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About Beavertail

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  1. Nice going. Love getting them on hardware.
  2. Yep, one of my favourite methods too. Not always the most productive but I like it nonetheless. Love zinging those spoons way out there and drifting them downstream. I think it’s the hits that are so addictive. Anyway, Len Thompson spoons in orange and gold size 00 are my go-to. Just picked up a new Shimano Stradic 4000 this season too, solid and smooth reel for chucking spoons.
  3. I remember way back in grade school watching another one of his films...The Rise and Fall of the Great Lakes, brings back fond memories. Since then I’ve watched most of his films, own a few on DVD. Path of the Paddle is good, I also enjoy Waterwalker. Strange, just last week I picked up his biography called ‘Fire in the Bones’ off my bookshelf at home for a re-read. I’ve always had a lot of admiration for the guy.
  4. Sweet video, really liked the Spey rod and the little bushcraft at the end!
  5. Watched the show at home with my wife and we were glued to the tv. Soaked up every moment, and loved it. We passed up some invites from friends for backyard viewings, I just didn't want any distractions to actually watching the performance. We were also lucky enough to see them at the London show, just 6 rows from the stage - I feel so lucky for the chance to see them one last time. For me last night, 'Boots or Hearts' really stood out, it sounds great live, and always gets the crowd bumping...I get goose bumps thinking about it.
  6. My guess would be illness, maybe botulism which can be common in waterfowl. I've seen plenty of ducks at the waste water plant behaving strangely before expiring a day later (presumably after feeding in the process tanks)
  7. Heard the news driving to work this morning, felt like I was sucker punched. I've got a 6 pack CD changer in my vehicle and all 6 are Hip albums. I can listen to all of them front to back, can't think of any other band I can do that with. Waited 20 years to finally see them live last summer in Kitchener on the Fully Completely tour, they were awesome. Even more thankful for that opportunity now.
  8. Looks like a fun day in the field. Hunting behind a good dog and watching them work is one of the most rewarding aspects of hunting, IMO.
  9. Grew up catching carp on the Grand, really looked forward to it every May. Things seem more complicated now but back then it was pretty simple....can of corn, hooks and some split shot. Look for deeper, slower sections of river and chuck a handful of corn over the area you want to fish. Pile on as many corn kernels onto your hook as you can and cast it out. Prop your rod up on a branch stuck in the bank and reel up the slack in your line. Watch your rod tip for any bites, some are quite subtle and some literally drag your rod into the river. I know there are way more elaborate and probably more effective ways to catch them but it doesn't have to be. Have fun, they are a blast and the Grand is polluted with them.
  10. Another option could be the Fenwick HMX salmon/steelhead series. They have an 8'6" light action that would be good for casting hardware, and won't break the bank. I recently picked up a 9' Fenwick Eagle (decent rod for $80) medium action specifically for spoon fishing. I like a bit more power, and never go less than 10lb for my mainline either. Helps with retreiving lures from snags, generally the hooks straighten before the line breaks.
  11. I spent a 2 week road trip touring around Nova Scotia back in 2010, it was great. I didn't have a 'base' but spent every night in a new place. It was a lot of driving (which I didn't mind) and I got to see a lot of country side. However, it still wasn't enough time. For me, the highlight of the trip was Cape Breton.(Sky Line trail was beautiful, saw whales, moose, black bear and crazy scenery) I could go back and spend the whole two weeks up there and be perfectly happy. Lunenburg was also really nice. I brought some fishing tackle along and was hoping to fish more, but only got out once. It was on the Margaree for salmon, what a beautiful river and an experience etched into my memory forever.
  12. I saw this story on the news last night as well, what a shame. Some of those employees seemed really down on their luck and barely scraping by, all the while the CEO is hiding out on a flippin' cruise!?!? Worst part is they couldn't even get their records of employment to start collecting EI. What the hell is wrong with people?
  13. What a life experience! At least the bugs wouldn't be bothering you on the portage. Thanks for the cool little story.
  14. Interesting read...amazing the unconventional paths some people take in life.
  15. That would be cool, I'd love to see one.
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