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Everything posted by mosquito

  1. I have never seen a kit that can do what you are asking. Build your own "kit", I would say an 8wt atleast. If you want keep the price down watch for sales, Cabelas has a travel fly rod that I heard was good you could look at. My first travel fly rod was a cheap Bass Pro one with a reel I got for about $60 on 50% off sale and ... it worked. I upgraded to a March Brown later but one would use up your whole budget> For a reel I have an Okuma SLV it is a reasonable reel. I would suggest going a size up in reel and having a bit of extra backing. The line is your choice. So a Bass Pro or Cabelas 4+ 8wt fly rod and reel, Say $100 (if you don't watch for sales) + a Okuma SLV another $70 + Lines for both reels $100 Less than $300 ... or maybe around $200 if you are wait and watch and are not in a rush. plus backing and leaders I would suggest watching here or some other forums and also watching Kijiji you MIGHT find someone selling what you are looking for or close enough. Good Luck
  2. Netflix is on demand but at the cottage it is DSL (actually faster than I had in the city) but the download limit is pretty low so being able to download a few movies etc to watch or rewatch seems like a good idea. I also might watch something in pieces or if it is good or I am trying to figure something out watch it a couple times and chewing up my download limit on the same thing... Most of the reason I haven't used more video was our download speed at home and with work needing most of the bandwidth and we just switched to Techsavy. I haven't had time to look into the options and packages and how it works and thought the netflix topic was a good place to ask rather than trying to sort some of the hype from reality. I will take a look at WDTV, KAT and VUZE as a start. Thanks.
  3. So none of the streaming devices allow you to store, nuts. Being able to store it on the device or memory stick or laptop is one of the things I would like. There must be some hardware or software for this.
  4. I've watched a few things using the HDMi cable from the laptop to the PC and it works pretty good. BUT , I don't have time to look and what I want to know is there a way to download a Netflix or Youtube etc video and save it to maybe watch it at the cottage or the next day or week etc. and how much is the devise and how much can the devise store? Also I want to know what connections you need. if you can hook it to HDMI ,RCA etc.
  5. Sheepshead breaded and filleted are actually pretty good, SOMETIMES, I would eat that one in a second! It doesn't look like it is over two pounds and the scales have the blue green shine to them along the back. If they have been in muddy water they loose that shine and start to taste muddy, also if they get too big I've found they can not taste as good. Detroit river... pass! St.Clair or Erie... depends on the scale colour. They seem to move around and fishing with my dad in Lake Erie you could catch the "white scale" ones (been in the mud and they will taste muddy) and the "green scale" ones (been in the colder clean water) fishing in the same spot and you can get to spot the differences pretty easy. Cook a "white" one and you won't want to cook another, it tastes muddy, cook a "green" one and you will probably still prefer perch but you won't be upset.
  6. TechSavvy cable is one I would recommend. 30G isn't enough, with working from home (remote desktops..) , youtube, daughter streaming music and a few other items WITHOUT netflix we can occasionally go over 150Gb. I would also suggest you look at the shows you want, there are companies where you can purchase a proxy from for less than $50 a year and you can set it so it looks like you are in the US, the UK or any other country you want. I don't have Netflix but was thinking I might in the fall and when I looked into it one of the criticisms was that the Canadian selection isn't as large as the US or UK. By setting up a proxy you can setup the UK or US. My brother in law turned off the cable completely and uses a free to air (think the old rabbit ears... but now it is digital) to watch a couple of the local channels (you can get an indoor antennae for about $25) and the rest on the computer. This one article you can check out but I see the links to "free tv" in the related articles list. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/gadgets-and-gear/gadgets/roku-streaming-tv-box-a-new-option-for-canadas-cable-haters/article4103183/
  7. I've seen mink alot and I thought that's what the squirrel was until it came out of the bushes but if you got a good look I guess we can rule that out.
  8. Could the weasel actually be a squirrel? The ones around here seem to have shed and look something like a weasel with a skinny tail and the one today was walking and I thought it was a weasel of some kind until it got closer and I could clearly see it. Now this is what a shark taking a fish off a fishing line in fresh water REALLY looks like...but nowhere near the St. Lawrence. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/natsci/ichthyology/Gallery/Descript/bullshark/bullshark.htm Bull Sharks have been found hundreds of miles up rivers but not so far north, St Louis Miss. is the farthest north in a freshwater river I heard of... but with global warming and the asian carps.... hmmmm I'll pass, I was snorkelling in the Cayman Islands and had a reef shark longer than me make a few approaches and when the third time he got less than 10' away I was out of the water! I'll stick to watching them at the local aquarium store or at Mandarin restaurant... still want to get down to Ripley's aquarium but no interest in getting that close again with nothing more than my little camera. They have some sharks with tags and it is interesting to see where some of them travel. There is one Lydia, a 14' great white, that started out on the East Coast went almost to Ireland and is now down by Florida. http://www.ocearch.org/
  9. Just as a note the Cabelas store in Barrie will be opening soon, that may be the place to look or if you don't mind mail order they MIGHT (or might not) have an opening sale.
