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I was introduced to a webpage in the Grand Caymans that has an underwater camera when looking into a winter vacation. http://www.oceanfrontiers.com/webcam.html I then went to look at the company that made the cameras and found they had several. http://viewintotheblue.com/?page_id=418 I then went to the Florida International University and their lab has cameras inside, outside and on the divers helmets. http://aquarius.fiu.edu/currentmission/ Does anyone else have some interesting cameras?
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Done, hope there is enough worried about the future that get out that the Liberals become third party.. fourth if green get a seat . Two interesting videos about the LIberals The education system... I love the Wynne intro... what a bunch of distorted fear mongering! http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/3618360267001 How much is $1,000,000,000 http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/featured/straight-talk-and-hard-news/868018287001/just-how-much-is-1-billion/3618069104001 -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
I can't see how anyone logically or morally can vote Liberal actually, Harris's "destruction" is a walk in a sunny park compared to what the Liberals have done.... 250,000 jobs have left the provinces billions spent on Gas Plants, EHealth, Ornge increases to taxes, electricity (and another 42% increase coming).. DOUBLING Ontario's debt creation of a college of Trades that has seen license increases some as high as 600% deliberate distortions and fictions the run around given a little girl's needed medications by Wynne (http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/straighttalk/archives/2014/06/20140611-193938.html) and if you believe the head of OPSEU... outright lies NDP and Liberal are almost indistinguishable except for the Liberal corruption, the Communist candidate in my riding is the only one more left of the Liberals right now! ... A vote for Liberals comes down to a vote for depriving a girl of her medications, corruption, increased electricity and taxes.... This picture fits, just substitute in Wynne... . -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Actually horse racing is one of the things the Liberal party did... all the horses lost. and now they all win... "Premier Kathleen Wynne raises the pot to $500 million to help save Ontario’s horse-racing industry, " $500,000,000.... the Mars was $317 Million but the idea is the same... helping over 1,000 kids with the medicine Madi needed or funding horse raising.... -
I got another pair I wear most of the time but don't remember the name but I also have a pair I really recommend if you need reading glasses, there is a pair you can get at Sail that has a small magnifying lens built in, The other oddball glasses for the tackle box are an ugly tortoise shell but have an LED light in each side, great for in the low light.
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Wynne really is desperate to try and make this an issue, distractions, distortions... and even according to the head of OPSEU the fraud we see on TV is the one standing in front of the Liberal sign making promises she won't keep. A few elections ago I got the wrong address from elections Canada and they PCs are showing integrity fixing it.... "“Today, I was made aware that letters from my campaign may have caused some confusion for residents of 64 households in the riding of London North Centre,” she said in a statement Tuesday. “I want to apologize for any inconvenience. We are contacting these households to clarify.”" ... "Tory officials said the PC candidates in both ridings were also hand-delivering notices to make sure voters get the right information about where their polling stations are actually located." I get it you have made up your mind and don't want to look at the reality but I hope you decide to take a look like the your whining about the Liberal rants about voters needing an ID (which the Liberals require in their own internal votes for candidates... hypocrisy). Twocoda Wow, several I had forgot and quite a few I hadn't heard of too, thanks! Clearly a vote for the Liberals is a vote for higher taxes, electricity rates, corruption etc. I had forgot about the 600% increase in licenses for hair dressers thanks to the College of Trades and how barbers that had been doing men's hair for 20+ years were now required to take courses on women's hair styling and the handling of Caledonia. -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Exactly, I look at the Unions (even those that won't be affected) and their reactions, I see those that are SUPPOSED to be independent, OPP, UNIFOR (Media outlets Union) attacking the PCs, I see the Liberal fear mongering and we have to stop Hudak in an almost panicked rant.... it is pretty clear they are actually scared of the PCs (and to a lesser degree the NDP) getting a chance to look at the books etc. I really cringe at just how many secret contracts and deals and insider deals are out there costing Ontarian's billions! Took me a minute to find it again.. substitute Wynne for McGuilty. (http://ontario-wind-resistance.org/) -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
