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Posts posted by aplumma

  1. I would like to suggest a book for all to read, it was given to me by dalumma. The book is called " healing back pain" and written by John E Sarno M.D.. It is a book that reveals how the body deals with stress and how to stop it from turning into back pain. Alot of the pressure points and Acupuncture points are tied into stress effected areas that are triggered by your mind. While injury to the back is not cured by anything except healing some times by eliminating the triggers it makes healing occure quicker.



  2. You might want to consider going with a cheap blank and guides for the first go around. It will give you a chance to make the mistakes on it before you blemish a 150.00 blank. The thing about a fishing rod that you make is you will see/feel the blemish every time you use it because after all you are your toughest critic. Just a thought.



  3. Looks good and working with IE 6 with cable. The balloons are to bunched up to get a clear picture of were it really is. The name list below is a big help if you know were you want to go but does little to give you a description as to were it is on the map until you click it. With the 2 MINOR items I mentioned it looks like a great sucess otherwise.



  4. I use the dual frequency on my Garmin alot. It has the ability to use both at the same time. The difference is noticed when you are tracking the bottom for texture and dropoffs. Heres why... On a 200 khz 10 degree cone at 30 feet you are reading the highest spot in a 6 foot circle since the unit only reads the first and fastest reflection it gets back. The 50 hkz 40 degree cone at 30 feet is reading an area that is 20 foot around. That means that you can be 10 foot off the shelf before it tells you that the bottom is dropping off and if it is a trench less than 20 foot it will not tell you that it is even their. With the 10 degree cone you can track bottom and see when the bottom becomes large rocky to muddy or any other combination. With both on you can read the bottom and see suspended fish as you move around. I hope this helps you decide.



  5. Yes when you are watchin the tv screen wondering if it was a fish.... you dont notice your pole jumping all around. Kind of reminds me of the first time I got a rear view mirror on my bicycle. I was watchen that mirror so much I drove the bike into a ditch.



  6. One of the nice things about the ST Croix rods is they are built light so you can cast all day with it. Keep that in mind as you chose the reel a heavy reel will not be a good match for casting. I use Shimano reels and have found them very comfortable to use like the Curado low profile series. I have found that you should not shop for a reel due to its price get the one that feels great in your hands otherwise you won't fish with it and then were is the savings?



  7. A Canadian who fishes for Catfish how did that happen? Man it took us Cajuns 2 years to get the other Canadians to stop fishin with crawfish and getum in a pot to cook. Welcome aboard and happy Catfishin.



  8. Rolf Harris is the singer that gets stuck in my head. He sings about the Austrailian outback the one you might have heard is "tie me kangaroo down sport". He has others it is more the cadence than anything else that sticks. That and the Partrige Families " I think I love you" it will take a trip thru my head and really do some damage sometimes.



  9. One answer is that your lawyer has advised you not to give ice reports because it makes you liable if someone falls thru. The important thing is that everyone in the house needs to decide NOT to give reports or they will continue to call and hope they get the person that will give a report.


    Good luck with the masses



  10. I checked the ponds this morning and just a sparkle of ice but it was gone as soon as the sun hit it. Dont let Glen use the ice auger it will only make him dizzy from running around it in circles. Besides he would make himself crazy trying to turn it backwards to refill the hole . .......A Sunkissed Alabama Redneck with an Ice auger......... man thats nothin but pure entertainment!!!!



  11. I am no sure what Pinging is but from the discription you are close to needing a replacement. I am not a big fan of just replacing the bearing or components because they have all worked hard thru it's life and as soon as one part wears out then the others are soon to follow. Replacing the pump as a unit will save you more than enough money because the plumber will not have to spend labor pulling,repairing, and reinstalling the unit. If you are comfortable replacing the unit yourself you can save even more money and it is not that hard to do.



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