  10. Interesting perspective from the head of OPSEU. Ontario Public Service Employees Union says other unions so afraid of PCs they sold their souls to Liberals http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/06/19/ontario-public-service-employees-union-says-other-unions-so-afraid-of-pcs-they-sold-their-souls-to-liberals/ A quote from the article ... “She ran a campaign based on fear and fear mongering and it worked for her, she got a majority,” he said. “I sincerely hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re going to really live to regret that she got a majority government.” said by Smokey Thomas (head of OPSEU) http://www.opseu.org/blogs/48-hours-and-counting
  11. Al Lindner, River Monsters, Flats Class, Game Fishers Diary, Fishing 411.Sport Fishing on the Fly ( I like the tying segment)... then we get to the ones on the list. P.S. Looked over the list Cronzy is always good too but I haven't seen the show in a long time. They all try to teach something.
  12. Just a news update.... Same budget as before with atleast another $11 B added to the debt. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/06/18/kathleen-wynne-says-new-liberal-budget-will-be-identical-to-one-that-triggered-election/ "Ontario voters picked the Liberal ideal of an activist government over the Conservatives’ belief that government should be as small as possible and have a limited role in people’s lives, added Wynne. “One of the really stark differences between Tim Hudak and me, I think, was an understanding of what government is,” she said. “Government exists, in my opinion, to help people, to be active in their lives, and to partner with communities and partner with businesses to create an environment where business can thrive.”" do you want the government "active in your life" ???.... Given the earlier comments, remember tax freedom day is already 3 weeks earlier in Alberta http://www.remaxcentral.ab.ca/
  13. Agreed, it has turned into a joke.... so many have such an ignorance of history, business etc. they have made a decision and won't let facts get in the way.... even in the Ontario election the guy that created the 6 pallets of fake $100 bills said that less than 50% of the people he talked to had even heard of the Gas Plants scandal, you can't teach someone until they want to know and until then So I'm done wasting time on this thread, there are constructive things to do . P.S. So what happens I go read the news on some of the pages I read while waiting for the coffee pot and found this. 5% Pay decrease in Public Sector to help reduce debt. http://www.janes.com/article/39280/civil-unrest-risks-in-st-lucian-public-sector-likely-to-increase-with-government-s-proposed-pay-decreases I wonder when Ontario gets to that point what it will be like.
  14. Educated by who and what though... it obviously isn't or business, history Our standing with the UN... we should probably leave that idiocy, any organization that would put Iran on the Women's Rights Commission is completely messed up! Iran is the same nation that stones women to death for adultery and supplies Hamas and Hezbollah with weapons. Do you actually like Trudeau's ideal gov't (China) and making jokes that end up in the Ukrainian ambassador demanding an apology, taking money from school boards and charities for speaking, his lies about open nominations and his dictator like views on abortion and global warming? J.T. is a joke trying to live up to a name that the reality of his father's time as PM has been so aggrandized and distorted it is pathetic too. As for the military and veterans, it was the Liberals that sent them into Afghanistan in jungle camo and in those LAV that were no better than a jeep with a roof, no protection at all against anything.. and then the Liberals got them into Kandahar just before the Conservatives took over. No point in arguing, logic, history and common sense just won't work with a Liberal supporter it seem ....but I will say if you think you are educated Please ... actually try to get some wisdom and understanding of reality.
  15. Sorry if you don't like reality but you get your wish to see Ontario fail even more, I hope you realize that creating a debt the grandkids will be trying to pay off is bad someday. As for Harper, the economist said today the only reason Ontario hasn't been down graded 1 or 2 positions already is because of having a fiscally responsible gov't in Ottawa. We have Mulcair and the guy voted as the Canadian national embarrassment in a poll I saw on another forum, J.T was a write in and won over Bieber and Ford in the opposition parties so get used to it.
  16. But that is just it, take a look payroll tax, 42% electricity increase, Billions wasted on gas plants, doubling the debt, etc.....Ontario is not just putting their hand on a hot stove they jumped in a red hot stove but haven't figured out they are being burned to death until we see massive S&P downgrades and increased debt. I remember an economist on TV say that each downgrade would cost Ontario over $1,000,000,000 in additional lending costs. Fort McMurray will probably get lots of people soon as more jobs move out of province and Ontarians get desperate enough..
  17. So? Why is it even relevant to political favouritism by a Union. The RCMP are paid about $10,000 less per year and you are also talking about Northern Alberta. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/recruiting-recrutement/rm-mr/salary-avantages-eng.htm and the question there is also supply and demand and a trailer costs $500,000.... From your own link... Skilled workers are in even more demand. Carpenters, plumbers, electricians – there’s $150,000 a year waiting for you, Chapman estimates. Managers. Accountants. Clerks. You name it, they need it. Visa issues? Easy, says Chapman. “We can’t get enough bodies out of Canada. We need bodies from the USA.” So what’s stopping the great exodus north? Six-figures come with trade-offs. If you want to buy a house, you can settle for a trailer – for $500,000.
