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Posts posted by TroutnMuskieHunter

  1. I'm working from home now a lot more than I have been and I can't believe (nor can my manager) how much more productive I am and I'm saving a crap load of money by not using my F-150 traveling to the office and back everyday!!! :thumbsup_anim:


    Gas prices will affect everything....I just had a tandem load of logs dropped off at the house so I can starting cuttin and splittin firewood for next year :canadian: ....price went up from $850 - $900 (21 face cords or 7 bush cords) because of the price of diesel .....but I'm still ahead compared to what the heating oil costs are!!.... :clapping:

  2. Just go man......trust me....it will be worth it. You'll be welcomed with open arms everywhere you go, and I guarantee, you won't want to leave.


    I haven't even touched the brookie, arctic char, and atlantic salmon fishing yet :thumbsup_anim: .....and the seafood.....MMMMMM :canadian:




    Nice pics and report sinker :canadian: ....I used to travel to St John's a lot on business and I don't even know where to begin to explain how friendly everyone was in that city as well as the entire province for that matter!!.....a trip to your Dad's homestead would be a chance of a lifetime for some....hmmmmm, maybe an organized OFC fishing excursion for next year ????... :Gonefishing:



  3. Well last year I bought a 565 and it has been a great unit for me I have not had any problems with it at all I wanted color but for what I wanted to spend I got alot better gray scale I had always liked eagle before this one but I love this hummingbird and will look into another for the bow of the boat either this or next year.


    I have a 565 as well and turned it into a portable unit so that I can use it in the various boats I own....I think it's a great unit for the price..$238 at Le Barons :clapping:

  4. That looks like a Wild Golden Shiner to me Steve.


    Great report and pics!!! :thumbsup_anim:


    Lokks like a very charming camp... but no hot water??? :dunno:


    Did that Trout not beat your other entry?... or did you forget your logo? ;)


    I'm an honest guy Glen :angel: ....it was shy by 1 1/2".....there was a small building that had a real nice shower with hot and cold water, so it wasn't that bad...

  5. It all started early Friday morning....loaded up the truck and boat and headed out for the weekend to a quiet little trout lake north of Hwy 7...

    Made a few pit stops along the way and got to the lodge around 9:30AM where I was greeted by my hosts, Helga and Wolfgang Dietz .... what a nice couple they are!! Super spot and great prices!!!


    Wolfgang came out to help me launch the boat and he had a bug net jacket on....it didn't take long for me to frantically look for mine as well because the blackflies were in full force that morning and were relentless along the shoreline!!!


    Here's the view from the lodge...just a gem of a lake!!




    Got all the gear out of the truck and into my cabin which is named the "Pioneer"......It's a nice little rustic log cabin that has a full fridge/freezer, new stove/oven, flush toilet, BBQ, party deck and cold running water...Here's some pics....








    It's been over 20 some years since I fished Mosque so I decided to take a tour around the entire lake and back bays to refresh my mind with the water depths/shoals....you have to be cautious on this lake as there are many rock shoals that appear out of nowhere!!! One thing that surpised me was the 60.8F water temp....pretty warm for this time of year...


    While I was scouting the lake, I decided to throw a line out and ended up shaking off a lot of persistant perch that found the fly that I was using irresistible ....those species weren't in this lake when I fished it many moons ago!!


    I also caught this little fella that I'm not sure what it is....is it a fall fish, or some type of sucker??? It was ~ 8" long...




    Went back to the cabin and had a BBQ, a couple of cold pints and got my fishing gear ready for the evening fish..That night I caught a beauty rainbow with the fly rod that kept me busy for a good while....what a fight!!!!!....broke water 4 times tryin' to shake that fly out of it's mouth but I ended up winning the fight with him in the net...This ended up being my biggest fish for the rest of the weekend.... :thumbsup_anim:




    Met a great little guy up there who kept me company all weekend long :canadian:






    The weather could have been a bit better but hey, it was a weekend out fishing and doing some r&r....


    Here's a few more scenic pics....







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