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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. They let you fish in the marina? Safe to say all the boats are removed and no one harassed you? That place is covered with signs saying no fishing.. Mind you I think Spiel and I hit it when it was froze over.. PS. Nice Browns! G
  2. They are a type of Salamander, and are Native to Ontario fresh water lakes. Here is a link to more info.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudpuppy
  3. I have worked for Holmes in the past and been on three episodes. This is not something I normally tell people. Has anyone ever seen the house near Bronte Creek built from straw bales? I helped build that house. It just so happens the producer for Holmes on Homes and Real Renos, owns it. Mike... I could get you in touch with Mike Quast (the producer) if you like, G.
  4. LOL 12x12 fir... drilling for the cleats was a challenge... as we had cleats above and below..in some cases we were drilling 24" and the rod had to line up with the holes in the cleat below.. fun fun fun! and who says carpenters have no stress.. Not ME!!!! Now about that outhouse... G
  5. I am surprised this is on YouTube... and not banned due to copyright violations...
  6. You mean it is not built like this? Eddie... I am going to teach you how to built a outhouse (yes that is me in the pics) G
  7. Lonely... oh so lonely.. G
  8. Wish I could have been there and shared fried Muskie with him. I like Cronzy, always have.. he is a tell it like it is fella, which I appreciate. I would have sat down and had Muskie shore lunch with him anytime. G
  9. as Tony said... Hit up you're local Value Village. You may be surprised at what you can find there.
  10. "Geoff complains so much that he complained there was too much mustard on his mustard sandwich" Bitsmith2k circa November 20th 2010 But Shhhh... Geoff was not awake for this momentous proverb. Nor do we think he still understands it's significance. :rofl2:
  11. he is not leaving his old camp... he is opening another! in my understanding anyways... and the reason we need to wait till Sept. is he needs to build it! We could fish the old camp anytime... but this offer is for the new camp on VIRGIN waters. I am super stoked! G
  12. Ugh, Powdered Milk, and Puffed Wheat cereal... just the thought of it makes me vomit a little, as that was my breakfast staple growing up, Liver n Onion's as it was cheap to this day I still cannot stand the stuff as I was forced to eat it, or starve.. I remember getting the belt when I did wrong, Do that now and you're in jail... Hercules, Rocket Roger Man, Astro boy, G I Joe and the Smurfs were on the tube. I remember spending time on my Grandparents farm.. Whole milk right from the cow... still warm, with "stuff" floating in it... Culling chickens, riding hogs, helping cows give birth.. .25 went a long way then..I too remember mom writing a note so I could pick her up some smokes. I remember my dad being proud that he earned 30k a year in the very early 80's (guess that was a decent wage then?) this is how I grew up.
  13. LOL! in this case RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Discs
  14. I was not the one to blame this time! I just carried it out! LOL
  15. wow.. you would think we would be on a server with a RAID array for redundancy. G
  16. Well I have permission from she who must be obeyed... Now to count the pennies in the coffer.... Will let you know Mike... When do you need a deposit by? G.
  17. time to see if I have enough pennies saved in coin jar thanks for the heads up!
  18. Lloyd, have fun in PC!!! it is a blast! Are you heading out with Mike? He is awesome, did 3 charters with him in PC. Hard to go wrong!!! what are you chasing? Nice to see you put the lads on fish! G
  19. Shhhhh... we are not supposed to tell... for fear of torture... I was trying to keep Mike calm all weekend... I did my best...he was only holding you... but I cannot control him on OFC... please do not antagonize him further, for I fear I cannot stop the ball from rolling beyond my physical control.. Best have mom make 5 times the noodles as some sort of peace offering.. G (PS I protected you all weekend... and not even a kiss on the cheek LOL! ) hope you had a great OFC G2G brother. Hope to see you at another!
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