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Posts posted by TroutnMuskieHunter

  1. hey musky hunter...i see you stayed at temagami lodge...hope you kept my cottage clean..lol.. will be there may 31st very nice fish...sorry for the weather..but fish, good buddies and good times seems to make all the bad weather go away...rob


    Hey Rob,


    Cabin 4 rules ;) ......I left the cottage clean before we left but 2 buddies stayed behind for the rest of the week and they're :oops::P ...

  2. Friday finally arrived after months of talkin bout the trip up North with the boyz :Gonefishing::canadian:


    We left the house at noon and made it up to the lake in record time...we were actually surprised that the traffic was so light the whole way up except for a bit of conjestion passing through North Bay around 4:00PM


    The weather Friday evening was gorgeous, and the lake was like glass...hauling all the the gear up to the cabin made us a bit thirsty so we decided to "down" a few ice cold beers and get the fishing gear ready for Saturday....


    Woke up Saturday morning with a slight pain in my head after 4hrs of sleep and to the not so nice to the sound of rain :wallbash: ...the wind had also picked up and the lake was rough!!...we had a quick breakfast, put on our rain gear and headed out...the water temps were around 45C and the fish appeared to be down in the 40 - 60' range...our boat only had 1 hit for the day...our buddies had a bit more luck and landed 3 Lakers that night...


    Sunday turned out to be a better day as far as weather...we were able to land a couple of Walleye and a crap load of OOS huge bass that were all released at the side of the boat between 6:30 and 8:30 that morning!!


    After a great lunch fish fry, we went back out and targeted Lakers....THEY WERE ON FIRE!!!


    We managed to catch 10 that afternoon and the arches on the sonar were unbelievable :thumbsup_anim: .....ended up keeping 6 between the 4 of us and went back to the cabin for dinner and drinks!!


    Woke up on Monday to blowing snow squalls and rough water :wallbash: ....this cold front moved in and drove the fish back down and they turned off!!....we caught and released two small lakers and that was it for the entire day...


    Woke up early this morning to pack up and head home only to see blue skies and beautiful calm water :wallbash: Our 2 buddies who are staying up at the cabin until Saturday waved goodbye to us with BIG SMILES on their faces while me and my buddy cursed all the way back to the launch...


    All in all it was a great time and can hardly wait for the next trip!!


    Here's some pics to share....










    Here's a shot of what Monday looked like and you can see the snow in hills along the far shoreline




    This is what we woke up to this morning as we left to come home :wallbash:




    This was a typical type of cloud that would come in out of nowhere and drop some snow...



  3. you call me when you want to fish eh!


    Jamie...pretty hectic :Gonefishing: schedule right now :thumbsup_anim: headin to Temagami this Friday for 5 days and then going up to Ompah to hunt some Rainbows May 30th - June 1st...


    I've rented a small cabin in Ompah and am fishing solo for the 3 days, so if you can get out, shoot me a pm...if not, I'll be out opening day here on the Ottawa R. for Muskie hunting ;)



  4. Those are some nice fish there, giving you a nice plate of fine fillets.


    Kinda look like huge brookies, but those are splake aren't they?



    They're all Brookies ehg....you can usually tell if it's a Brook trout by its tail....also referred to as square tail..


    Here's a pic of some Splake....you see more of a fork in the tail but not as much as a Laker and not as square as a Brookie..



  5. The best way to keep the Back Flies out of your face is to tear a hole in the seat of your pants! :whistling:


    Hey Glen...thanks for making me cover my monitor with coffee this morning :clapping:


    If you don't want to be covered with DEET all weekend, take a bundle of garlic bulbs with you!!..you have to peel the garlic and then cut the clove in half so that the oil comes out...rub it all over you and you'll be amazed at the results :thumbsup_anim: you'll have no bugs around you as well as the girlfriend, fishing buds and people fishing your secret hole ;)

  6. I was trout fishin' yesterday in the back lakes and as soon as the day started to warm up they were out...there wasn't alot of wind so they were swarming around me in the boat...I wouldn't say that they are in full force yet, but this weekend will be a treat for anyone camping to say the least!!....

  7. I asked my wife want she wanted for Mother's Day and she replied back with "some fresh trout for dinner" would be nice.... :Gonefishing:


    So I thought to myself, now that's a tough job to do, but I better see if I can please the wife :whistling::thumbsup_anim: ... Other than the black flies, the morning was awesome.....tried worms, spinners and spoons for a while but with no success so after an hour I decided to bring out the fly rod and BANG!!!....all were caught on flies ...... here's some pics to share..









    And here's my honey's dinner ready to be cooked!! :thumbsup_anim:



  8. My wife wants me to finish the cedar post & rail fence I started last fall..so today's the day... :thumbsup_anim:


    Tomorrow she'd like some trout for dinner so I guess I better make her happy and head into the hills with the ATV to catch some for her :Gonefishing::whistling::clapping: (or maybe she just wants me outa the house so that she can sit and relax and not hear me talkin bout the fishin' trip to Temagami next weekend!!

  9. Yup - mono, braid, leadcore, flouro.

    If you pick up a larger reel, you may consider segmenting the colours with braid which provides a bit more flexibility when using the boards.




    Silver....I take it that you use a few wounds of mono on the reel first before the braid backing so that the line doesn't slip on the reel...correct???....what type of knots do you guys recommend for joining each section...mono--> backing braid-->lead core-->fluoro leader?????





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