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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Basic economics demands that they get something of greater value than the product they are giving away. Since they already got the survey information without promising you an entry into a contest why would they give you a TV and TRIP for something they already have? I don't know what the hook is but it is their I personally would go so I could report to OFC what I found out but only go realizing that the TV and Trip are very unlikly to be free.




  2. Well I actually am suprised that I am the only one that has a Nissan Titan on this thread so far. I have an 05 that has given me no trouble and has done all that I have asked and then some. A friend of mine (chris my 6'8" fishin buddy) has one also and it has enough room for him to drive and his 6'1" son to sit behind him. He pulls a 4,000 Lb bass boat and gear with no problems. The few problems that Nissan has had they have been upfront and were quick to fix as a recall with a free loaner car. While I paid more than I would have for a domestic it has been worth the price as far as quality and reliability. The truck is built with a very healthy motor and gets 12-16 miles per gallon if you can keep your foot out of it but it is really fun to drive. I am not loyal to a brand as much as to getting a quality vehicle and a company that stands behind it's products.



  3. Would it help if we actually called it demand and supply. We demand more fuel (gas and diesel) than they can supply. The US has not built any new refineries in the last 17 years and we are using fuel faster than they can refine it. Between the "we don't want it in our back yards" people and the cost of building the refineries not to mention the epa guidlines we are in trouble. Sure their is lots of profits now for the gas companies because they don't have the expense of building the refineries yet however when the goverment is not sitting in the gas companies corner then some things are going to change IF the public demands it. This is the same thing as tobacco when the public voice became to small (lack of smokers) the price went thru the ceiling. We all know what the answer is we all are just not ready to pay the price by using less gas by all methods including giving up our big motors and fishing in our back yard. I personally am not fed up enough to sell my truck and boats or give up driving up North to fish with my friends.




  4. 2 children both in grade three ate chicken sandwiches ever day for lunch.

    partway through the year both children recognized this similarity and became friends. They were friends up until grade six when one day the little girl all of a sudden stop eating chicken sandwiches. The boy confronted her and said why are you not eating chicken sandwiches I am not going to be your friend no more. The girl replies" i had to", " i started to grow feathers down there". The little boy said let me see. The little girl pulled down her pants and showed him the little boy quickly says yaah you better stop. The little boy and girl remand friends. The boy ate chicken and the girl ate what ever. all of a sudden the little boy stopped eating his chicken sandwhiches as well. the little girl wondered why and asked him. the little boy replied i started to grow hair down there as well. the little girl said let me see the little boy showed her. she said its to late you already have the neck and craw to.



  5. If you go to a 24 volt system then you will have longer battery life. The amp draw on a 24 volt system versus a 12 volt system is 1/2 as quick a draindown and twice the capacity. I have a 70 lb 24 volt minn Kota and have fished hard for 2 days without plugging it in. I use my boat on a river so overcoming the current as you get snagged upstream more power is better in my case.



  6. It does all boil down to the economics of supply and demand. Look at the price of gas at the marina it is alot more than at the gas station even though(here in the states) the 28% road tax is not applied. That means if the price was the same as the gas at the stations their is a 28% built in profit plus the 50 to 75 cents a gallon added on. Yea I know their is more insurance and special handling and containment but it does not cost that much more. It is just a matter their is less places to buy gas or you can haul it to the boat but that is a pain in the butt. As long as the pack mentality is to get gas now and get as much as you can then we make it scarce. The answer is to use the gas as you need to and fill up when you need to and the pressure will lessen and so will the price. If you like to drive the big truck and the boat that sucks gas then you need to see that you have an expense that other chose not to have. It's like smoking or drinking no one has to do it however it is something we enjoy so we do do it. I am guilty of having a big truck and a boat and now a really big boat however I have decided that I will be able to afford to buy the gas to play with these toys that I enjoy. So make the choice either get a smaller car, consolidate trips, stop using the boat or car pool we all have options that we chose to exercise or not.




  7. Nice work Cliff it is looking good. I have known that Spiel makes a nice rod and I received one for Christmas this year. Then ordered one for Joes Birthday so going to Lak Air is really exciting this year to pick them up. I have always been a big fan of hand made items it just seems that the product is more alive than a machine wrapped product. While my budget will allow very few handmade rods the few that I get will always be cherished because of how and who made them.



  8. Well at least here in the states we don't have the dreaded "Anal Lizards" swimmin in the water.I was up North and a lady was swimmin around and a few of us informed her to splash and make noise while swimmin to scare any of the little buggers away. I am not sure she believed us but she did get out of the water quickly and would not dive off the cliff with us for the rest of the week.



  9. Cisco truer words have never been spoken. One of the reasons we decided to get the boat is so that Paul and Alison can still go down and weekend on the boat if they want. The area we are going to dock it at is about 45 min down river from the nations capitol their are lots to do their and the sight at night is beautiful.

    Thanks everyone for your well wishes we hope to have it in the water and fishing for this spring Striper run. The poor gas milage does not scare us My pick up truck gets 12-16 mpg and Joes get 9 mpg so what the h*ll whats another gas sucking pig in the family.



  10. Over the years I have made alot of friends.... A family that I have been lucky enough to know are the Diamonds. We have been friends for 15 years and they have let me repair their plumbing and asked my advise thru life in many areas. I also have sought their advise and wisdom when I have questions. Well time has taken it's toll on Paul and Alison's health and they no longer can handle taking the boat out for cruises so they have decided to offer the boat to me and my family. After a discussion with My family, Joe's family and my Mom and Pop we have decided to accept the boat. The boat will be moved were it is docked 2 hours away to a place that is closer when the weather get good enough to run the 160 miles by water to its new home. Joe and I went yesterday to look at the boat and got a few pictures that I will post.


    The boat is a 28Ft Marinette with an 11 Ft beam.

    It has twin screws with 318 v8 chrysler motors

    cruising speed is 20 knots and top speed is 32 knots

    Weight is 7,000 Lbs dry

    fuel is gas with a 100 gal tank

    the boat sleeps 4 but can cruise 8 comfortable

    The hull and sub structure is all aluminum which makes the boat light and durable




    Paul and Alison thanks again for this awsome gift and even these words are pale in comparison to what we all mean.


    Art,Karen,Joe,Becky,Joy and Ron

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