  18. Can you provide any evidence of your statement about floor sweepers? The evidence of the association was not created by me, it was created by the OPPA creating attack ads in support of a party that had given the a 14% increase in less than 5 years. It will be confirmed I suspect when next year they get another 4% or more. I heard they were continuing actually but making sure the patient remained in a hunched over posture... it gives easier access to the wallet. It was very telling when it was estimated 50% of voters hadn't heard about the Gas plants and billion dollars. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/featured/straight-talk-and-hard-news/868018287001/just-how-much-is-1-billion/3618069104001/page/2
  19. They deserve a good pay and I have no issue with that... but a recruit starts at $49,751 and $63,000 after graduation. Also how many jobs got a 14% increase from a gov't being investigated by them.... Take a look at the pay, how soon the increases are and the benefits. http://www.opp.ca/ecms/index.php?id=98 Table 1: OPP Salary Grid Position Service Time Salary (per year) Recruit Constable(5th Class) From the first day of training $ 49,751.00 Probationary Constable (4th Class) After graduation from training $ 63,434.00 Constable (3rd Class) $ 72,501.00 Constable (2nd Class) $ 80,658.00 Constable (1st Class) After 36 months $ 90,621.00 This election was about Unions versus the rest and the Unions won....
  20. . Hudak said a 2 year wage freeze for all gov't workers (including MPP) and then the OPPA comes out with the videos...Interesting too how the OPP have got two big raises in the last few years isn't it. 5% in 2010 and 8.5% last year
  21. The head of OPSEU said there were 60,000 too many middle managers, then went on to talk of a dept. with 3 managers for either 8 or 11 employees, I would have to go back to check if the dept was 11. Reducing 100,000 through attrition over the 8 years would have had no impact on service and assuming a paycheque of $40,000 average and there is $4,000,000,000 without covering seating, benefits etc.
  22. Sorry I was unclear, among other things I do the payroll and forget most don't have to deal with it. I meant over the year but that is just if you making about $30,000 per year, it obviously goes up from there and like CPP (max $2,425.50 for 2014) it seems to have a maximum at around $2000 but I haven't found it. So if you are making $40,000 it is $760 and to a max.there goes $2000 a year people can't pay off on the mortgage, credit cards, RRSP, RESP, TFSA.... What you get back will be based on what you put in too so it will probably be annoying what you get back if you are over 40. The employer also has to provide a matching amount like the CPP so a total of 3.8% and you can be sure the employer won't really pay it, the employee just won't get a raise. "Workers and employers would each contribute 1.9 per cent of earnings up to $90,000 annually to the pension plan, according to the proposal" http://www.thespec.com/news-story/4578405-small-business-gearing-up-to-fight-ontario-pension-plan-proposal/ Then throw in 42% electricity increases, Standards and Poors is expected to reduce Ontario's credit rating and Ontario moving companies will be busy. Companies moving will be a real bonus for Michigan, Alberta, New York, Manitoba... In the short term ISIL will have a bigger impact with higher oil prices that will affect shipping costs too and we will see it in our fuel prices, food prices etc..
  23. Wynne already says she wants to get back to the legislature to push through the budget.... Well here come the Ontario Pension Plan deductions (figure atleast $500 off your pay cheque), 42% increase in electricity, tax increases on aviation fuel, tax increases etc. etc. .... the song about a little ant comes to mind.... except instead of "there goes another Rubber Tree Plant" it is "there goes another companies' plant" As for gas prices you can tie that back to the group ISIL taking over large sections of Iraq and beheading people as they go in their plan to create a new Islamic Caliphate.. http://www.janes.com/article/39155/analysis-after-isil-seizes-key-territory-in-offensive-across-northern-iraq-what-happens-next
  24. Just a quick note.... Ontario's tax freedom day was June 9th this year... wonder what it will be next year. Congratulations you have been working for yourself 4 days, everything before that as a percentage of the whole was for the gov't in taxes..... Oh and Alberta was May 23rd they have been working for themselves for 3 weeks now.
  25. I guess Hudak should have lied. 4 more years and Wynne already calling to get to her plan as soon as possible... payroll taxes, . higher electricity, . more subsidized windmills, . more bloated gov't, . more insider deals, ..... Hudak resigned ... he kept his promise.... I guess you can't tell the truth and get elected in Ontario, people don't care about debt, about living in their means and don't mind getting taxed and billions being wasted it seems!!. The boss already asked one time if I would be interested in moving.... after all tax free day is 3 weeks before Ontario's (thousands of dollars difference).... its a win for Alberta and jobs in states we are selling the cheap electricity too..
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