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About IanD

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  1. Yup, I go down with my buddy that owns a lodge up in Gracefield. We set up for the 10 days or so, meet up with past and future customers, hit BP, Cabela's nd a few other places. Good time and a nice break from winter.
  2. Mike, Le Baron on St Laurent has PP in most tests. Ian
  3. I picked up a couple of each at LB's. They look like just the ticket to get big pike and muskie PO'ed. They are also heavy enough that the shock wave from them landing in the water will knockout any 'gills within a 3 foot radius.
  4. First love is chasing big pike. After that, if it swims, I'll chase it.
  5. All I have ever run in 30 years is a tiller. New rig follows the same style. I like the extra floor space and the extra degree of control offered. Now if I was making a 30 mile run, I'd let the son-in-law drive.
  6. If and when they open in Montreal (Mirabel to be exact) they will be 10 minutes from home.
  7. Another vote for the small shop/custom build. With a custom build you will be certain of the critical parts, power supply, HD's, motherboard etc. A lot of "package" units use non-upgradeable components that can be difficult or impossible to repair/replace if needed. The cost is no greater than a big box store special.
  8. I shot this image a couple of winters back on the Lachine Warf. I called it "Hey! Where's My Belly Button?"
  9. The major purchase this past summer was the new Lund 1625 Classic and all the goodies required in fitting it out. After that, a couple of "I really need 'em" rods and reels and a bucket full of new baits. Thanks goodness the better half doesn't go into the garage or the basement.
  10. Born in Montreal and lived here for 18 years. Moved to Toronto to work at CHUM. Realized that there was no decent poutine West of South Lancaster and moved back 5 years later. Been here ever since ( need more finger and toes to count how many years that is )
  11. Power in the West Island (Kirkland) was out from yesterday afternoon (3:30pm) until this morning around 11:30am. no real problem for us since we installed a sealed insert in the fireplace right after '98. Kept the whole house at a balmy 24C all night and day. Was wearing shorts and a Tee shirt Yesterday morning I had 3 poplars on the from lawn. This morning I had only one as two of them were torn out by the roots due to the ice and the wind. Fewer leafs to rake up next fall but more grass to mow this summer, darn. Spent a hour with the chain saw this morning making firewood.
  12. Thanks for the compliments folks. Nature photography is a wee bit of a hobby for me. Happy and glad to share.
  13. The background might be snow and using a 500 prime that is super fast (f/4) will really do a job on the background. Two winters go when the GGO's stayed a while at Ile Bizard, I spent a lot of time up there looking and photographing them. Even managed a couple of "In your face" flight shots. Here is a link to a few of my GGO's- GGO's
  14. Heading up to Gracefield tomorrow for a long weekend of chasing 'skis and pike. Yeah baby!
  15. I voted for a Spell Checker cause I type like a chimp wearing mittens.
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