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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. A UV system has a few safeguards that can be installed easily for piece of mind. They have an audible alarm that can also be hooked into a solenoid that will shut off the water flow if the UV drops below a safe level. There is a downside to a chlorine injection system if installed correctly it should have a contact tank rated at 10 x your pumps rating so your average 5 GPM pump needs a 50 gallon tank for the sterilazation process to take place correctly. A carbon filter as your final filter will then absorb the chlorine/ taste and odor from the water but has no sterilization properties. Still to this date Silver bearing nitrates in any form does not kill bacteria and all of the filters that claim this are Bull and will have a legal disclaimer absolving them of this criminal claim. The only filtration that has a small chance to remove e coli is a reverse osmosis filter however they are slow to filter and will eventually grow enough bacteria to fail and pass the bacteria to the consumer.




  2. Chris the presents of E coli in the well is a sign that ground water contamination is present. It can be from the soil if it is old pasture land or if the rock stratus is very porous.(very likely in Canada) The correct way to treat is either a chemical oxidizer (clorine) followed with a carbon filter or if the water is clear the use of a UV set up is your best friend. Both methods are used to explode the bacteria and it becomes inert and passes thru you with no ill effects. There is not a know filtration method for e coli. that has been approved.




  3. Last week, as my co worker filled the company truck in Dryden, I grabbed a jug of windshield washer fluid and threw it in the truck. Just as we were pulling out, I realized that I didn't tell the clerk about the fluid. NP. we'll be back next week and I'll tell her then. Today was next week. Filled up again today and it was on my mind, but spaced it again. Problem is that I won't be back any time soon. I feel so bad about this. And it's not even my money. It's the company credit card.

    You always have had a good morality guide Dan if it bothers you to much you can call them and they can charge it over the phone or as likely they will just thank you for your honesty.




  4. I don't know if a rod that was nicked is a warrentee issue. It is not a defect in the rod it is damage done to the rod. Send a P.M. to Spiel and see if he has some advise on the best way to reinforce the rod he is an excellent builder with loads of knowledge.





  5. I have used a sawmill on Oak, Black Walnut, Maple, Cherry, Sassafras, Birch and ironwood. The wood you have is green and if not treated correctly will be as valuable as firewood in a short amount of time.. The wood should be edge sealed and dried professionally. This is done in a controlled environment using a ventilated controlled moisture content to keep the wood from splitting out. The rule of thumb for air drying without a dryer is 1 year per inch thick and seal the edges to keep them from checking and popping. Contact a wood merchant to get advise and help. Most people do not leave the wood as a large hunk because it takes to long to dry as well as a thinner piece is less likely to pop and check.


    Best of luck


    BTW I saw a bear in the burl.




  6. As in all countries we have places that are deemed important or sensitive places that an armed presents is shown to discourage people from choosing them as targets. To see armed personnel at the airport and the bank is acceptable and has been for years. With the changes in the world climate we have to broaden the places that we guess is the target for terrorism such as major financial, political, monuments as well as places that if attacked will make the most spectacular news. Terrorism is about instilling terror not about damaging a specific place or person for the most part. The choice of the attack in Canada was to violate a sacred place not about killing SAA Vickers. Outrage is what I feel at this attack because it has struck at the foundation of a society that is close to me. Much has been taken away from the citizens of Canada and I do not nor do I suggest how Canada should react to this issue because I do not have to pay the price of the action taken. The US has changed since 911 for the most part we have continued to be able to have a normal semi safe life from terrorism but at the cost of billions of dollars and a loss of our innocents. It is a dirty road that we travel and it sickens me to see another country have to make the hard decisions that are being forced on you. I grew up with a society that finds it o.k. to show our claws when needed and to fight for what we feel is correct. I joined the special forces when I was 18 because I believe in what USA stands for and took an oath to support and fight and kill if needed to protect my country and any other country who stands with us. The only reason I chimed in on this thread is some of the members here have a misconception that the US have a militant atmosphere which is not true. It has the potential to keeping our Northern friends from coming and seeing the great country that I live in. I also chime in on the threads that discourage people from the US from enjoying the great people and outdoors up North that you all enjoy.




