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Everything posted by markiemark70

  1. So my stationary marshmallow on a single hook is a problem but you ripping a rapala with two sets of treble hooks is the ethical way? And exactly where did I compare anything to casting or floatfishing? Totally missed that part. Anyways I don't really care to get into it with you. To be honest I went that one year like 3 years ago and have not been back. I prefer casting for Bass or pike to that. But I don't like having words put in my mouth and I don't like being accused of harming the fish. If you knew me you would know that I am about as ethical as you can get when it comes to natural resources. You can have your Steelhead all to yourself as far as I am concerned. Good luck.
  2. Ok I get it now: your issue (or some peoples) is with fishing in the river period. Because the same thing you just described is true of anything you throw in the river. If so then I guess its a case of to each their own. I have no issue with catching fish in the river, and I know what I am doing is not illegal or unethical. I am a 100% catch & release guy, so if I thought I was abusing the resource I would never do it. I totally agree that flossing or intentionally snagging is wrong, but I have no issue whatsoever with this
  3. Well I can guarantee you that I wasn't snagging. My line was underwater with no float, it was 30 meteres or so out in the muddy river and it was dark out, so I would need some pretty good eyesight to snag the fish. You can't tell me that a fish can hit a moving lure doing 20 knots or so in the water, but they can't avoid a marshmallow bobbing around in the current. That just doesn't make sense.
  4. Ok I thought you meant because he was using marshmallows.
  5. Are you sure they were doing something wrong? A few years ago I tried my hand at salmon for the first time. I asked around at a few tackle shops and on this board and was told that marshmallows were good bait. I was certainly not "flossing" I tied the marshmallow on a 3 way swivel with a heavy weight on the bottom and let it sit there. I got a few hits in the couple of times I went, and I can guarantee you that the line didn't just fall into a salmons mouth: it was a hit, guaranteed. Are you saying that anyone who uses marshmallows is a snagger or poacher?
  6. Great post, so many to choose from, but this one definitely changed my life: I still see them in concert every chance I get
  7. One huge difference that has not been mentioned is the difference between the experience of buying online, vs buying from a brick and mortar. You know your reels and are comfortable buying a reel online. The average joe (and me) likes to go and touch and try something before they make a major purchase. Of course many people have no qualms about going to a retail location, taking up a salesmans time, trying out gear and then going to buy it online at the cheaper price. That is a pretty recent option that has opened up to people with the advent of the internet, but in the truest sense, people that do this are being "dishonest" (I use this term loosely because I am not totally comfortable saying that, but I believe it to be true. For example, you wouldn't walk right into the store during your fact finding phase and boldly state that you have no interntion of buying it there, would you? If no, then you are being dishonest) The other major factor is that presumably the store is going to provide some service in order to earn the markup. For example, I don't have a store, but I sell and install CCTV systems. Last few years everyone wants to show me printouts of websites or Costco "cctv" systems and ask me to match the price. My standard answer is always the same: OK but when it breaks, you go up the ladder, take it off the wall, put it in a box and ship it to me (on your dime) and I will have it repaired and shipped back to you in 4-6 weeks. Sound good? It is easy to undercut and sell things as cheap as possible when you never want to hear from the people again, and all you need is a few points on a product to pay for data entry clerks. It is much harder to provide real service and keep your customers happy by having knowledgeable staff and a retail location. That is what you are paying for.
  8. If you are fishing from a boat and can troll, you can use a 3 way swivel setup: tie the swivel to your main line, tie a 2 oz (or more, have to experiment) weight to one side of the 3 way, then tie a 3-6 ft leader on the 3rd swivel. Place your bait at the end of the leader. That should get you down there. Key is using enough weight. Here is a better description: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPage?mode=article&objectID=30287&storeId=10151&catalogId=10001&langId=-1 Good luck
  9. Ok so It looks like we are good to go for the 17th. Based on my conversation with imhooked he is definitely in for the 17th and we can try to get more people later. See you on the 17th lloyd and thanks.
