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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Hey guys and gals.

    Wondering if anyone out there had broken there wrtsist and arm at the same time.

    After a slip down the stairs of my deck I managed a massive concusssion and broke my wrist and forearm.

    Had surgery to plate up both the wrist and arm.

    It has been 3.5 weeks now and I have full motion in my fingers but I still cant use my thumb at all, when I try to move it it hurts like hell in my forearm.

    Question is , is it possible one OFC the dozen screws is stuckin my thumb tendon?

    BTW its my right hand of course , this post tokk 20 minutes to type!!








  2. Have to agree with those comments!


    Also I know they are being disciplined in to doing short 40 second shifts but if you are cycling down low and have a 3 on 2 man advantage , please press the attack and dont peel of to the bench until your scoring chance goes away.


    As for the green jerseys...... i know its paying homage to Sask but its team Canada not team Sask.

  3. The list does not include overtime is is supposed to be a salary list bt is not reported that way>

    I made the list a few years ago making 28 bucks an hour, over 1000 hours of OT as we struggled to retro fit a operational water plant without any service interuptions. The list may have been a good idea a long time ago but its not used for what it was designedfor along time ago

  4. I imagine the descripition of the perpetrators is for information sakes not a racial bash since nothing derogatory was said and the post was info only anyways. people need to stop automatically thinking people are racist, its as bad as being racist.

  5. Not sure if anyone with any knowledge of Lowrances upcoming product line is around here, but I had a question.


    Are they planning on incorporating the side scan technologyinto the the HDS series main body insteaa\d of having it as seperate module?


    looking to upgrade next year and dont want to buy " the year before"





  6. Youre going to get that 10 point, its fate now.

    I relocated my stand to anew property up near Milton and saw a spike while setting it up.

    Going to go on Sat, buddie says there si a huge buck in there but he isnt a hunter so it could be anywear from 120 to 180.

    Just happy to have a place of my own.

  7. I limit my fishing to 30 feet or less when fishing the reach and out to the lake so that they are releasable.

    You rarely get any "keeper" eyes as the average size is 8ls plus.

    Manns plus 20 on 14 lb firleine gets you down in the range off of the boards.

    I may catch less fish but I can release them.

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