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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Glad to see you and Lew got out as you planned. With the sonar tuned up you should be able to see all the bait balls this fall you want. Thanks again for a wonderful stay the other week between all of those wacky Canadians who dropped by and you all making the time to make us feel welcome it was a great vacation.



    Art and Joe

  2. I am running the hds7 with LSS1 gen one as well as a hds5 without LSS1. The down/side scan is helpful if you are in waters that are deeper than 20ft and not weed choked. The units generate great detail on the bottom but it is still up to you to decypher what it is tell you. The number one reason someone has an issue with how a depth finder is working is having the wrong settings or poor transducer placement.




  3. Thanks to all of our friends who made it worth the 13 hour drive up and then for a safe 13 hours back to Virginia. Another year into the books while the fishing was not the best the accommodations were first rate. The Host Regan and Goldie did not miss a chance to make all of us feel like old friends from our arrival to the hard and sad time when we left. I had a minor incident with my transducer and had to mount it on the back of the boat this would have been impossible job except for Regan lending a hand and a few tools to get me back on the water quickly. A guide named Dan (sorry I didn't catch your last name) was nice enough to share his knowledge on the water and pointed us in the direction in our search for tall green cabbage Thanks Dan! It was hit and miss for the pike but we managed enough to make it fun every day. For anyone who is looking for a nice friendly place to stay while they fish here is the link to where we were






  4. Great report, Brian. Glad you all had such a good time. I will be up there Saturday and hope to do half as well as you did. There will also be a few other OFCers there...we'll be encouraging each other. :)

    Don't kid yourself Roy I will sending you to the fishing wastelands as many times as I can. lol


    See you all Sunday mid day I expect.



  5. Terry here is the unit I fly http://www.dji.com/product/phantom it has lights that help you see the direction and attitude it is flying easily. Check your settings to see if it has a setting for GPS lock and landing mode. The GPS lock will allow your unit to hover in the same place and altitude when you take your hands off the controls. The signal loss is when the unit will return to the original power up point and land. Here is a tip from your uncle Arttie do not energize it in the garage and then carry it outside and test this function. Cost 1 leg strut. 4 prop's lesson learned priceless.




  6. Drone flying is easier than helicopters but a crash is still expensive. I have a couple of hundred hours on mine and while I am comfortable flying it to get smooth video that is coherent will take time and practice. one of the best practices is to set out 2 cones and do figure 8's once that is comfortable try doing it and keeping the camera centered on the cones.


    Good luck and good flying.






    I just wished there was somebody else that knew how to clean fish other than me???

    So true my friend so true. BTW I can't clean fish but my brother is a wiz at it. I just drop him off on an island in the river with a knife and a cooler and when he is done I pick him back up. Usually on the same day too.




  8. I buy the sportsman license every year so we can fish for muskies. So far in 12 years I have skunked some of the greatest muskie fisherman on the board. I also buy it so my money will go towards making the fisheries better. I fish down here for many kinds of fish that range from the sunfish to the might blue catfish that can reach 80 lbs around here. Our exotic fish is the Snakehead and it is on the must kill list here but it is thankfully an excellent tasting fish.




  9. I have restore quite a few older motorcycles and pin holes in a gas tank are a common issue. This product is the one that actually works.




    The chemistry of gas makes most all external applied products at best, temporary at worst fails completely. The correct way to seal a tank is to etch the metal with a special cleaner and then to rotate the tank as the epoxy cures. There are videos on the process if you search for motorcycle tank sealing.




  10. I don't know about the other Americans up there but I have been stopped 12 out of 12 trips by the local MNR so I am pretty sure that the statement of all of the Americans are raping and pillaging the resources

    limits aren't always respected either, especially from many Americans who visit

    doesn't hold water either Bernie.lol

    BTW I have had 12 shore lunches with only 3 of them included walleyes.




  11. Just to put a bug in your ear look at the eco boost motors from Ford. I am not sure about the cost differences between Canada and the US but it is a motor that I am finding bridges the gap in torque and H.P. I am running the 3.5 in a full size king cab with 3.72 gear set and getting 16.7 mpg combined being semi nice to it.




  12. Hand lining uses 20-30 lb test the smaller line cuts your hands and when they get snagged the coral cuts small line like butter. Don't leave them any braid it will cut the begeesers out of there hands. Small hooks long shank for bluegills or trout will be good just make sure the eyes are big enough for the lines. I also found sabrinki rigs an excellent choice to use as well as leave behind. A hand full of weights are always appreciated in the islands. This info is not from going to Cuba but I have been all over the islands and these seem to be universally accepted.




  13. Just to point out it is not the type of bike that makes someone an idiot it is the idiot that rides the bike. I have owned bikes over my life that range from a Honda 350 to a Dyna glide Harley at my best count it has been over 15 bikes and currently have 4 in the garage. That being said over the years I have seen idiots driving both types of vehicles. I now ride like I am invisible and only when the sun is up and traffic is light. I like restoring the older bikes with my brother and we have restored some really awesome examples of speed and power and the thing is they only went as fast as we ran them.




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