The Ukraine GDP is 176.3 billion USD (2012) with a population of Population 45,373,000 Ontario's GDP is 692,418 Million (CAD) with a population of 13,537,994 The increases since 2009 Ontario 12,997.7 13,135.1 13,263.5 13,412.0 13,538.0 So about a 4% increase in population, IF it kept pace with population that is about 40,000 too many hired still! -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Back to the original question, no nothing has changed my mind about who to vote for.... these are some of the reminders I had from before and after the election call. What I knew before the election was called: 42% increase in electric bill on top of recent increases. Orng - $$ Gas plants - $1.1B eHealth - $1B $477M - Mars OLG - I forget why I added this to the list, and am still not clear what the deal was there. Debt in Ontario has double and Interest ALONE costs over $10 B each year now. Debt is now twice the Ukraine debt ($288B) Auditor General - cost tax payers billions due to poor wind turbine programs Doubling of the number of subsidized windmills in Ontario (insider deals) Windmills put in dangerous and poor locations (many rejected by Min of Transport due to locations near airports but forced through) 50 new agencies created in the last 10 years in Ontario (barber shop inspectors...) 26 new committee 100,000 added to the 1.2 million gov't workers since 2009 3% total payroll tax that won't benefit anyone for 10+ years.. money in gov't pocket Healthcare cuts and drug plan changes - say goodbye to the physical. 600% increase in licenses for hair dressers thanks to the College of Trades and how barbers that had been doing men's hair for 20+ years were now required to take courses on women's hair styling the handling of Caledonia. Windsor Parkway The government has taken heat for not immediately acting when it learned a $1.4-billion infrastructure project didn’t live up to safety standards. . PanAm Games The $1.4-billion budget for the games does not include some key expenses, like the $700 million athletes’ village. $7 million worth of bonuses paid out to 64 executives. Treatment of Madi Vanstone and her needed medications (in her own words "run around") Liberal education advisor and Wynne transition team member up on Child Porn New items that came up in the election... 250,000 jobs lost since 2009 OPPA attack adds - hmm ,OPP got an 5% increase in 2010 and 8.5% increase this year alone. Head of OPSEU calling Wynne a liar about job cuts. The absolute fear mongering and distortions the Liberals have been putting out. Tying University student loans to grades (I know one jerk barely got by ran up $50k and flunked out and declared bankruptcy) -
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
They also will balance the budget next year and aren't doing it on their our dime alone, they made some huge changes to their own pension that will change what they get, something just I don't think a Liberal would vote for. Instead of the current gravy train (" $25 for every dollar from MPs") they changed it to..."bringing parliamentarians’ contributions up to a 50-50 split" and "After the next election, expected in 2015, MPs will also have to wait until age 65 to collect their full pension, instead of the current age of 55. " ... and "Also, the reforms substantially cut the additional pension plan for prime ministers who serve more than four years, in a move that will almost certainly cost Prime Minister Stephen Harper more than $1 million over the course of his lifetime." http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/03/26/taxpayers-paying-more-than-25-for-every-dollar-politicians-contribute-to-mp-pensions/ I look forward to a PC gov't in Ontario trying to get us out of this mess and cringe at more years of the Liberals in power! Another doubling the debt? Another 100,000 added to gov't payrolls? A doubling of the subsidized (insider contracts mostly) windmills in Ontario..... -
They do admit tags fall off, you can see the shark Betsy's tag on it's way to England. Betsy's other tag is good though and she is swimming around west of Florida. http://www.ocearch.org/ Betsy is almost 4m Species: White Shark Gender: Female Stage of Life: Immature Length: 12 ft. 7 in. Weight: 1,400 lb. Tag Date: Aug 12, 2013 and the biggest on there seems to be Lydia..big enough to eat a 3m for sure. Species: White Shark Gender: Female Stage of Life: Mature Length: 14 ft. 6 in. (4.4 meters) Weight: Approx. 2000 lbs.
2 days to go before the "X" goes on your ballot. NF
mosquito replied to Old Ironmaker's topic in General Discussion
Ontario is on a path to financial disaster...the NDP doesn't seem like a real change (other than no corruption) and the Liberals are suicide for Ontario's debt and our future, debt has almost doubled under Wynne and McGuinty, I saw that it is up to over $325 per SECOND, $22,342 every minute! We are now even getting transfer payments which means we have fallen below the other provinces in average. Just to get an idea each year the Interest is $10Billion, education is $24Billion and Post-secondary education and training $7Billion Then there are the handouts under the liberals..."Ontario government's direct subsidies to corporations average $2.7 billion per year over the past five years". Then when you look at the budget they tried to pass, more subsidies for corporations and tax increases, throw in 42% electricity increase, no promise to not increase taxes, corruption, doubling the number of windmills regardless of community and even transportation protests, giving the little girl Madi Vanstone the run around on her medications etc. I really can't see how anyone could support the Liberals! NDP... maybe. Just think, interest rates are low and still "debt interest represented 8.4% of the total budgetary expenses and is the fastest-rising cost for the Ontario government" P.S. This seems to have been missed or ignored ... but rather than post again I will just highllght it. Even the head of OPSEU called Wynne a liar and in the past said there were 60,000 too many middle managers, by the way 100,000 is the amount the Liberals have increased the gov't size by since 2009 http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/politics/archives/2014/06/20140610-121015.html Ontario's debt is twice what the Ukraine is and In the time it took to read this the debt went up about $10k.... -
Thanks for posting, great pics, Next weekend it the airshow at the Hamilton airport for those that are interested. http://www.warplane.com/upcoming-events/event-details.aspx?eventId=25
What eats a 3m shark... a 5m shark. I had a 2m reef shark make some real close approaches to myself and my son when snorkelling last winter down south....a 2m shark doesn't sound too big on TV but looks HUGE when it is coming in at you for the 3rd time getting closer each time.... we got out of the water!
