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Everything posted by BGis

  1. Hope your luck improves and I use a brown and yellow with gold spinners and a good squirt of scent . The lake I fish most of the time is heavy weed and this works well for me. I fish late in the day so you may want to go with a brighter color for afternoon . One thing I keep meaning to do is pour the scent into a plastic container and start dipping my lure because about 90% goes in the water and sure as &^% if there is a little wind all over the boat and me! Good luck
  2. Man that bass looks like its hurting. I,ve been seeing a lot of similar stuff on Speed river fish. Wonder if its related the the link below. Nice pics , looks like you had a good time. http://dnr.wi.gov/fish/pages/vhsfacts.html#4
  3. Anyone ever seen the hand crank grinders for the buckets. The things are disgusting, catch a sunfish ect any size and crank it into the bucket.
  4. Bass Pro Bionic Blade Rod Regular 99.00 cdn and on sale for 69.99 at Bas pro in the US 54.00 Regular price. Funny to me that you picked that rod, I just bought one yesterday. Man 54 bucks!!! I feel more than a little burned now. I have been looking at the boats for next year so I better make sure I check out the closest American store first. Ahhh I just figured out how its calculated US 54.00--+--45.00 = CA 99.00 So a small 12000.00 boat would be US 12000.00--+--21000.00 =CA 33000.00. Guess Its little more complicated than that .
  5. Is there a loading ramp...dock in the park. I use a small 10' pontoon and would like to give it a shot. Its getting a little tough to get close to most of the docks around with the water levels going down so much.
  6. Hope the all the papers big and small put his picture on the front page.........pathetic
  7. I ended up going from 11--2:00 last night and there was quite a few runs. A friend that went with me hooked 2 and landed 1 about 15 or more lbs.There was a lot of people out and 20+ fish caught in the 3 hrs I was there. Think I,ll go again tonightl and see if I can hook 1 . What a scrap Bob had last night and I cant wait for a chance. Thanks for the info mistaredone and finshindevil
  8. ((how much longer can you catch salmon from the pier??)) No problem, I,d like to know that myself. The reason I asked about the rain was that my fatherinlaw was telling me that any lightning or thunder will put the fish back down deep. Myself and a few friends are going to give it a try, guess it,ll be a learning lesson at worst. Thanks BTW the few I seen being caught were so big it had my mouth watering so bad I was damn near drooling. Think I,ll bring a bib along just in case .
  9. Hi all I,m new to the pier fishing and was wondering if the fish run better while its raining. I see rain heading that way and am thinking I should scoot down for a while. I have been down a few times late at night and seen fish being caught ,but just a few. Any suggestions on best times . Thanks for any help Brian
  10. I already have my new boat picked out, put deposit on it knowing the cash was coming.... Why wait , just write them an IOU and be afloat today
  11. With his devotion he should go
  12. Canadian Tire ...........if its open...........t
  13. Hi whats ? RO . I here you can buy a conditioner for batteries, is that one of them. If it is can you send me a few gallons
  14. Some nice soft plastic Gobies out now . The ones I have look alot like this . I found the gold works well in bright light and the Purple fleck works well in low light. Hope this help and GL
  15. Nice fish you got . Have you seen many big turtles at the shallow end, up to the left of your picture. I had the biggest turtle I,ve ever seen try to climb into my boat and it scared the &&^^* out of me !. On the same day the friend that was with me landed an 181/2 bass. Been a camera in my boat ever since
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