  10. OK lloyd, we have 2 for sure just waiting to hear back from a thirs that I just called (cowanjo) to see if he is good for that date. Is there a way that you can take money on a cc from each of us?
  11. OK so instead of everyone PM'ing, which is making my head hurt (never claimed to be a genius), here is the status: Me and I'm hooked are in for the 17th Cowanjo is in for one of the dates or both not sure which Lloyd said the 17th may be gone. So I am in for either the 10th or the 17th, but want at least 3 people making it $141 each. Inhookes and Cowanjo, let me know if you are both in for the 17th and we can book that date right away. Since Lloyd hasn;t said that it is gone maybe we can still get it. Also we need to work out some way to get the money on the table so that there is no last minute changes. Any suggestions?
  12. Ok I'm flexible on the date so let me know. Thanks.
  13. OK thanks for the tip. One question though, after posting my message about the charter I looked at some of the pics on your site. Do I need a full survival suit to withstand the cold? I didn't take the cold into account. I dont have any real winter fishing clothes. I could at best wear heavy winter street clothes. Please advise. I am not really in a postition to go out and buy a bunch of winter gear, so if that is a neccesity I would probably not be able to go. Thanks
  14. Hey all, just noticed this thread in the Member business directory. I would love to try BOQ in the fall for the first time. I am one, need at least 2 others and lets go fishing!! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46561
  15. I think 10 different people will give 10 different answers on this. In my experience, it is ok to use wire leaders on moving reaction type baits like Raps or spinners (anything that is always moving). When using plastics or finesse fishing and jigging, I always tie on directly to a mono line. Next time you are somewhere where the fish are on, experiment a little and see what happens. I have caught Walleye and Bass when finesse-ing with a leader, back when fishing didn't come with rules
  16. So I have permission from the CEO to take this weekend to go fishing, problem is my only fishing buddy is in Singapore right now on a contract. So I was hoping that someone here might either: -have an empty spot in a boat and looking for someone to split gas and such and go for a days fishing (or two) -Be interested in renting a boat together and going fishing -Or maybe get a small group together and do a charter? I am in Milton so anything within 5 hours or so is fine for me. Let me know if you are interested.
  17. Cheaper than the alternative, I would suggest.
  18. Man I would love to go out with you sometime. I am not as flexible as some as I have 2 small kids, but usually the wife and I work out a day I can fish at the start of the week. I am going today (tuesday) if you are available. If not I would love to try to plan a mid week fishing run with you another week, I usually start around 4 or 5 but can be flexible on the time since I am self employed. Cheers
  19. Is there a date confirmed yet? And can an Admin make this a sticky?
  20. Thanks for the report. Catching fish is always good!!
  21. Well I dont know how great it is from a business perspective: they have created a lesser product, AND started charging for it. It would make sense to say, we are going to create this subforum, and you can post your "advertorials" in there for free, OR you can pay X per year for the priviledge of posting in the main forum where all the traffic is. Only way it makes sense is if they use it as a throw in for people that buy banners on the site. Otherwise it is a waste of money. Let's be honest, noone is going to make the 2 extra clicks to be advertised to. That's my $0.02
  22. Everything you need is right here: http://www.comptia.org/certifications/listed/a.aspx Comptia is the org that makes and administers all these types of certs. From there you can find online resources, names of books and software, whatever you need. Good luck. I got certified in 2003 and I used a book and self study. My college at the time was offering a 2 week intensive for like $2500, but I just did it on my own.
  23. Great something else to push the content down further so I have to waste valuable scrolling energy to read content!!
  24. Just curious, why not fish a beach if there is absolutely noone there? What is there to snag on? I agree that I would not fish a dock if there are any landowners visible in the water or not, but I see nothing wrong with fishing unoccupied waters so long as you are responsible enough not to leave anything behind.
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