Years ago I read about B1 vitamin, my Dad and myself went to a relatives cottage where at dark the mosquitoes seem to line up in Roman phalanxes to attack. I still needed the DEET but 300mg in the morning and evening seemed to make a real difference. I also found that the B1 SEEMED to stop ticks from biting. There were lots of ticks along the creek and the one day I actually picked about (didn't start counting until about 20) 75 by my count off me.... still gives me the creeps, I now stay out of the tall grass no matter how good the pool looks! Not one bit, but my dad had stopped taking the B1 and had 3 ticks and all 3 had bit. For the back yard we have a mosquito magnet, I just checked it after 3 days and the trap was half full... that's nuts! That is hundreds of mosquitoes!. I should have taken a pic yesterday and I just went and got it again, not many compared to the last bunch but it gives you the idea. It attracts alot of mosquitoes to the area so even going near the trap is like something out of a horror show.
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Oh well back into politics.... You seem confused with reality, I made a mocking ad to make a point about the consequences of spoiling or not voting... it is called sarcasm and no sensible person would have thought the post serious. "Grump" yeah that seems to fit if you are actually serious... either that or you are a Wynne/ Trudeau Liberal with their aversion to free speech. The Liberals spent billions of dollars on windmills, gas plants, coverups..... and you are comparing it to a sarcastic post.... Just so you have some exposure to reality.... and MacKay often has a good one... -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, I think I made my point, now let's get back to the MNR /environment..... I planned on talking and now am sending an email to the local candidates, I was by the candidates PC office today but there was no one there today. Other than what will be the cutback criteria, management efficiencies (Smoky Thomas “There’s probably 60,000 too many middle managers in the entire Public Service”??....will it be aimed at recent hires (the liberals increased the public servant count by almost 100,000 since they came into power) or early retirement? Here is what I have but besides that what I want to know what are the main points here? 1) Lack of funding for field officers to enforce the existing laws. Poachers, polluters, .... 2) Inconsistent enforcement especially among the reserves ( in case you missed it http://www.wiartonecho.com/2014/04/30/fishing-altercation-at-colpoys-bay and I have heard many stories but have nothing to back them up so won't go there) 3) Invasive species funding (lamprey spraying) 4) Stocking priorities (based on scientists? OFAH? ) -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
there better...??? Doesn't change the facts. -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Tired of the current Liberal Government in Ontario? Can't decide or don't like the other choices, then make your displeasure known, spoil your ballot or stay home!!! This ad is approved by Whinne and Liebral parties victory at any cost in 2014 committee. L LIEbral Ontario -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Yeah... an option to let someone else choose. The winner won't care, the loser might look at it and wish he had those but there is nothing to say who you are what you believe or what you want. Think that those in favour of "Occupy" or Sharia etc. will spoil their chance??? Hitler was awhile ago... how about just a couple years ago In Egypt the Muslim Brother hood and Morsi got in by 3% on a 54% turnout...... then promptly trying to impose a Muslim state through violence, laws etc. until the military stepped in. The real middle class is doing OK when you look at the statistical middle group, the problem is where do you draw the line on "middle" class. Justin Trudeau called it anyone living pay cheque to pay cheque, Sun news brought in economists and showed the middle %s and how they have changed etc. Take a look at the difference.... LIEbrals have doubled our provincial debt, want to increase our electricity rates by 42% and pull another 1.5% off your pay rather than leaving it for you to pay your mortgage, credit cards etc. If you can't see a benefit then you are looking at personality and Hudak is a wet noddle true but you had better take a look at the policies. Ontario ALONE now has twice the debt as the Ukraine or to put it individually about $20,000 PER person. -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Sorry, the way I read it made me think you fit in with the slackers. They tick me off and just don't seem to have any clue about history or what is at stake in voting. We have people in Canada that would vote for a politician that supported Sharia law, and considering the money given to the charity that was supporting Hamas there are many,support UN policies (just a note, Iran is on Women's rights council etc.) and on and on. I think this picture sums it up best, Benjamin Levin, Justin Trudeau and Kathleen Wynn, the media usually leaves out Benjamin Benjamin Levin, education advisor for the Liberal party under Wynne who was Minister of Educaiton and part of her transition team when she came to power - Levin is charged with multiple child porn charges and arranging to meet with a girl under 16. Justin Trudeau admitted and unapologetic illegal