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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. The Merland's curse continues........ But glad to see SOMEONE there to assist you when you needed them... wish I could say the same..... Things could have been alot worse! Just glad that you made it home in one piece... and as for the helmet... remind me to wear one myself if I fish with you! LOL Gerritt.
  2. I love Toronto's finest!! If something happened...... nawww we'll tow it to the Art Exhibition...LOL!! and the Shock on the TO Bike Cops face... IT"S PEDDLE POWERED! LOL... Gerritt.
  3. City of Hamilton 3:45 PM EST Monday 3 December 2007 Snowsquall warning for City of Hamilton issued ..Snow squalls and strong winds producing whiteout conditions and dangerous driving conditions into Tuesday.. This is a warning that snowsqualls are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements. The major winter storm which has plagued Ontario the past few days is slowly easing its grip on the province. However..In the wake of this system strong northwesterly winds and cold Arctic air are combining to produce snow squalls and whiteout conditions to the Lee of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Georgian Bay..Snow squalls are coming inland from east of Thornbury to Wasaga Beach to Midland and affecting inland communities south of Orillia such as Barrie and Innisfil including portions of highway 400. A strong squall extends all the way from Barrie into Uxbridge and Port Perry and then down to the 401 east of bowmanville. This squall will slowly shift southward later this evening and affect communities such as Newmarket..Aurora and portions of Vaughan and Markham. Lake Huron..Snow squalls are currently more multi-banded although the more intense squalls are in the London and Woodstock areas with a strong squall also coming inland near Point Clark and affecting the Kitchener Guelph area as well as portions of northern Hamilton region. As with the Georgian Bay squalls..These squalls will slowly drift southward this evening. For regions within the snow squall warning and within close proximity to the lakes..Local snowfall accumulations of 30 centimetres are possible tonight. For all other regions..Amounts up to 5 centimetres are expected with local accumulations of 20 centimetres in the more persistent squalls. In addition to the severely reduced visibilities in heavy snow bursts..Gusty winds to 60 or 70 km/h will produce frequent whiteouts making driving conditions very dangerous on many road ways.
  4. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object> G
  5. This cuddly fella would tilt the odds... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctodus I say bring back the Short Faced Bear.. The earths Largest Carnivorous land Mammal! G
  6. power corrupts....just ask the mods of OFC LOL! Gerritt. I love all the mods here...they are wonderful people.
  7. I urge everyone to write their MP and state you are against the new DMCA coming to Canada... think the DMCA in the US is tough, our version will make it look like a minor parking ticket.. Heard of the tens of thousands being sued in the US by the RIAA et al? Well once passed expect the same here in Canada except 10 fold... http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/2431/125/ Gerritt (It would be nice to know where the tax we have been paying on blank media is going too...
  8. FP... Here is a link I thought you may find helpful.. it is from a pro consumer site... It will explain in detail what you should and should not do.. in regards to your EECB... http://consumerist.com/consumer/how-to/how...bomb-259713.php Gerritt. I should also mention... Tracker Marine is tmrc llp Google it
  9. AHAHAHAHA... 928' bye bye fluffy... Gerritt.
  10. and that is the best place for a cat... besides being under a car tire or something... (Sorry to all you cat lovers out there...) G
  11. I am also looking at a set of side guides.. especially for when I am loading it up myself.. I found loading up @ Quinte this year a bit of a pain do to the wind blowing me off my line onto the trailer.. Side guides would help alleviate this and centre the boat for me. G
  12. Count me in as well for that trip Chris... I know we have sorta discussed it... time to start making some concrete plans over the winter... How's that snow machine working for you? G
  13. Thanks guys... Tracy these pics are about 4 years old... Glad to see you all enjoyed them G
  14. nice pics!...certainly looks good enough to eat!.. but what is that god awful green stuff? it does not look like it is in the meat group to me! G
  15. Pass the Tarter sauce and lemon pepper please... G
  16. The following are England and Scotland...
  17. you got it... doing some bulk uploads to photobucket as we speak.. Look forward to another thread from me.. G
  18. wow how did that get past the censors G
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