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Everything posted by BowSlayer101

  1. Thanks guys, was a great outing for sure!
  2. thanks guys, lots of fish smoking will be going on at my place for the next few weeks lol!
  3. As the title saids, it finally happened, the dream fishing trip that is! Everything went perfect, well until a pike showed up that is, all was good fish were biting and even being landed, lots of herring and a few whitefish and perch in between, lots of fish were missed, I had a few pike rip me right off on the hookset, had a few whitefish spool me but other than that, it was a good time, with some good friends and hopefully will be repeated before the end of the season! Size 11 boot in the pic by the way, (for reference).
  4. Off 1 foot Max for me.
  5. Thanks guys, first time using a tip up, I was told its the best for whities, I go out and get one and catch a whitie on a jigging rod lol. Knuguy: one other guy was with me and got a little laker and a little herring, I was the only one with a whitie and everyone I looked to didn't have any one the ice either, slow day.
  6. thanks man! Appreciate it!
  7. Hey guys, so originally a Halliburton trip was planned for this weekend but upon finding out that it would only be the two of us and looking at the route, we decided to stay local and head for some whitie and laker action, we knew the ice would be sketchy but we decided to take the risk and carefully see if we could muster some fish. I won't lie, I didn't have my hopes too high as I knew it would be packed with people and very few fish would be around. We came up with a backup plan to hit a walleye and pike lake in the area if the first spot disappointed but upon looking at the fish finder screen, that all changed. Fish were literally everywhere and they were chasing but not hitting, so we decided to go ahead and set up the hut while its slow. Of course just as we start setting up the hut, my rod falls and there is an unmistakeable head shake of a laker, sadly I lost that fish as my reel was frozen and it snapped my 4 lb test right off. It was ok though, I re-tied and dropped down again, instant hit and the first laker is on the ice, just a little guy, so well put him back down. The 2nd fish was a bit better so I decided to keep it, I did not want any huge ones anyways as I prefer small ones for the table. After getting countless hit and even a few lakers landed here and there, the fish decided it was go time. As I started jigging up, I get a strong hit and my drag goes nuts, I think, its just a small one again probably just healthy, well nope! As soon as I got him near the hole, I decided I would lift him, that idea quickly disappeared after I saw the size of him. I ran to the hole to grab him and the bugger got lucky and feel off the hook and went down the hole . It was ok though, since fish were still hitting. Finally we got the hut set up and got inside to warm up and stare at a blank screen! However.....in a half hours time, I see a mark on the screen, its on bottom and I instantly think its a whitie, I look at my tip up and its going nuts, I set the hook and miss a nice whitie, no worries the 2nd rod saves the day, thank god it was an ul and it let me see the tiny hit. I set the hook and this time its on, after a few minutes battle, I'm thinking its a laker due to the strong runs but no, its a whitie, hooray we got a whitie on the ice! Wait a second, oh man, that was probably a bad idea, yes, yes it was, within 20 minutes all of Toronto was around us trying to catch one too. We decided to leave, since we had our laker limits and go try for some herring. It was dead at the herring spot, so moving around and getting out of the comfort of a hut was required but in the end, I found the fish and we got ourselves some herring, not as big as i'd hoped for but still herring and even a smelt and a couple perch as well! All in all it was a good day spent on the waters even though it wasn't my first choice for a whitefish spot, I still managed some fish and of course whats a report without some pics.......[/url[/url[/url[/url
  8. Back at it again this weekend, was surprised to get a perch this deep, a jumbo to boot, was peeling line like heck, though I had a nice whitie on![/url[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url
  9. Thanks guys but this wasn't the start to my season haha, the lake I fished had 8 inches of ice.
  10. Hey guys, well first off happy new year, I hope everyone had a great holiday and got lots of fishing in, I know I tried to get out as much as possible! I got the chance to fish 2 days, back to back, in the same spots, first day, (Tuesday) got out with my day and 2nd time (Wednesday) with a few buds. First day we got our rainbow limits and 1 whitie (no fish finder) lost a few more though as well as a laker. The 2nd time, we each got our limits of bows and decided to go and try for whites, we knew it would be cold but we decided to bear through the snowstorm and set up the huts, in about an hour, everything was ready to go and we had around 2 hours to fish before it would be time to go. I instantly began to get some hits and soon enough the fish-finder was lit up with fish off bottom. Within a half hour, my first white was on the ice and 2nd rod was receiving hits. Shortly after I had my 2nd whitie on the ice and had a hit as soon as I dropped my bait down again but missed it. Everyone was getting hits but it was very hard to set the hook on them. One of the guys had a big whitie on and lost it right under the whole which was very disappointing but it is what it is. Shortly after, we began to set up and left for home. All in all a great 2 days on the water and hopefully i'll get out again one last time before next week! pics of the first day:[/url and the 2nd day:[/url[/url
  11. thanks guys!
