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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. Since the amino acids break down and the scent changes you have a pretty good recipe for small catfish( less than 10 lbs) bait. After 10 lbs they need to become active predators to survive so live/fresh dead bait is the best option. One of the guys here blends and freezes it into chum blocks that he drifts behind the boat.




  2. Sorry I am to late for last nights salmon but here is a good one for tonights.


    I was thinking more like


    1/2 cup of orange juice

    1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar

    1 teaspoon of white pepper

    4 tablespoons of honey


    warm in the microwave for 30 seconds and then whisk.


    Adjust pepper for taste.




  3. I have been here for 6 years + and enjoy the people and the way it is run. I am glad that the moderators step in and pull or lock posts that are not going in a positive direction. I do not mind debate that is fine but when the facts stop and the slinging starts then it is time to ax it before we get a mini meltdown. I have seen people leave for both reasons either not enough liberty to talk and not enough protection from Bull. Since the site is darned if it does or darned if it does not then it is better to error in the way of least legal damage. Thanks to the mods and partners for taking the time to keep this site up and running. Since the ads that are run and the google bar is not plastered all over the page I don't think that this site is in danger of turning from a labor of love into a impersonal money making machine.



  4. You mean you all know about eattin Crawfish? I'll throw in a bottle of Zaterines Crawfish boil to make it worth your while. I would bring some Crawfish but it is illegal to transport them the silly border patrols......... why would you use somethin that taste that good and feed it to the fish???



  5. So the Northern Chapter of the Coonass society wants to play hardball eh. Alrighty them Steve we will trade you warm weather within a week and throw in 2 shots of some of the Finest Corn squeezins that Dawg can find with an added kicker of a nice strong dark cigar at Lak Air this year. Now don't take this renegotiation to be a sign of weakness we really are committed to keeping the heat down here until you all cooperate. If all of the other Canadians want to put a little pressure on your current negotiator you might want to speak up here or nominate someone else to try to get you all out of the current deep freeze.



  6. Due to the recent acts of Canada sending their cold air and freezing white stuff to the US. The US of A has decided to retaliate. Until further notice no warm air will be exported to the Canadians until they stop pumping that cold stuff down here. When the president was asked how he views this situation he commented with " what the h*ll are you talking about". A recent proposal offered by a man identified as "Aplumma" to a Canadian Emissary "Crappiesteve" was met with a resounding" no deal".



  7. Well we dug out the lawnmower Sunday and gave it the once over and replaced the filters and fluids. Then it was time to lose the shirt put on the shorts and put on ear protection and ride. Thank you 80F day. Anyone else cutting grass or is it still snowblower season in your neck of the woods.




  8. After reading your story you have raised reasons that you don't want the development to happen in your back yard but their is little if any chance it will be stopped. You will have to show that it will damage the physical characteristics of your property like the water will flood your property. The noise factor is only enforced between certain hours and can't be preproven. The lose of privacy and the view are not tangible items that you can claim damages for. If the land could not be zoned for it then they would not be attempting to rezone it. They have spent 100 of thousands of dollars to get to this point and the meeting is just for you to raise your concerns it is not for you to stop it from happening. Anything that you can prove will damage your property now is the time to get the proof and get compensated for. After this point the best you can do is sue the corporate and guess how much that will cost you $$$$. I have gone thru this "preserve the open country views"and "not in my back yard " idealism here and when corporate money is thrown at it they will win. Besides the only way to guarantee your view or neighbors is buy the land next door.




  9. How old is the motor and how long has the plugs been in? If the motor is 98 or above you should not need to change the plugs as often due to the high output of the coils. If the unit is older then change them after you burn the fog out of it.



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