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Everything posted by Craigson

  1. Very sad news indeed. Please remember not to swerve people. The absolutely last thing you want is to cross the center line.
  2. Just a 15" Speck for me. Sadly I watched a spec over 20" spit my Mepps out right at the net. Hoping to land my first Brown and Rainbow this fall/winter. And maybe a Chinny or two if im lucky. Good luck all
  3. Id say lay the tape flat and put fish on top to measure. That way the tape stays flat
  4. Yeah I fully understand. At the same time, just because I'm a noob on here does not mean I am not a respectful fisherman. I have a child on the way and I hope to someday teach him/her how to fish the way my father taught me. Fishing is a timeless sport which requires much patience and effort. These life lessons are often a greater prize than the fish we catch. I don't even eat much fish and I just want the picture. If I happen to get a decent Master Angler fish I know I can get a mount made from pics and measurements. Thanks again all,
  5. Thank you Landry!! Thats all I wanted.
  6. Wow i ask for simple info n get flamed like this? Sweet community. Peace thx for the lecture
  7. Ok so now im confused. Yes I thought it was a Brown in pic. Buddy that caught it prolly knows better , i got pic from another friend. So salmon start first?
  8. Okay okay i think were headin up wednesday. Ill let u kno how we do
  9. Weird, this fish caught near bowmanville last week must b fake?? Lol
  10. Hmm I didnt mention originally but I know the Browns are in the rivers near bowmanville. Im new to trout n salmon fishing so excuse my ignorance. Maybe someone could give a list of which fish come in in what order? And in what areas? (Ie. Lake Ontario fish move in before Lake Huron fish? Thx again
  11. Well its not easy to go take a 3.5 hour drive just to check it out LOL.
  12. Hi everyone. I appreciate any replies and tips. Not looking for hot spots just wondering if anyone has info on where the salmon n trout are running already?? I hear the bows are starting in the Saugeen, anyone confirm? Thx
  13. Bell River hump. All u need to kno. Probably the best place on earth for musky!
  14. Good report !! Funny how they catch a big guy n move spots looking for smaller fish lol . If i had to bet i would say that ppl on the lake are feeding the loons. In Algonquin its getting really bad, just about every pair of loons u see will come right over n follow ur canoe for hours looking for handouts. Its unfortunate to say the least. Now u got me dyin for August 8 to come as ill b heading to the cottage for pike n bass!!
  15. Did u get it x-rayed? Jw if part of ur foot was broken too or just bad bruising. And it very well could b broken n still walking on it. I broke my Tibia n walked on it for 24 hrs before going to emerg. Just depends on ur pain tolerance. Anyways, interested to hear how much damage ther is?
  16. So to clear a few things up. "Blue Pike " are extinct. Originally found in Lake Erie. However they are actually Walleye. But, in SW Ontario most ppl call Walleye by Pickerel. "Silver Pike" as shown in OP are indeed a genetic mutation of Northern Pike but they reproduce and are recognized seperately for record purposes. Im gonna guess that these "blue bass" are mis-identified blue gills or somthing else but without pics I really dont know. Anyway, im going after Pike in August in a lake known to have "Silver Pike". Anybody have more info on them? Specifically around North Bay? Thx
  17. I think its more of a coleman issue distributing their tanks than a propane in general issue. I work at a propane plant n we ship out approx 100 trucks n 50 tank rail cars per day. Haven't heard anything about increased production or shipping. Jus my two cents
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