drug user that wants to legalize mj many liberals spoke/voted against raising the age of consent for sex from 14 to 16 (Levin would have been OK on those charged,not the child porn, before unless the girl was under 14) wants to repeal the mandatory sentences wants to repeal election bill that would require a person voting to supply an ID admires China's dictatorship won't allow pro-life or those that don't support man made global warming to be liberal candidates etc.etc. Kathleen Wynn education Minister that was in power when the new curriculum was created and then abandoned after parents saw it and started protesting. in cabinet during gas plants etc yet knows nothing about it ????? has someone wandering around her office formatting hard drives and knows nothing about it wants to increase electricity rates by 42% wants to increase payroll deduction (individual and company) for a new pension plan. Talks about CPP yet that is a small fraction of most pensions. Estimated another 100,000 jobs to leave Ontario etc. etc. -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Yeah but as you say there are some that ARE better, but you seem happy to leave the choice to those like you see in "Occupy" or P.E.T.A. ... not voting is just saying to you pick! It just says you don't care about the kids, friends, family or anyone else and trying to make it better. Just think, in 1933, over 20% of the German voters didn't vote and Hitler won by 6% of the vote..... I wonder what that 20% thought just 10 years later.... -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
Not voting or spoiling a vote is just the same as voting for the worst of them is my way of looking at it, you aren't helping to make a change so it would take more than a bit of a hypocrisy to complain. We know the current gov't has almost doubled the provincial debt, added over 100,000 new public servants, lied over and over, put lives in danger according to Transport Canada with their windmills, given huge subsidies to the windmills and plans on building thousands more, given huge contracts to insiders, had a education advisor up on child porn charges, will increase our electricity rates by over 40% in the next few years, wants to add another deduction to payrolls that is estimated to drive another 100,000 jobs out of the province on top of 250,000 that already left in 10 years etc. etc. so if you can't find someone better you are just lazy or don't care is what I see! Vote Conservative, Green, independent, NDP, put yourself on the ballot or if you have a good LIEbral candidate even them but not voting or spoiling seems to just be more a sign you don't care who is in charge and your right to complain means less than nothing. It is worse, you are leaving it up to those with an agenda that is probably exactly the opposite to what you would want. I know many that will vote LIEberal because of the Unions, media, etc. groups like Greenpeace, P.E.T.A., etc etc. understand this and spend millions on fear mongering and rhetoric and not voting and not talking to your rep. is just letting them win by default! There are often MPs put in place by less than 100 votes so 100 slackers not voting or spoiling their ballot is a waste. So do you think that those that support P.E.T.A. or Greenpeace etc. will not vote and anyone will actually pay attention to spoiled votes when a gov't is picked... dream on! -
Will you be asking about the OMNR to those that approach your door?
mosquito replied to Gerritt's topic in General Discussion
I can't see it getting any better under any of them, PC's want to cut but seem the best option, NDP only seems interested in Toronto, Liberals will create studies and committees to see if steelhead, salmon or grass carp fishermen would vote for them if they announced a study to improve it....never actually doing anything just studies.... When you hear the people whining about the 100,000 job cuts remind them about two facts... 1) The cuts would put put them numbers back where they were before the LIbErals (current politicians in power, not related to individual Liberals) were in power. * Name LIbErals directly tied to Gas Plants, eHealth, Wind Turbines... 2) Even Smokey Thomas, head of the Ontario Public Service Employee Union said “There’s probably 60,000 too many middle managers in the entire Public Service” , they showed the clip on Sun news and he even went on to talk about a department with 11 workers and 8 managers. The upper manager probably didn't want to reduce his head count of direct reports. Then if they persist, there is always the Gas Plants, formatting hard drives, eHealth, contracts to insiders on Wind Turbines, 42% projected increase in electric bill, The creation of committee after committee (atleast 20 new ones..) and we know how much work a committee does..... 3) The debt under the LIbErals has almost doubled. 4) forcing through many of the over 6,700 approved wind turbines (Some are actually considered hazards by transport Canada... look at the Chatham airport.) http://www.windontario.ca/ Next time you drive up the Bruce Peninsula think they are planning another 250 north of Wiarton! -
Always a good idea to check out events for things like this.... http://springfishingandboatshow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2014-SFBS-2-Off-Coupon-for-Web.jpg Less than the sportsman show, no parking costs and no drive into Toronto..... I will have to see if I can get there!