  12. thanks, hopefully the fish are still there when I'm back next weekend!
  13. Hey guys, haven't been out in a while, other than a quick outing on the ice, didn't think i'd be going this weekend but the chance came up and I took it right away, without further notice, id be heading north for a day of what my bud said "great bow fishing", with the cold temps and it being mid December, i doubted my chances but thought that maybe id get lucky and land myself a bow or maybe even two! Well good thing I packed the cooler because between the 4 of us, (my dad, me and a couple buds), we had a limit within a couple hours. I should add that the day did start of slow, lots of people and my friends were set up in the wrong spot when I met them. However 20 minutes later i went for a walk and noticed a couple guys getting fish every now and then, I watched for a few minutes, how exactly they were fishing and realized that we'd have to change spots and make our bait depth waaaaay higher. As soon as I set up there, I lost a fish, shortly after got one and then it started! Fish after fish after fish, I lost count after 30 but we weren't the only guys slamming them, of course we were still doing better than most others. The MNR came and caught a few guys, trying to smuggle a few bows in the snow and some guys trying to cook and eat the fish and get more, they stayed for the whole time I was there too, so it was good to see them out and patrolling, checking garbage bins, snow piles, had a dog sniffing around with them as well. I chatted with them for a few minutes, then continued to slam bows, I lost a few monsters, that my 3 lb line just couldn't handle, (ran out of line), according to the officers, we had some of the biggest fish they saw that day so it was good, of course we could've taken bigger ones but who knew fishing would be this good, so I continued to catch and release for the rest of the day, great time out with a couple friends and my dad, days like this, is what makes it all worth it, the research, the skunks, the burn gas, but in the end, I got out with a few people close to me and got a ton of fish!1_zpsa5f2de9a.jpg[/img][/urlhttp://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20141214_115901_zps1cb25cfc.jpg.html'>[URL[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IM[/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20141214_134216_zps3061c73c.jpg.html][/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20141214_154755-1_zps6c454725.jpg.html][/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20141214_190742_zps40cf1657.jpg.html][/url[url=http://s879.photobucket.com/user/rainbow256/media/IMG_20141214_200351_zps96f9effe.jpg.html]
  14. Thanks manitoubass and lmao @BillM!
  15. It was a steelie, had spots on the tail and had a tiny bit of pink on the cheeks and sides, thanks for all the nice comments guys!
  16. its actually a steelie haha but thanks!
  17. Got out 2 nights ago for a shot at some night fishing for browns, fished from 7 to around 9:30 with a glow bead and some pink fly I found a few weeks ago at a river that works wonders on steel, cohos and browns it seems like! Got a big male steel, probably around 12 pounds and a small brown around 6 pounds, nice hen, too bad it swallowed deep, tried releasing it but she just wouldn't swim off, so I kept her and was rewarded with a ton of brownie roe and some awesome tasting meat. Had another brown on and a few steel but was too dark to take pics, took a vid. but you can't see crap in it, just hear the reel screaming lol.[/url[/url
  18. lol, thanks guys, Tim, I'm getting there, haha.
  19. it was a mouth of a river and it takes quite a bit of bushwalking to get to, i doubt many if any on here know where it is, its a little back lake, its open i have checked several times, thanks for the compliments though!
  20. Thanks guys! Also, zone 15 extended season
  21. Had the chance to get out for a long awaited speck trip yesterday, managed around 30 specks and a few nice bass, lost a monster of a bass as well, brought home a few specks and some bass for a fish fry too! Hopefully ill be out there again before the weekend!
  22. thanks for the kind words and yep winter is coming! haha, laker time soon! Also i used mostly spinners but roe, spoons and flies all worked too.
  23. thanks guys, ya ill keep them in the water next time, the cohos are just so jumpy, hard to control.
  24. hey guys, out to the creeks last couple of days, been getting into lots of freshies lately, lots of cohos around and even steel, managed a huge hybrid as well today, here are a few pics:[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url[/url
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