit from legalization?"


    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the unions. "We know how to sell liquor, and it's all the same thing, right?"


    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the corporations. "We will sell it to you for $15 a gram, as long as the police shut down all the illegal dispensaries first."


    "We will sell it to you for profit!" say the politicians. "We will keep the taxes high, so we can pay for all the harm that you cannabis users are causing society."


    To which we say, "Get lost! We will keep growing it and selling it ourselves. We already have hundreds of dispensaries across the country that are providing great quality cannabis. We already have dozens of court precedents which have forced your police to stop arresting our people. We already have a thriving culture and a vigorous, successful and diversified cannabis industry. We don't need your help, but thanks anyways."


    The moral of the story? Those who show no willingness to contribute to a product do not deserve to share it.


    Canada's cannabis community doesn't need the liquor unions, or the corporations, or the politicians to take over our industry. We know what we're doing when it comes to growing, distributing and enjoying cannabis.


    The groups that have oppressed our culture and fought against legalization should not be the groups that get to regulate and profit from our sacred plant.


    Just get rid of your ridiculous prohibition laws, stop arresting and hassling peaceful people for pot, and leave the rest to us.


    Source: http://m.huffpost.com/ca/entry/8887122

  14. I have a silver trap, but that was random I didn't know any better when I bought it. I use a ball of compressed bagel. I put it out overnight in the creek behind my house and have have caught plenty of dace, chubs and suckers. I have put it out for a few hours during day and caught the odd one, but I found overnight to be the ticket for some reason.

  15. I think the worst part of all is the fact that some of you people still voted this disgraceful party back into power for yet another thieving term.


    At least I can sleep well at night knowing that I did my part to try and get rid of them.


    It amazes me how so many voted them back into power yet all we hear is people complaining about how terrible they are.

    I didn't vote for them so I feel free to complain!

  16. Decriminalize it but tax the hell out of it like alcohol and let those who want to get wasted offset the taxes of everyone else. Also by putting it under government control we squeeze out the criminal element that currently is involved in distrubution and create jobs. Win-win-win. :)

    If we did that, then the guy down the street would be cheaper. Why would I go to the lcbo and pay more?

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