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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Mike if you are referring to the wire from the charger bank to the battery then you will be fine. The best way to put the wires together is to solder and then sleeve them with shrink wrap. This wire only carries 5 amps max if it is like the one on my boat. The final thing to check is that both of the wires are stranded copper if one is silver then it will corrode at the joint in no time.




  2. Welcome to the board you will find lots of information with the search feature. If you search for the lakes in your area you will find past reports and tips on your favorite species. Look at the names and you will see locations on most of the people here once you find people who are in your area see if an offer of coffee, lunch and some fuel gets you an invitation to go fishing.




  3. I had a good chat with Danny and he is a real pro at guiding. He comes with all of the top end equipment and a boat that is made for the area. He ran from the lodge out to the mouth of Lak Nipissing to catch Muskie one day for 2 gentlemen. He is very nice to talk to and he will give you more info than you can get from reading for a month in a day. I personally have been very lucky with my anti catch muskie reputation and so far have skunked 4 of the finest muskie anglers that I know. Danny has not taken a shot yet but given time I am sure I can beat him too. As far as the lodge goes both Regan and Goldie have been nothing but aces to everyone who has stayed there. The courtesies he showed me with help when my transducer broke with not only a hand but allowing me to use a few tools I needd will not soon be forgotten.


    Here is a link to Dannys site. http://www.nipissingmuskies.com/




  4. This an important notice to all of the people who type on this forum. All of the words that you type do not go away they are held for legal reasons. People who put into writing that they will do harm to someone else are opening themselves to a legal issue. The records from the forum will be provided to the authorities if subpoenaed ( we have no choice) for prosecution of illegal actions that you confess or imply.


    Please do not make comments that can come back and bite you.





  5. I was member # 77 on the original board which is 4 versions ago. I do not remember the year but it was quite a few ago. T.J. was the originator of the board and he then brought on a few administrative folks to help run the board who do double duty as mod"s. The admin's all help mold the board into what it is now and make it the great place that it is.


    Thanks to everyone who add to the board and come back year after year




  6. No damage the solution can actually be reduced to 1/2 oz of bleach if it is just light mold or just starting. My carpet in my Ranger is grey and I have seen no bad effects. The other thing is mold takes a few days to start so even if you park it wet for a day or two a fan will make treatment not necessary. If I go out in the rain and cover the boat to travel home I usually loosen the back and put a blower in the back then everything dries with out undressing the boat.




  7. All the trucks have good and bad points so the truck should be the one you like. The big differences is how are you treated when there is an issue that is either under warranty or just out of warranty. I have owned all of the US brands as well as a Nissan truck and of these Nissan failed to warranty an issue that I felt they should have. I have been a Ford man because they have gone over and above what was needed on any issues I have had on my Fords. Going into debt for something should be weighted on whether or not you have the ability to easily handle the debt if something else in life goes wrong. I personally pay cash for my vehicle now because I set aside money every month for the next vehicle we need to replace. With time if you save the money before hand it is like getting thousands of dollars off in interest that you are not paying on the loan.


    Best of luck on your search



  8. The fee for the fisherman may be because they stock??? the water? The area is a park and down here if you are not from the county then you have an entrance fee. The boat ramp fee is for everyone. I have no issues with fees as long as they are put back into the parks and rec funding. You can smoke on the river and open areas of the park just not where playing field and other function areas according to the sign.





  9. Very nice report thank you for taking the time Drew. The gar over deep water are usually rolling to get air. They are catchable but are not actively feeding. The use of cotton corded jigheads or other methods that do not hook the fish but tangle in their teeth need to be used with caution if you are releasing them. Removing all of the fibers is needed so they can feed correctly.




  10. You can register a boat as an international watercraft by surrendering your title and having a permanently affixed ID number. You then have a register port of call and the back of the boat must be named and registered. If the craft is over ?45?ft it must be named on the bow both sides as well. This allows you to not have to register it in the state and have bow numbers displayed. You will avoid state taxes and specific state regulations that differ from The Coast Guards rules. You also can move from one States water to another for over 90 days without having to register it in the State you are visiting. Think wintering over in Florida. I have a 28ft boat with international registration because the Potomac River is adjudicated by 3 separate States within 10 miles of the waters I run in.




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