  7. Fishermen who travel great distances expect to catch fish or they would stay much closer to home and fish. If the limit is only 2 with a probability of going down to one it's a signal to fishermen the fishing at any said lake is not good and they look for more fruitful waters to have a fishing party/gathering/get together. This is not good for business along any lake shoreline.

    I'm not sure I can explain it to you but fishing is not only about what you catch but how you enjoy the time there. While at Nippising I have no problems catching all of the fish I want because I have fished it for 11 years with some of the most knowledgeable people on the board. If I had to make the choice of forgetting all that they have taught me about the lake or losing the memories of the fun and laughter we have shared. I will chose the fun and laughter every time. I travel 13 hours and pass some of the best waters Canada has to offer to fish with my friends and yes I would like for Nipissing to improve but it is far from the fished out place some want to paint it as.



  8. Sorry to Chris and any others if it looked like I was giving tips or trying to change the way you all deal with this tragedy it was the last thing I was trying to do. The misconceptions of the internet has lead Canadians to believe that we have armed people open carry in public is just not true. I was attempting to alleviate the fear that some have displayed that your country becoming a militant state with people on the street corner is miles behind the US on that road which has not even been close to starting here. While I have a great deal of contact with Canada I do not follow the politics of your country I have my hands full trying to watch mine. lol I will state here that what is considered good or right or fair in the US might be poison for my friends up North that I know. The path that your county chooses will be chosen by the government and the people of Canada after weighing the repercussions of their actions. For as in all things acting or not acting both have a price to pay.




    What designates an area as "sensitive"? You know where I'm going with this, and you know the use of the 1033 program.


    I hope Canada doesn't employ the same tactics under the disguise of "anti terrorism".


    That is my biggest fear as a result from yesterday's nightmare.

    Steve I will never be able to convince you that "might makes right" I am not even trying to convert your views. The statements of arms in view is bull and for every example you find on the vastness of the internet I can match with a conflicting view. It simply is not there and would spark panic everywhere open carry is in view. I can tell you in the same breath that 1 in 10 people have the knowledge/training and the weapons on themselves all of the time to kill you. It is why I caution people to not make ideal threats on this forum. Personally I like that you do not know who the 1 in 10 are it keeps people honest in my opinion. Kind of like putting a sign in a watermelon patch that one of the watermelons has been poisoned to keep theft down. I do not want to detract/derail this post of this horrific act that happened in Canada. Feel free to P.M. me if you want to continue but just realize your view and my view are based on completely different cultural exposure to weapons and I am sure both of use are 100% right due to this.






    Actually you are sharing links for border patrol to keep out drugs and Cuba's not for terrorist issues. Don't get me wrong if you came to my house within 15 miles I could show you civilians who have arsenals that make the police force look like they use sling shots and spit wads for protection. I have friends that work for the government as well as civilians that use machineguns as part of their protection policy. Weapons are every where but you will not see armed personal on the streets no matter where you are in the USA unless it is a designated sensitive area.



  11. Most tourist are looking for a good time with a few fish fries which can be easily done with a 2 fish limit. I have yet to have any one I know come back from Canada with fish much less enough to feed his friends. Nipissing has always been a destination for me and my friends and the fisheries can be improved but it is the Canadians I need more than the fish.




  12. O.K. I checked we do not have police armed with m4. M16, grenades or even 22 pistols hanging out in the streets protecting people. You will be hard pressed to find that in sight around the exterior of the White House. I know I live 45 minutes away. Now what we do have in strategic positions around the White House are roof mounted M60 machine guns snipers in the trees and roof tops with rocket launchers. They have been there since the 60"s not because of the unrest in the world presently but to protect our # ! person for a long time. Once you get 10 blocks away from obvious targets you will not find anything out of the ordinary only what the police force carries such as 9mm, shotguns etc. Some of the ideas thrown out about what is just across the border in the US is based in internet ignorance and should be thought thru before repeated. We put our pants on just the same way all of you all do and we feel the pain and insult of the actions of this terrorist act.


    On a second note CCMT you have been a member here for almost as long as I have and I have mete you a few times as well as the people in your personal life. I will say that the racism that is cast at people because of how they look is the worst kind. To be tried and prosecuted visually is a curse I wish on anyone. I have always seen you as a friend, musical, and fellow fisherman who will always have a seat in my boat.




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