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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Mike I have a friend who lives bass fishing. He has gone so far as to buy a house on Lake Anna that is a cooling compound for an electrical plant. To fish in January in 75 degree F water is a little spooky. The fish come up and warm your hands and are smoking. So anyway the knowledge and talent he has helps him catch fish.


    The lake was actually a reservoir that had very little cover and was electric motor only. It was in Feb just after ice out and the weather was sunny and blue skies. I had been fishing the week before in the same conditions in the ledges and the rock pile looking for the wind side and warm water. I started us off on that section again with different lures and colors with poor results. I realize that I was falling into my pattern that didn't work so I asked him to drive. He started cruising along not stopping at 2 or 3 places I would have and I asked him what we were looking for. We stopped in 4-6 ft of water with a mud bottom. The rigs were cut off and rerigged with weightless senco wacky rigged. A cast out and let it settle to the bottom wait 1 minute then snap and fall was the ticket. The mud/clay bottom was absorbing the heat of the day and the bass were there to warm not suspended in a winter pattern. It was acting like a spawn pattern before we even had a prespawn pattern. He has also been kind enough to help me learn deep water vertical jigging which is something I rarely did before. This is why I have always tried to take someone who wants to go fishing with me.





  2. Very nice the micarta lam's make for some very nice features in the handles. The silver black is the nicest in MHO the browns and rainbow were flat on one and to loud on the other. Nemo is a nice pleasing pattern wish I had though of it.





  3. I would guess I have fished in the hundreds here and up North. I will say that if in a few trips I haven't caught fish then I decide

    not to fish them again. It is usually not that the place is bad but that I didn't figure out the way to find fish. I remember one special place that kicked my butt hard but when I took my bass fishing guru he analysed the lake and put us on fish within an hour. While humbling it shows me that we all can learn from our fishing partners and friends in fishing.




  4. I guess the best thing to do, like Les Stroud used to say :P , would be to get off the grid ;) If I could afford a house out in the country that's what I would do for sure...

    I live in the country and it isn't any cheaper. lol I get the pleasure of paying more for the land that surrounds me. The biggest advantage is I can pee off the front porch and no one will see or care.



  5. If I'm running a 60 hp, which I do, it's going to be on some decent size water. I'll take "Windshields for $10.00 please Alex". DING DING DING!! Daily Double. Whats the best thing ever for running across a lake at 30+ mph? That would be a windshield.

    Why Dan I think I hear you saying Console over Tiller he he he.......let the debate begin.




  6. very nice well done. Don't be afraid to alter the tang of the blade the ability to shape the handle to fit your hand makes the knife worth its weight in gold. I add finger reliefs and thumb indents to make it feel like an extension of your hand.





  7. Send the estimate back and have them get one that is only for the damage to the door. Tell them you will after approval pay directly to the auto repair shop. If you want them to get up to 3 estimates that is within your reason. Just a heads up though to reskin a door and paint it is between 800 and 1,000 dollars. Due to lawyers and people rights of entitlement you no longer have repairshops pound out a dent and mud it flat any more.





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