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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Just because the world is changing does not always mean it is for the worst. To pick on one issue in nature that is changing and then track it to the worst conclusion is normally for the politicians to to holler about. So far everyone is up in arms as to the evils that advancement and technology has given them but they have heard about it as they drive their car down the highway to get to the job that is 20 miles away because they want to live in the country. You might be driving to your cottage with your boat in tow so you can fish and watch the game on the satellite dish when you hear this political battle on the radio. So with all of the good that we get from advancements we also get some bad. It is up to you to chose to either restrain yourself from using technology and thus slowing global warming or to admit to yourself that you like the benefits of modern living and stop paying lip service to the horrors of technology by the other bad humans. I for the record live 20 miles outside of the area I work and drive a large pickup truck and have a boat with a gas motor on it and drive as far as 2 hours to fish for a day. I find it slightly ironic that we are having this discussion on a computer on a recreational site.


    This is not written as a slam on anyone it is just a point of view that I hold and if it were not winter I would have not spent the 5 min to type. Have a good day.



  2. Put the battery on charge for 12 hours. Then unhook it and take a volt meter to it if it is a perfect charge it should read 12.65 volts. The lower it is the weaker the unit is. Crank the battery for 30 seconds then measure the battery again it should read above 12 volts if it does not then it is time to replace the battery. It is important to check the battery right after you charge it because it will be warm enough to read correctly. If it is a cold battery this test will not work. Cleaning of the battery posts is always a good idea and putting some anti corrosion around the terminals is part of good battery care.



  3. The city looks at the ownership of pipes alittle differently down here. The county/city provides you with a hook up at the edge of your property and the homeowner owns from the meter across the property and thruout the house. This also applies to the sewer lines so if it is broken after the meter its your dime. Good luck with the water issue Gerritt.



  4. Wow that one nice group of prizes that Petemania.com donated. I am glad they decided to help the Tyler Fund Raiser I am sure that they have been slammed with other people asking for promotional items and I am happy they saw this for what it is A really good cause to help out a family in need.


    Thanks again Jen and Pete and all of the staff



  5. The best rod and reel combo is the one that fits your hand like a glove. It must be strong enough to control the fish that you are fishing for yet sensitive enough to feel the lightest bite. It needs to be light enough to cast all day without making your arm and wrist hurt. It most importantly need to be the combo that you want to fish with otherwise you have wasted your money. At different points in my life I have use this guideline to buy my equipment. The rods that I troll with, bobber fish or liver bait they can be heavier and less sensitive. The rods I cast with all day need to be light and the ones I finesse fish have to be very sensitive. Thru the years I have bought and given away many setups that I did not use because they were not just right and sat unused. So when you go shopping put together the combo in the store that you like then ask the price if it is to much then come back when you can afford it or talk the man down. If your new combo costs you 300 dollars and last only 10 years it is only 30.00 a year. Some of my set ups are 20+ years and still doing just fine. Finally as your taste in combos progresses and you find that some of your earlier combos are no longer used take them down to the water with you and find someone who would be thrilled to have your "special" combo for free so they can become hooked on fishing.



  6. Yea I guess threatening y'all with heat when its sub zero ain't much of a threat is it.....kind of like bringin a knife to a gun fight. Hows about I make it warm enough for Glen to fish nekkid? Of all the plumbin jobs frozen pipes are the worst. You already know that you will get wet and the area you are workin is below freezing so were is the joy it's just hard money. The good side is people are really grateful when they have water again.



  7. Dang can't you all keep your weather under control. We are getting a blast from the North that is dropping us down to the single digits and we are talking Fareinheit. I expect I will be workin my butt off this week with frozen pipes if you all don't stop this weather soon. So to pay you back..... the week of lak air The Southern Contingency will be bringin some really HOT weather with us.



  8. I use the tom tom 700 unit and it is used for navigation on roads only. It has all of the detailed maps needed to get anywere in the US and Canada. It comes preloaded with the maps for all driving areas including addresses and points of interest. The POI are not its strong point it is used to finding the best way to spacific places using just the address. Their are no marine or topo options for this unit and it is not built to be habd carried so it is most likely not the unit for you. On the boat I have a garmin 188 sounder unit with GPS it comes loaded with the most basic map of the world however unless you are running a really big boat you rarely need the amount of detail that is provided on the marine charts. You would do better buying paper charts of the areas you fish and going from their.



  9. Since at all times you were trying to do the right thing I think the judge would have ruled in your favor. The lost box does seem to be the right answer or a one day license both will cover your butt and the water police cant say a word about your one day license and a boat full of equiptment.



  10. Not only spell check is back but it is much faster on the load. All of us IE user now can make a reply and use the back button without getting the error message.


    Thanks OFC for the new board functions and the bandwidth we use.



  11. I am selfemployeed in the plumbing industry and I am very happy that I took the step 14 years ago. I started with 10,000.00 dollars a new van and all of the tools and stock I needed on the truck. I have was worked long and hard hours for 4 years before I could start keeping "normal" hours and it was tough to do 12+ days no matter what day it was. Now it is much easier because I have learned the ins and outs of the business and have a comfortable customer base. I had alot of good advise some spoken some observed and Daplumma helped me when I got too slow. ( thanks Joe) If I were you and I had an offer from Cliff to talk about it I would travel from Virginia to Canada for that meeting he has a wealth of knowledge that I would have loved to have had. Good luck and hard hours will eventually pay off just dont go into it under planned and under funded.



  12. .99 cents a bakers dozen heck that is already 1/3 price. The few places we have shiners they are 3 and 4 dollars for the small. I havent bought minnows in I bet 10 years if they aint in the creek to net I go with somethin else. All this time I had been thinkin that you was a millionaire using 6 minnows at a time. I still love the fishin reports though so I will slip you a few bucks at lak air just to keep you fishin.



  13. Cliff I am sorry to hear that this has happened. I am glad to see even in your rant that you have keep your honor and integrity. The good news is their is a new project waiting for you to add your expertise to it will be the first door that you knock on that recognizes your value and morals that you possess. If their is anything that you think I can do for you give a holler It would be my pleasure...



  14. I am glad to see that things are getting better for you and the fog is lifting enough for you to see all of your friends around you. The minor abuse you dished out as of late is quickly forgotten by all of your true friends. Welcome back buddy.



  15. Rick I have a radio that is for auto use located in the front enclosure were I stand to fish. It has a plastic cover that retracts that you can get from overtons for about $24.00. The speakers are marine grade because the damp and fog make regular speakers soggy in a short time. The reason for the plastic cover is that I have a small remote that I use to control it from thru out the boat. The antenna is a short whip that is seperate from the boat and the electrical. Even with anodes and diodes on the electrical system you need to ground with a lead back to the battery. Without it you are allowing natural and leakage from other boats electrical systems access to your electronics. Just because a bolt of lightning hits a mile away it is enough to destroy your electronics.



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