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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. We can buy the beer both ways it depends on the brand you drink. Some of the bigger brand names keep theirs at 3 % to cut down on frivolous law suits that claim they are at fault because it is irresponsible amount of alcohol per beer. O well I guess if you are drinking for a buzz then we have to drink 1.66 standard beers to your 1 metric beer.



  2. Awww ya little wimp you going to let a little throat tickle get ya down....... Get on out their and get a pack of players and tear the filters off and have a good day.......


    OK now that I got that out of my system get well soon to all of your family.


    Evil Art





  3. I once went into the woods with my labrador and to make sure I could get home I left a trail of crumbs. I got 2 things from that trip 1 is lost and 2 a very fat labrador. Good to hear you got a GPS I have one in the car and another on the boat they are invaluable. One piece of advise is always set a start point in the GPS before you go into the woods that way if your batteries are getting low you can turn it off which erases your path but still have a return point when you turn it back on.



  4. I should have clarified we can have bonfires at certain times of the year and the fire dept. needs to be called ahead of time to let them know that it is occurring. We have a no burn time frame also were if you do light it up then you will get a ticket. They are usually prohibited during the summer when it is dry but they can turn the ban on and off as the conditions call for it. The photo was taken from my seat on the tractor it is really handy to push the edges and dump snow on the fire if it gets to big. So come on warm weather I am ready for it now.




  5. I have been involved with nissans for many years and currentlyI have a Titan. I have found Nissans to be very dependable and over built. Nissan has been very active on fixing their issues when they occure The dealership that I bought from has been very happy to not only fix recalls but to also apply any bulletins that are present on my truck. With this said I don't think you want a Titan to tow 2000 with because it is rated for close to 10,000 lbs it has alot of motor and it does have a drinking problem. I would recomend any of the vehicles in the Nissans lineup they have put alot of money and effort in keeping ahead of the pack. Yes I have also owned all of the other major brands in a truck or a van configuration and they all have their advantages and disadvantages the Nissan is what fits ME.




    32.5 Under15 Minutes Under 15 - 45 Minutes

    32.5 - 40.0 15 - 30 Minutes 30 - 90 Minutes

    40.0 - 50.0 30 - 60 Minutes 1 - 3 Hours

    50.0 - 60.0 1 -2 Hours 1 - 6 Hours

    60.0 - 70.0 2 -7 Hours 2 - 40 Hours

    70.0 - 80.0 3 - 12 Hours 3Hours+Indefinitely

    OVER 80.0 Indefinitely Indefinitely


    The human body looses heat at a rate 26 times faster while submerged in water.


    I have seen were people have packed in a canoe to an outback lake because it was lite to fish in water that is just above freezing in the spring. If a person can get back into the boat and get back to shore before he becomes unconscious then he has a good chance of telling his story. Having confidence in your abilities is a good thing but hedging the odds in your favor is even better. If you are a lake 9-5 weekender type canoer then you will never need one of these. If you press the boundaries of the craft or situation then go ahead and get one it might save your life or some one else's.



  7. All ISP's will turn over any information to the authorities if you perpetrate a crime on the internet. That includes copy right infringement illegal up/down loading and other crimes that are defined by the governing legal system. If the law is blurry then they send you a notice if the law is concrete then you will get busted. Right now Canada is at the point of getting notices and eventually the laws will be changed so they can bust you.

    For some people it is hard to be honest if no one is watching them for others it is easy to blur the line to make it fit their conscience and for a few your conscience can guide you to the right answer. Past injustices should never be used to justify future moral discrepancy's nor should crimes against faceless industries be thought of as uninjured victims. Eventually it comes back to the one person to one person level being hurt by someone else getting something for free.



  8. Ask any A/c shop for the silfloss they can sell you a stick of it and you should be good to go. J b weld does not bond to smooth surfaces so make sure you rough it up pretty good before you try it. I have found it to work poorly on items that have shearing pressure. It does work well for filling issues and large surface areas that are not subject to water or freezing temps.



  9. Nice pictures Cliff I am glad you had fun fishing saltwater. Their are a very large number of different fish to catch. The horseshoe crab you caught has 2 uses that I know of one is a strong immune system that they are studying to help cancer patients and the other is to make lamps to sell to tourists. Did you catch any robin fish they are black and ugly but have eyes that are as pretty as turquoise jewelry? It is a shame you could not keep the sharks they are very good eating when cleaned, soaked and deep fried.



  10. Dang if only I would have paid attention in school back in 78 I could have been bimathmatical.

    The only one that comes to mind is


    12 beers + one man = 1 drunkassol

    12 beers +one wimmins= 1paradise




  11. If it is not an emergency and you did not ask me before hand you may not use my stuff . I consider it a matter of courtesy and respect to check with someone before you use an item because what looks like an old knife might be a family heirloom. Some items have quirks that need to be explained like the hard to light heater that will flashback and possible damage the hut or you if you do it wrong. Since you did ask before hand it means that you are courteous, considerate and respect my property so chances are I would be happy to let you use my property.



  12. I guess I should click on more of them buttons all over this website. The news is the button that is on top in line with the many other features on the website. Thanks to all of the authors that take the time to contribute. I am guessing that if anyone finds something news worth they can submit it to one of the mods and they can run it thru legal to see if it can be included in future statements. Thanks for the time and another cool feature on this site.



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