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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. If you downsize to a vehicle and exceed the towing capacity you are risking a lawsuit if you get into an accident. Your insurance company will not be liable and will not help you legally or financially in the accident. Get a vehicle that is rated for the load you will put on it including the weight of equipment and people in the vehicle and boat that you will be towing.





  2. Water pressure and air pressure is the same as far as when it changes it changes. The force of pressure is the same if I have a balloon and fill it with water and one with air they both can be inflated to the same pressure. The same balloons placed in the water will still have the same force exerted on them. I do agree that a barometer is a good way to decide if the fish are biting however is it just telling you that the conditions( light, clouds, wind, combination) are right for the fish to bite or is it that the fish are reacting to the barometric pressure only?


    Here is an article from NOAA on water stratification on lakes.


    Seasonal changes in lakes and reservoirs

    Temperature is also important in lakes and reservoirs. It is related to the dissolved-oxygen concentration in water, which is very important to all aquatic life. Many lakes experience a "turning" of its water layers when the seasons change. In summer, the top of the lake becomes warmer than the lower layers. You've probably noticed this when swimming in a lake in summer - your shoulders feel like they're in a warm bath while your feet are chilled. Since warm water is less dense that colder water, it stays on top of the lake surface. But, in winter some lake surfaces can get very cold. When this happens, the surface water becomes more dense than the deeper water with a more constant year-round temperature (which is now warmer than the surface), and the lake "turns", when the colder surface water sinks to the lake bottom.

    temperatureinlake.jpgThe way that temperatures vary in lakes over seasons depends on where they are located. In warm climates the surface may never get so cold as to cause the lake "to turn." But, in climates that have a cold winter, temperature stratifications and turning do occur. This chart is an illustration of temperatures profiles for a lake in Minnesota, USA (where it gets really cold during winter). You can see that in May the surface starts to warm (green color), but the warming only goes down to about 5 meters in depth. Even though the surface continues to warm all summer, the less dense water still stays on top of the lake. Even in summer the bottom half of the lake still stays almost as cold as it was in winter. During summer, the less dense warmer water stays on top of the colder water; no mixing of water occurs. Notice in October, as the temperature starts to consistently get down near freezing at night, the surface water cools, becomes a little colder in temperature and a little more dense than the water in the bottom of the lake, and, thus, sinks, causing mixing. The lake " has turned." After October, the temperature throughout the vertical column of water is about the same, cold temperature, until the ice is melted and the sun can warm the top of the lake again.

  3. Smart tabs are calibrated for a normal load they are not like a manual or pump hydraulic systems that you can adjust the angle of attack for a load condition. I run hydraulic tabs with a computer system to adjust for various loads of people moving from side to side or front to back on a 28ft boat. It works well but is not economical for smaller boats. If you are with in the limits of the tabs they will help plane quicker but if you are over weight the deflection angle will not be enough to cure your issue.





  4. Not sure what type of heat pump you have experience with but mine was great cooled the air in the summer and provided heat in the shoulder seasons and still provided heat down to minus 20 celsius.

    The great thing that I found is that in the shoulder seasons it provided great efficiency of 4 to 1 and of course as the temp drops so does the efficiency. Best money I ever spent.

    The cooling aspect of a heat pump is excellent it is the heating season that is it's downfall. There is a finite amount of heat available for it to scavenge from the air. The process of scavenging the heat produces heat from the compressor and the small amount it gets from the air then needs to be supplemented with aux heat. Once the unit get to cold it goes into a defrost cycle where it uses electricity to thaw out the coil and this heat is lost for the most part as it is in defrost cycle but a small amount is recovered as it starts the cycle of savaging heat. They are no worse than a gas furnace but the laws of physics has made the efficiency of them not the first choice in areas that see temperatures below 34F . At 32 F you have only 160 btu available to change of state ice to water 20 C you are getting little to no heat from the outside air. Even if you get 100% efficiency from a system(so far not possible) physics work against you in the colder regends. If the price of electricity is less expensive than gas (not the case down here in the USA) then I could see it as a wash scenario with the negative of more moving parts to break and trained technicians for a system that I suspect is not sold that often. Don't get me wrong it is wonderful technology and it has come far from even units 10 years old but would not be my first choice as we move North.




  5. One of the reasons plywood is used is its strength from having no directional grain. Without having some kind of certification from the manufacturer that their product is rated for this use I would hesitate to put all of that time and money in something that can fail in a tragic manner.




  6. Not me I run the heater in my work truck full blast . I usually don't wear jackets in to peoples houses because I leave them so it is from the truck to the house in a short sleeve shirt most of the time. When it is snowing the snow makes my arms smoke kind of freaky.



  7. Not to hijack this post, but why are 4 strokes slow out of the hole? I had a 2 stroke Merc that just took off, but my 4 stroke yamaha almost seems like it thinks for mimute before getting up to speed

    Pete the motors are two different animals. The two stroke has less mechanical parts meaning no oil related parts and no valve train, pushrods, or timing chain. The lack of this extra weight and friction make them able to achieve their RPMs a lot faster. The motor with an even faster response is an electric motor it is at full potential as soon as the voltage is applied no explosions or pistons to get moving before an action occurs.

  8. Glad to hear your trip is going so well Cliff N Sue. The fish you are catching called Croakers have a cousin called Spot. Both are very good fighters and taste excellent. They usually are caught on bottom rigs with bloodworms being the bait of choice but shrimp, squid also work well. They range all the way to Florida so you will be entertained any where you go. Glad to hear you are enjoying your trip.


    be well



  9. I have an indoor cat who likes to go outside and lay in the sun or prowl around. His world is when I get home from work the dog and cat go outside while I am prepping the truck for the next day and other outside work needed. The cat is called in with a whistle and the dog and I finish our outside work or go for a walk on the property. I watch over the cat when he is in his outdoor world because he does not have front claws.





  10. I know that the goats do this all of the time to their friends. They will spar like this when they are in a friendly mood. Ruddy was a over 7ft tall when he reared up and he would come down and bump your hand with his head as gently as he could. He would then huff and snort and capper around and line up for the next blow. He has passed on but he was one of my favorite buds who lived outside.




  11. I powder coat lots of motorcycle and car parts and have found it to be very durable and easily applied. If you do "puff" it on make sure you have the correct respirator to prevent getting it in your lungs and it will really irritate the eyes too. Best is to heat them up with a heat gun and forceps then dip them then heat till it glosses and is smooth.




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