In 10 because i LOVE fish and can't jus choose 1
2- Brown Trout (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so good)
3- Smallmouth bass (also very good if cooked right)
4- Perch
5- Steelhead/Rainbow trout (love it smoked)
6- Northern Pike
7- Lake Trout (awesome fish to eat....absolutely incredible in a foil broil)
8- Whitefish
9- Ling (so good fried in butter)
10- Black Crappie (nough said)
lol i've been very fortunate to have tried many different species of fish and i have loved them all......cept salmon for some reason i cannot stand salmon of any sort........either way great idea for a winter post!
thats a big jack! especially from a pike that size regularly get caught from there? if so....that is one heck of a fishery you got there!
oh come on i thought it was here i'll add some good music
any better?
still haven't received the package yet cliff......iunno if you have contacted canada post or not becuz ive been away all weekend but it never showed up on friday....
Goal #1 Get Hired at a Lodge
Goal #2 Catch my PB pike
achieved 39 inches
Goal #3 Catch my PB walleye
achieved 28 inches
Goal #4 Put 20 or more trophies in the boat this summer
unachieved.....fell short was at 18 and they told me i was leaving in 2 days! damn wish i knew that ahead of time lol
Goal #5 Catch up with old fishing partners and friends
been a good year for that....achieved
Halley's Camps! lol i actually remember a great place from when i was a kid my parents always took me and a is called King's Cottages and it is on Lake least the last i remember being there it was a nice family environment along with really good fishing....if you'd like i'm sure i could find it somewhere on the internet for you......and Justin Hoffman also did an article in Ontario Out of Doors magazine on Lake Kashwakamak and he mentioned King's Cottages in it somewhere....anyways good luck in your decision
kinda looks like a walleye with a perch in it's mouth but i can't see it very well....too small of a picture....see if you can post a bigger pic.....either way neat picture!
Hey guys,
Lookin for a fishin partner for tomorrow afternoon and Saturday all day.....headed to Goderich so let me know if anyone is interested....or heading that way....always nice to have sum1 to talk to